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Posts posted by biznation00

  1. Originally posted by digital7

    I for one have been at work the whole day. I just got in as a matter of fact and am now catching up with what has been going on the whole day.

    that's just flat out called "being late" in my book! :laugh:

    2 more & I'm handing you a detention sandwich mr. :rolleyes:

  2. Originally posted by philippio

    I'm serious, next time you're there I will try to make it and I will come and introduce myself. And I will also introduce myself to Luis Puig and hopefully Saleen. There is nothing wrong with criticism. Critical minds just have a habit of questioning everything. I went through 4 years of bullshit in college to learn to be critical and analytical.

    nobody gives a sh_t about you introducing yourself. not Louis, not Oscar, not anyone. so don't flatter yourself. Save it and keep putting this board to shame the way you do. :rolleyes:

  3. Originally posted by philippio

    The cock-suckers at Hooj sent me a comp copy of this garbage. It's on Twisted (Mukstrumental and Monster mixes). It's currently polluting my record box and I must get rid of it before it's toxicity becomes intolerable.

    PM me if you want it for free. Mint condition (each side played only once, that's all it took before I quarantined it).

    :D:hat: thank you.

    you have seriously got to be the biggest F_kin' idiot to grace this board!

  4. in search of Phillipio & Sobe2003...

    anyone with information on their whereabouts leading to the detention of these 2 clubplanet criminals/space haters will be rewarded unless the confesion comes via interrogation.

    We will start by interrogating family, friends & local club promoters & djs. Your assistance on the matter is greatly appreciated & will earn you ultimate access & free everything for you & your pals, even a guest slot to open for Oscar G.

    (small print: Opening guest slot for Oscar G not guareenteed).

    sike, just kiddin'... :laugh::rofl:

  5. Originally posted by philippio

    But biz, that's kind of what's annoying too, like Matt said he thought they were being superficial but I've known these guys for a while I mean we went to college together and we've partied together a lot and never have we collectively had such a bad experience (especially not when DT was spinning). I mean you guys don't know them so why add insult to injury by telling me that they aren't worth the friendship? You know what I'm saying? I have moved on, I simply don't go to Space anymore but the fact that I call my friends to go to different parties down here but they always refuse saying that it's not worth their time or money, I get pissed off at the source of the problem: Space.

    so why does it really matter to your friends if Space remains open next week or next month?? They are from outta town right?? The closing parties were good parties & a lot of people had fun. That's what's supposed to happen @ a club. Instead, they seem more worried about the club's upcoming lineup in a city where they are visitors, knowing they probably won't be here next week to know the difference. :rolleyes:

  6. Originally posted by funketeer

    Maybe we can go to Santa's Enchanted Forest or something...:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I know of a forest who's bushes are trimmed & all but one tree stands tall among 2 rounded boulders..

    sounds very shakesperean.. ;)

    ps. Nicola Siervo owns Joia if I'm not mistaken.

  7. Originally posted by philippio

    Yeah but Matt, I gave what I thought was a legitimate reason for bashing Space and never going back, whether you thought my friends were superficial or not because of their reaction to what happened. I apologize for valueing my friendships more than any nightclub in Miami.

    Sorry dude, but I've taken my friends to some pretty shitty nightclubs in different cities & they've never ditched me for it.

    Sounds like a sad excuse to justify the anger you have against Space. but hey, if your friends indeed did do that, you're better off without em'... :rolleyes:

    move on.. don't hate!

  8. Originally posted by philippio

    I know I have a bigmouth and it does get me in trouble sometimes. But anyway, if anyone is insulting me on CP am I not entitled to insult back? I'm sure you and everyone can appreciate this, right? So long as it's not taken out of context, and it stays on the board, serious or not, it becomes a sort of verbal duel, right?


    That's the prob.. alot of times it doesn't stay on the board. An insult is an insult no matter where it's said. So try and be good for the rest of the holiday season so Santa doesn't leave a bag full of charcoal under your tree.. :laugh:

  9. Originally posted by philippio

    I try to stick to my reviews but everyone complains that I always post the negatives. I guess I'm just a pessimist. But you have to remember that this is just a messageboard and I don't expect anyone to be taking my tactless bashing seriously. To tell you the truth, I'm truly astonished that Luis Puig is actually reading my bullshit. I don't know the man either, never met him. Since Space is still open he's doing something right. I just don't agree with it for personal reasons. Regarding the wisecracks about Greeks taking it in the ass. I can't deny that it was part of ancient history. I believe it's been proven and that's why I did not comment on that. What could I say? You know? All I know is that I'm not a homosexual.

    By the way LP, I don't get the TV one.

    don't worry bling...

    it's CP remember, we love drama!!!

    phillipio uses the ol' this is clubplanet, and Im really sorry but I dont mean everything I say on here. its a message board, its all in good fun & drama excuse. :laugh:

    I think this guy b-low scared him... :rofl:

    Originally posted by sct84

    you should stick to your honest party reviews philip. i dont know lp and cant even understand why he pays attention to your posts, but remember... a big mouth could always get you in trouble.

    That's the prob with this board nowadays.. Drama... :rolleyes:

  10. Originally posted by obby

    SOTU Records has now been updated with new tracks for your audio enjoyment.

    Enjoy the the sounds!!!!!!!!!

    Wait until you hear the new Yaz - Don't Go (2004 Remix)

    and do not confused this mix for the recent one which was pressed on the rr1000 label (Lemon 8/Jay Tripwire) . This is a limited 1000 copy remix by Metafakt and is well wicked. NOT TO BE MISSED.

    Happy sampling!!!!


    It's been a while since I last checked into the site.. Site looks f_kin' GREAT bro!! here about to download some of your choons to see what's moving you lately.

    Say hi to the gang fo me. I'll get back to you on those downloads. :)

  11. Wuddup cp,

    Just writin' to mention that Roland will be doin' a special in-store Live & intimate 2 hour Dj set @ Specs Music store on 5th & Collins on Saturday, December 27th @ 3pm.

    Just keepin' some of you Roland fans up to date. I know I'll be there in full with my crew & close friends, so I hope to see some of you guys out. We still got plenty of time b4 the date is here, but I figured I'd get the partay started.. Hope to see some familiar faces out that Saturday!

    Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!! ;)



  12. Originally posted by koky

    none taken biz ..:D but i never say that shit :laugh: & if i did today ots with the utmost sarcasm :D:laugh: :laugh: imo the only one that SHOULD be sayin it is arturo ... since hes the originator ... & yes its a bit annoying when everyone else KEEPS sayin it :mad: :mad:

    hint hint !! :D

    bro, just the other day you called me & told me that sh_t over the phone when we were havin' a perfectly normal conversation about chicks & ice cream. :laugh:

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