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Everything posted by whatevaman

  1. Hit the road Jack and don't you come back no more no more no more no more................
  2. hey asshole you want the truth you will get the truth. i was going to keep my mouth shut but now i will let your dumb ass know. first no money was owed to me. second plenty of money was owed to plenty of people in that place. mark who is my best friend did nothing but support that club, try to promote that club (when he was not a fucking promoter to being with) and only got shitted on when the place did shit when it was not his fault it was the owners fault!!! you want to know how peter operates i will tell you. he is a fucking shadeball. when he doesn't want to deal with someone he will not call them no more, or avoid them or flat out not pay them. he would blame tooch for the place being dead, when in all actuality it was his own fucking fault for thinking that his club would be sucessfull without doing what a club should do right off the bat.....PROMOTE. When allen ash was promoting and he didn't want him no more what did he do, he just stopped calling him with no exlanation what so ever. how about the fact that till this day he owes Tooch $400 bucks almost six months since the last time he spun. and it was $800 up until about two months aog. so don't go fucking flapping your gums where they don't belong. He didn't owe me shit because I made damn sure before I LEFT that place because I know the way that kid operates OK? So shut your fucking face because if you want me to keep going on I have a list that will knock your dick in the dirt. So think before you speak. I am a college graduate with a great job who lives on my own and am sucessfull. I worked at that place for the love of muzik and the support of working along side my best friend and one of the nicest up and coming dj's in the business. but once they fucked him they fucked me because i stick along side of my boys. so if you want to keep this going we can. I have no problem with this you fucking tool bag. but if you are a freidn of peter and or of an employee of platinum i would keep your mouth shut before I make this real ugly.......yah heard. TOOL!
  3. nah i dont live in new brunswick, thank god. if there was one person on line in that place i would be shocked. worst thing they ever did was get rid of mark. oh well u know how it goes, you live and you learn.
  4. wow i actualy agree with you on something. is hell going to freeze over now?
  5. lol, apparently many people know who i am. in some cases this is good and some it is bad. it definitely USED to be a good time. but that is definitely a thing of the past.
  6. the last thing i got was fired from that place they call a club bro. You make me laugh. Are you cool because you have been reading this club board longer then I have been partying. You must be very proud of yourself. You fucking hand job. Say all you want it don't bother me it entertains me and is making my day go by real fast. TOOL! Please keep it coming I have another hour left in my work day.
  7. You and clubchic are A OK in my book.........
  8. Ummmmmm don't do lights and the last thing I do is post on this board all day. First time I have been on hear in months and it doesn't take too much to get everyone fired up on this board. Fucking rookies.
  9. never bashed anyone for their opinions. because opinions they are like assholes, everyone has one and they sometimes stink. i only speak the truth and sometimes people can't handle that shit. as far as jason911 and who she is, i just think that it is funny how the owner's girl can't post as herself and try to push the club, but has to post as someone who actualy goes there. pure comedy at it's finest if you ask me.
  10. sorry i am not a really mean person, only to the ones who deserve it. i can go on and on but i will not. PM me and we can talk off the board if you would like. as for anthony acid he is a great guy and a great Dj. i wish he just had a better venue to support him.
  11. we can play if you would like. you first......
  12. oh we can get back on point if you like dear. but people just like to flap their gums so i have to voice my opinion. but if you want we can talk about how jason911 is the owner of platinum's girlfriend leanne. and how the walls always have ears and the truth shall always be told......
  13. Oh I remember real clearly, and not a damn thing happened. That is the funny part. As a matter of fact I even saw that sorry excuse barbie girl with her sad excuse for a boyfriend this summer in seaside and you know what they did, NOT A DAMN THING fucking pussies. Talk is cheap and you are still a whore. And as for the fat jokes bring it because if you call weighing two hundred lbs fat with a 34 in waist fat at 5' 11" all I can do is laugh at you. I am proud of the way I look and some board tramp ain't gonna get under my skin that's for sure. Later tramp!
  14. good one slut. but last time i checked they do make them in 34's. i just like my cock easily accesable so i can slap it on whores faces like you and toms slob of a girlfriend (Barb E K). so please ask him to put on leash on the two of you because your comments amuse me and far from bother me. you want to get down and dirty we can.
  15. I think I love you!!! Maybe he will try and get kicked out of Bunkas too.
  16. hey leanne how much did peter pay you to post this??? or is he fucking you out of money too??? i am sure he loves the fact that it is always dead right.......... really helps to pay the bills when noone is in the club. good job!!!
  17. your opinion never mattered and it still doesn't.
  18. come on guys didn't you know that this place is special and it is trying to be different then all the other clubs. sure is different. it is empty and the others are full. must be doing something right.........
  19. can i get a bump??? i hope it doesn't get me kicked out of anwhere.
  20. Just make sure he doesn't do bumps in the booth like he did at abyss this past wed night. It ended up getting him kicked out. Real professional for a Dj in the business for 19 years. What a tool!
  21. how much money did you get paid to post this response. i am sure peter doesn't want it to be packed because it is comfortable and that he would rather have 400 people in his club rather then full ocupancy of 1000+. what a yambag you are. all the renovations in the world couldn't make that plce compete with the big dawgs out there. as for the new light guy that is making a difference this year, what are they doing actualy paying someone on the staff what they are worth rather then fucking them for money like he does to all his employees in the past. dont even get me started cause i can make this list a long one.
  22. Hey where will you be spinning at next??? I would really like to hear these unreleased tracks that are the only MP3's you spin. I hope it is at stringrays. I really enjoyed that place. You fucking Clown!!! P.S. That comment about not having a residency because you haven't found a venue that you like. (Setup, Atmosphere) is the biggest excuse I have heard for sukcing and not being able to actualy get a residency. Have fun doing guest spots at platinum you sorry excuse for a Dj.
  23. Mark and Richie did an awesome job on the decks. Discotech was nice. A lil croded at first, but all in all I had a good time.
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