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Posts posted by dub16

  1. Try to stay away from cliche and corny topics like the time you went to another country and discovered yourself. If you do have a story like that to tell and you think you can make it sincere, try to write it so it comes off as fresh and new. Also, make sure to have someone read your essays before you submit them. In the end, the essay should be a chance for you to present yourself to the admissions people as an actual person as opposed to a bunch of grades and extracurricular activities. Hope that helps.


  2. Originally posted by linabina

    ".... wtf?!? why should i bother

    That's my attitude right now towards EVERYTHING school related. God, I can't wait till its all over. I have less than a month to go, but it's going to be a really painful month...... Good luck on finals!


  3. Originally posted by atomicapples

    why do the girls always pick the wrong guys???

    and why are the bad guys always picking on the good girls...

    why dont the bad guys pick the fucked up bitches...

    and have fucked up lives together???

    and why do the good / bad girls ever pick me???

    its like im in one of them games and im the last one to get picked...


    Atomic, maybe its your NEGATIVE attitude that is turning girls away? "FUCK YOU" ?? I'm serious. Be positive, be confident, be patient. And don't actively pursue girls because they will come to you when you least expect it. And no, I don't think the good girls always pick the wrong guys. Good luck!


  4. Is the pic on the right hand side from the "looooooww stomach thigh region" and the other from your chin?

    My story is that my sister and I are a year apart and we have the same beauty mark on our right earlobes!


  5. World peace requires the cooperation and ability of all cultures and societies to understand and tolerate themselves as well as others. Quite frankly, this is pretty damn difficult. Which is why people turn to religion for solace and as a "commonality". Indeed, I feel religion only makes the divisions among different groups even worse. In my opinion, there is little to no hope. Pretty pessimistic, huh? If one were to be concerned about changing and/or eliminating government, then political activism is the way to go, but not necessarily the answer to all of our problems. Like so many things in life, there is no one answer.

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