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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Posts posted by dub16

  1. I'm a newbie, and I actually really love the fact that this board is not all about clubbing. I do agree that it does get to a certain point where you can only take so much of that kind of talk. I think this board is a rockin community! It would actually be a little bit scary if our lives only consisted of clubbing and DJs. Look forward to meeting some of you guys in person! :hat:

  2. People will or will not go to college for various reasons. College can be a great opportunity to exapnd your horizons and to learn more about what you might want to do with your life. Some people already know what they want to do and if it doesn't require a college education (like stock broking was mentioned, and also a lot of IT jobs), then they might not want to attend. But I think some of the benefits of going to college (even though it has a lot of disadvantages) are - leadiing a relatively free and independent lifestyle (because you have the parents, but not really), meeting a whole lot of new people who may have similar interests to you, learning about things that may interest you (I'm taking an eroticism in Rennaisance class now), and as mentioned before, making all those important connections that will help you later on in life.

    And dialectics, sorry you feel that Columbia is full of " a lot of screaming elitist preppy assholes who think they are god's gift to the world." My undergrad experiences so far have not been quite the same, although I must admit the occasional "know it all", but what school doesn't have those?

  3. Hey guys and gals! I'm Michelle, 20 and from Brooklyn but go to school in the city and now live on the upper west side. I like all kinds of music but love to dance to trance and house. My obsesseive club of the moment is Vinyl right now and I do my laundry weekly (it costs me $1.25 here in school!!) using Tide and those soft Downy sheet things. My other latest obsessions are message boards (like this one, haha!) and BOBSLEDDING. :hat:

  4. I think that that was well said, slyonspromo. I recently did a bit of Exit bashing on this board and stated how it was really a place for sheep and people who don't know better, but I think we all did forget that it can be a good place for people to get started in the clubbing scene. And no matter how "bad" Exit is, its still something to be experienced at least once. Keep the opinions coming. :hat:

  5. I think that IM has both advantages and disadvantages. I think its great because I have a lot of friends from high school who are now at out of state colleges and IM is a great way for us to all keep in touch. On the other hand, like many of you said, it IS difficult to express emotions online and sometimes difficult to explain or convey something that may be easier said than typed. In such cases, I usually resort to the phone. Additionally, I think IM has social impacts on the social lives and interactions of people. For example, there may be a lot of people who wouldn't be forward enough to talk to people in person the way they do online because there is that time lag and lack of face to face. Does that make sense? :hat: Oh, but I must also mention how time goes by SO quickly when one is on IM!

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