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Posts posted by biznation00

  1. Miamimonk is right but Bling's reviews are his reviews so he can do whatever he wants with them...unfortunately we readers have to go through a lot of irrelevant info like it or not.

    I concur...

    That's the best response I've seen come off this tread. well said! ;)

  2. detroit is clearly the better team,they deserve to win the series. :bounce:

    I wouldn't necessarily put it that way, but lets put it this way.. they've shown more heart! ;)

    ps. Charlie,

    I feel your pain.. those were some great years of Basketball though! :aright:

  3. I'm just messin' with ya charlie...

    detroit's played a hell of a series. LA on the other hand, needs to step it up. fish & the bench need to come in give em that extra spark when their down. Not to mention, GP & Karl need to start playin' like 10+ year vets.

    I got a feeling game 4 is gonna be a bit different.

    Ps. The Magic & Isiah days were classic! I remember watchin' game 2 of the 89' finals when Magic pulled a Hamstring & couldn't continue playin' in the series. Byron Scott was also hurt that year & Detroit went on to sweep us. That bitter memory will always live inside of me. For me, it's the 2nd worst occurance in sports (watchin' Magic tear his Hamstring). The worst was watchin' Magic announce he was retiring due to HIV. I remember I just got out of the shower & ran down stairs to eat dinner & a friend knocks on my door & tells me to put on the news, cuz Magic Johnson has AIDS. At time I was 14/15 yrs old.

    and to round up my top 3 worst moments in sports is #3: Watchin' Roger Craig Fumble in the 91' NFC Championship Game against the Giants when the 49ers were runnin' out the clock with under 2 minutes left. The Giants recovered the fumble & drove up the field to kick a field goal & beat us that year. They later won the Super Bowl that season. talk about a heart breaker! :mad:


  4. are one miracle shot away from being down 3-0

    this series is starting to look like the Marlins vs the Yankees

    detroit just seems to want it more and have more heart.

    if they win ..... I can't think of a bigger upset in basketball in years and years

    what have you been smokin'?? series is 2-1! :mad:

    Laker fan here. Grew up with Showtime & Magic!

  5. Sander K & Sasha review this past Dec.03 @ The Hague, Netherlands

    Are you in for a celebration? Well, this night everybody was definitely up for a celebration! Whether you came to celebrate Sasha's return at Sander Kleinenberg's 'Everybody' parties after exactly 2 years, to check out the recently re-opened 'Paard van Troje' venue or to celebrate the release of Sander Kleinenberg's new Renaissance compilation. Tonight, you got all three together, a mixture, which will be remembered for a long time in Holland..

    And so it begins.. After playing in St. Petersburg, in Russia the day before, Sasha was here tonight, and that's all that mattered to most people. Sander was on warming up duty and knew exactly what to drop until it was time for the big man to arrive. After Sander dropped Michael Jackson's Billy Jean, a timeless tune that even sounds fresh in a DJ set today, he switched gears and slowly set off to party mode. Let's dance!

    Sasha started his set earlier than expected probably due to the annoying fire alarm that went off twice for no reason. Even the sound system got switched off because of this. Still a bit confused of this backstage horror, Sasha didn't start his set unnoticed, but set the vibe for the rest of the night by playing Invisible Inc's Stars. Coolaroola!

    From the start to the end Sasha played trance with a magical T. Somebody commented that Sasha is, without doubt, the best trance DJ on the planet. If you are able to think about this outside your own little pigeonholed box, it is very likely to be true. He is still one of few DJ's in the world that is able to bring you to a high point of no return, but the magic is to be found elsewhere. There is probably not a DJ who is able to keep you there like he can. It's not even a build-up, it goes further than that. He has the talent to play every bit of a record on exactly the right moment. Spot on!

    He kept the crowd up there from minute to minute, Sasha style! Mixing it together on mostly CDR's, looping and altering tracks by adding low and high effects during his set all night. Extending, then again breaking tunes down into a flawless mix of today's music. The man was working hard and was on a roll jumping up and down from minute one.

    The people were not up for it; they (Sander & Sasha) brought them there! Sander was walking around the stage holding signs saying stuff like: 'Do you like this tune?', 'Everybody Happy?', and the best one, 'I want to be You!' The question is do you need this kind of showcase? Well in Holland you do, the over spoiled audience in The Netherlands, sadly needs their DJ hero to jump up and down, running around, grabbing the mic to tell you..

    'You are EVERYBODY and this is... DJ SASHA!'

    What some expected happened in the last hour. Sasha and Sander played back to back. Together they were responsible for two of the most memorable moments of this evening. Sasha's mix of UNKLE's, In a State and one of those freakin' remakes of the White Stripes. The tunes were laid down during a time that the crowd would have swallowed anything from the Batman & Robin of today's dance music. The breakdowns in both tunes made the room too small, it exploded! Sander playing more of his big big vocal tunes and Sasha going breakbeat, a lethal combination that would have made every outside promoter eat his heart out.

    This forthcoming New Years Eve, they are both in New York City, with Sasha in concert at Avalon and Sander playing at Arc. Who knows what happens there? But somewhere.. in Gotham, they will hook up. So we advice you to sell your NYE ticket and save your dollar for the afterparty. Use the rest of 2003 hooking up your lovely sister or girlfriend for that matter, with the promoters of that little event. You can count on some madness with Batman & Robin fighting crime together...

    Oh and before we forget, to all dedicated trainspotters out there. Its not really the tracks that made it this night in Holland, its not about Sasha playing new, old, borrowed or blue, its not at all about trance, progressive or breakbeat and it will not be about all of the above on that cold winter morning on January 1st 2004 in New York City, when these two friends meet. It will all come down to timing their magic moments, the trip, the molding, the tweaking, the layering, the holding back, the feeling, the booze, the release and after that.....?


    Source: http://www.xpander.nl/index.cfm (xpander.nl)

    Now that’s a Magical review, Must have been a magical nite! & to think these two will be in Miami this month (Space/Crobar) How spoiled we are! or should I say Lucky! ;)

    A FABulous Sander review on Resident Advisor @ the Cross! (2.28.04) http://www.residentadvisor.net/review_view.asp?ID=1773

    Another Sander review from co*****kie in San Juan, Puerto Rico (4.23.04) http://www.co*****kie.com/clubs/sander_kleinenberg_glow_location_san_juan_1037.html

    Roll Call!

    See Sander K @ Space this Sat.Jun.12th





  6. if it was tribal then hell yeah but tonite im hearing the king of tribal omg lawler. nice latin infused tracks with lots of drums cant wait :) ....... glad to hear it was pretty good.

    i was exhausted last nite couldnt even move :(

    co*****kie (Shannon) interview w/ Lawler.

    catch the rest of the interview @ the link b-low (see bold text):


    SP: Are you playing anything different in your DJ sets now?

    SL: I’ve got a lot of good records at the moment that I’m really into. The album [Lights Out] is going to be really different this time. I always try to stay one step away from what people expect. I like to surprise people. The new album will be differently programmed and have different things in there. I’m going to do that on purpose. I don’t know if it goes down well with people because some people like to follow a certain DJ for his certain style of music, whereas I don’t really follow one style of music. I just follow a certain vibe and a certain sound and that’s what I hope people will do with me.

    SP: I think that’s a good thing because as soon as people began labeling you “tribalâ€, you started playing something else.

    SL: [laughs] That’s exactly what I did. And as soon as people started labeling me “progressive†I started doing something different. I don’t want to be labeled. The thing is, most of the places I DJ, I’ve played at for a long time so you there’s no way you hear one sound all night from me.

    sorry for thread jackin'.. I just figured this post might be helpful. ;)

  7. It is pretty much a fancy DVD player. The video is only as good as what is generated. When Sander had this during WMC, it was largely a beta product, and he did not have much in the way of custom DVDs for each track. Most of the visuals were provided by a seperate person running MDT off of a laptop or two, and when Sander needed the DVJ's video source to be turned on, the video artist would switch off his video inputs, and turn on Sander's.

    Eventually, most producers will realize to have a viable product, they will need to have custom video content created to go with their songs...tracks will come on DVD as opposed to CD. There's a big market for VJs right now, since they can provide the visuals, without spending 7 grand on 2 DVJ units. Eventually, Pioneer will be providing an integrated audio/video DJ mixer to compliment the DVJ system.

    As for the cost? Yeah it is steep, but just think, 2 years ago, a digital camera like mine cost six grand as opposed to two. Things come down in price...next year the DVJs will be under 2 grand.

    See what I mean... Pod graced us with his Tech-junkie ways. ;)

  8. just watched the video, I don't know if it could have been anymore repetitive and extremely basic.

    WHile the Pioneer DVD mixers are cool, it seems better to utilize them on actually Videos that have been made for tunes, the Pioneer let's you synch the BPM of the music videos to each other, just like a turntable or CD deck does, SO Sander went in with some video production people and made some really basic videos to mix together off DVD for tunes from his set?

    There are some incredible Visual companies out there, that can really provide serious ambiance to a dj set, The Pioneer decks don't make Visuals, you play a DVD with Visuals and audio already burnt on a DVD and match the BPM's and mix em together.

    It's a totally different experience when seein' it on your monitor than when it's programmed & beat matched in a club on giant screens. I'm sure Sander didn't intend on makin' an MTV quality vid for us to watch @ home. That & more is pretty much what you get from the machine. I think being that it's the first for pioneer of it's kind, there's always room for improvement, but aside from that, it makes a pretty cool toy @ the club. I'm no tech-junkie when it comes to this sort of stuff (Pod can explain it best). The text vocal samples are a cool feature. Personally, I thought it was cool to see when they premiered it this past conference on 4 giant screens on the Terrace.

    could they have used better visual? yes!

    but it sure beats the same borin' unbeatmatched visual over & over & over...

  9. hey biz, will sander be using the dvds at space again? :confused:

    Hopin' he does, but prob not for this comin' saturday.

    Check this out...

    I was online & I found a video link for Sander's "work to do" track. Seems like he created the video thru the Pioneer CVJ. Imagine if the Space residents had that toy to work with (wishful thinkin'). ;)

    Sander K - "Work to do" Video link:


  10. for those of you wondering about the NEW Pioneer DVD player, here ya go... ;)


    Sander Klienenberg played a showcase set in Miami this year using Pioneer’s groundbreaking DVJ-X1 DVD/CD players. We talk to him about the future of mixing visuals and music.

    “It’s like the second dimension for DJsâ€, says Sander Klienenberg, fresh from the world premiere of his latest project.

    He’s been taken on board by Pioneer to showcase the latest version on their wildly successful CDJ-1000 CD turntable, the one that plays DVDs too.

    Essentially it’s the CDJ-1000 with a video out,†he says. But the possibilities this creates have been exciting DJs who wish to bring a new visual mixing element to their sets.

    Sander worked for three months preparing his DVD set. Making the visuals, setting them to music and working out the whole performance. It was a daring project, as it was treading new ground for both him, and for the clubbers on the night.

    “The thing I was most afraid of was; would people actually realise what was happening? Would they see how the beats work and realise that it was all in key? But people really got it.â€

    The visual side of clubbing and mixing is something Sander has always been interested in. Around 12 years ago, when he DJed in a small local club in Holland, he used to play video clips off VHS tapes and if he was lucky, actually mix the visuals in time with the tunes. Fast forward to Miami 2004 and he’s leading the way for others to follow with this experimental new technology.

    “I hope its going to make house music more visual,†he says. “Instead of doing a mix for a radio station, DJs can go to straight to MTV with a complete hour of programming. They all want that, so it’s very, very exciting. I feel the whole scene could benefit from this.â€

    catch the rest of this article @:


    Go to www.djsounds.com for full info on the DVJ-X1

    Source: DJMag.com


    See Sander K @ Space 6.12.04

    Biznation00@msn.com ;)

  11. you know what's funny is that I put that on my mass mail out for this saturday... :laugh:

    here's a preview of what I sent out...


    A Memorial Weekend Saturday…

    It’s memorial weekend! Fair warning: Listen to your parents & STAY AWAY FROM THE BEACH! The Beach will be invaded by tourists! & I mean INVADED! But the tru Miami locals who stay in town, know where to go for a good local party that keeps things as they are every other weekend! Real of course! and that’s Space…

    Party safe, Party away from the Beach. Don’t say I didn’t warn ya…

    That's just a piece of the email I sent to the recepients on my database. They can't say I didn't warn them... ;)

  12. Roly is out of town that Saturday, Tony. Cue will be playin' with Lawler on the terrace...

    Roly will be back the followin' week to play with Sander as they always do! & you know how that one goes... ;)


    June lineup @ Space is just wrong. Pretty insanely SICK! :aright:

  13. The cool thing about steve's sets inside & out is that they are like nite & day. He'll really pound you inside with filthy, sexy, darker beats & groove you outside with funky, r&b style terrace sounds.

    Out of all the djs I've heard inside & out, he's the gotta be the best at completely modifiyin' & transformin' his sound to fit the mood & the room. It's almost like hearin' 2 totally different djs, but it's the same guy. He prob does that better than anyone. to me that's pretty f_kin' special!


  14. whats his set times and will he be inside and outside

    should look like this, but don't quote me yet. things might change...

    1am+ - 5am+ mainroom

    6am+ - 9am+ Terrace

    Steve is known for goin' longer on the Terrace. as he's done on his previous visits. so if he's in the mood again, expect him to go well past 10am. ;)

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