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Everything posted by liqidtouch

  1. Thanks Tee......... ok Kutlass, you say that scratching is an art...if thats so then how is anyone able to do it? Take a trip down the the local Guitar Center, make sure they have the latest Pioneer CDplayer setup. Flipt it on, drop in a cd, and tell me again how easy it is to scratch with this unit? i dont scratch records but i do know what ARTISTING scratching sounds like. You need to be Seriously skilled to do this right with CDs. Its almost nothing like scratching records, and i have tried Both
  2. you hit the nail on the head my friend - much respect for hailing these words!!! This brings to point that earlier this year i was "CHASED" by KTU to go to work for them. I said no. Recently i have been working with two major artists in R&B and Dance music. In the first clause of our contracted aggrement, it claims that any audio even in it slightest portion, that i submit my time with in production with them, is NOT to be included in any way to KTU specifically for any portions of its public and private airings. they asked why - as im sure someone else here might. Yes it would be Great to have my work on the air to the tens of thousands daily - Yes it would be HOT as hell to add to my portfolio Yes it would even dress my wall up nice in a little "100,000 copies sold" plack. but my answer to WHY i wont allow it is.................. ........there is a defining line between FAME and RESPECT, Id rather struggle and still have respect, then be getting a ton of air play - downloaded 40 million times and hour and my work only making me about 17% of the total sales and still disrespected but id be famous right? -- ill pass
  3. Matt (reid) you do make a good point and i hear it all the time "when you go to a club, with a good sound system. you can tell the difference between a cd and a vinyl" but how many clubs have you and i spunn for and can say they had a good enough sounds system to tell if your NOT A DJ ?
  4. there are PLENTY of djs out there - and here i use the term "DJ" losely, that cant beatmatch the same two songs no matter what they are using. So, using technology to me in no way means that everyone will be able to do it. weater using cds - wax - or final scratch still requires specific techniques and learned skills. Some get it and some dont.
  5. both you and ENDO have 4 sets of "key loggers" and a "rotating trojan" on your pc. KeyLogger - This program runs silently in the backround while you work on and offline. Regardless of firewalls and other barriors agains scanners you may have on your system, it sits in waiting for that split second that your port is open. When its sees an open port, it disables your barrior programs and keeps your system free for scanning by anyone. The keylogger then transmits all recorded information that you typed on your keyboard and sends it to the person scanning your system. Transmitting info that can be decifered into your ACCOUNT NUMBER- BANK INFO- PHONE NUMBERS etc Rotating Trojan - Creates 4 copies of itself. It is a smart program meaning it waits till you have found it. It is easily deleted by clicking DELETE but..............as it is waiting, it "sees" when you have moved your mouse over it. Just before you select it to delete, it has already recreated itself 4 more times with the same name adding a # to the end. Now it is in a new set of folders. Deleting the new folders will do no good as it will just recreate itself to the ORIGINAL names and locations if you find the secondary ones. Bottom line UNINSTALL your MP3-Slpitter Joiner and contact me directly to get the rest of the open port stuff off your PC. djliqid@warwick.net
  6. DO NOT USE any of these FREE programs that you will end up finding onilne from google searches and such. They are freeware programs that over 90% of the time has hidden bugs and bundled software included. I just had a friends PC at my place for 3 days removing all types of crap from free program downloads like this and 17 malicious files were from programs like " MP3-Splitter" If you want to do it - do it right with Soundforge - Sonar - Reason - or any other popular sequencing software This is the only safe way for your PC to do it
  7. Look for the stage setup "Alien Earth" youll catch me up there all freakin-weeken'
  8. the marketing costs would be unbelievable and not to mention - have a pretty high % of loss
  9. Hey uhh who the hell? LOL See ya there kid
  10. im black (mainly) and im not offended THe site to me is actually the reverse Its an eggaguration of what white ppl do when they are uncomfortable around african americans by the way HI LISA :hi:
  11. http://www.blackpeopleloveus.com/ HAAHAHAAAHAHAH
  12. liqidtouch

    Any Object

    small wooldand creatures count?
  13. curiousty kills the cat or on this case - my erection
  14. hope you didnt totaly loose your sight
  15. OM FUKIN FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS GOOD DO NOT CLICK THIS LINK!!!!!!!!!!!!! EWWWWWWWWWWWW use only ONE EYE when opening this page cause youll go blind in it http://profiles.yahoo.com/m0_m0nique
  16. So im headed out to Vue tonight as per a discussion with the pwner of the place the other day im going over to do a review in the place as well as sit down for a few with Nina Sky and her managment (hopefully they will agree to attend the radio show in a couple weeks too) So heres the offer If you want to join me for the afterwork special just hit me up Clubexl@clubexl.com and let me know- ill be meeting some others just nextdoor outside around 730pm Nina & Co. are slated to do their show @ 8:30 pm look here for info http://clubexl.com/newsletters/nina_sky.php There is no guestlist that i need to use - nor the people with me All others arriving must use Guestlist at its upto a $20 cover for them (again- anyone arrriving with me will pay no cover)
  17. 202 west 40th street place is called FASHION FORTY need an "IN" let me know the manager is such a sweet heart
  18. iwas looking for advice that you would give for HER to read you horney basterd HHAAAHAHAH but i didnt mention that in the whole conversation- she didnt say thatshe wanted ME to hit it - pop it - desease it - rip it sick - whatever again she didnt SAY it but i cant tell if it was just implied
  19. this is where i realize thati didnt mention something here.... in the conversation she never said that she wanted ME to hit it - take it - pop it - rip it sick - or even pass her the bazzieezez (deseases) ut iwas looking for advice you would give for HER to read you horney fawkers
  20. Ok so i went to diner the other night with a good friend shes just turning 20 and still a virgin. She leans over the table at Ruby tuesdays and says "Liqid there's something i think i really want for my birthday." Im sure your thinking the right thing here "I want to get laid" is how she put it after about 5 mins of talking her upto saying it out loud. Yes the waitress hears us and asked if we wanted the check in a hurry shes a cool chic anyway i was tellin her that she shouldnt loose it in her b-day and CERTAINLY not on her wedding night either if that comes up cause Serously ladies - you remember your first time im sure "we all do" was it as physically plesant as "lovemaking" is lead to beleave? I mean yea its cool to do it if you want to but to have it on your bday 1st time with the chance of being somewhat painful? alittle....anyway. I no woman (wait let me check) + + = ok all better now yea im no woman but uhhhhh the pain - and possably for a couple days after? not a really cool memory whats your thoughts
  21. if you looking for full new albums or tracks - depends on my connection with my old friends at MTV UK let me know what your looking for ill hook you up== somethings however i CANT get (yet) because of certain contractual issues again just let me know here
  22. nice work mike yes they have it in stock 90% of time also if you wantto see it in perfect action stay home and look for that ELEN Degeneras show on channel 9 i think in the afternoon she has a FEMALE dj on the show with her all the time "famous chic - but i forgot her name right now" and because of product placment - they always show her scratch - cut- and movin HARD on that piece live its a nice piece but its alot more bells and whistles then i need its mainly a battle style or for urban music IMO
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