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Posts posted by cocomama

  1. Originally posted by shadygroovedc

    I'm guessing if you have a roommate who's a boy and who's name starts with 'D', you'll have your man.

    *Sherlock Shady at your service*

    Well since I only have one, I'm sure I know who it is. I'll make sure to call him Dboy when he gets home tho.

  2. Originally posted by shadygroovedc

    Whoa. :eek: Spooky.

    I have to pc's in my house, mine was freezing on me so I went to the other one which I NEVER use.

    And I thought I was a lurker, obviously someone else in my house has been lurking...hmmm.

  3. Nowhere in the world does obesity exist like it does in this country. We are a society of excessiveness. Everything is big. Big cars, big houses, big macs, biggie fries, super big gulps. We've created a fat country. I feel for these people but at the same time feel that everyone has a choice to do what they want, eating McDonald's everyday and driving 2 blocks to get there instead of walking is just the way it works in this country, its the way some people choose to live I guess.

    Just my 2 cents :)

  4. Originally posted by vicman

    whoa..start talking about guys and posting pics and even the lurkers come around :D

    spanish team huh?....lemme see....i might be able to help you on that....

    a few sapnish players




    Damn straight...I knew CP was calling me for a reason. Gracias por las fotos...son muy guapos!!

  5. I love this site! I discovered it about a year ago. The party in Bussloo amsterdam looks incredible. The coolest part was going to all the clubs they show while I was in ibiza last summer and seeing it for real. I even saw the guy in the gold suit at Eden, caught him at the bar taking off his mask and tripping in sweat. Dont know if it was the exact same guy as the video, but he danced just as good!

  6. Originally posted by vicman

    tsk, tsk..why cant the Spanish speak Spanish properly? :rolleyes:

    You mean the way they say their C's and Z's with a TH? I love it, esp in the men, i find it very sexy.

    Anyways didn't spanish originate from them, wasnt it us latinos that changed it up along the way?

  7. It was good seeing you too tinybutterfli. It was S&D that we met, my vision was a bit blurry that night I had to make sure it was you again. I have a tendency to run up to people thinking I know them when i really don't. :)

  8. I though Lawler set was great, he had me dancing for a while, until i got too comfy on the leopard print couch.

    Always a pleasure running into the cp crew I know and getting to know more of you...thanks shady.

    Malanee since I missed you on the 10th we'll have to make up for it, i mean 30 is a big year, no reason not to celebrate it all year long.

    Thanks to Chyna...its always fun hanging with ya!

  9. Kuro, what's up? It was nice meeting you too. Thanks for chatting it up with me for a couple of hours. Now that I know how short and japanese you REALLY are I can find you at buzz next time I'm there.

  10. I've been listening to electronic music for 3 years now and I'm still so confused with all the genres. Is that pretty sad? This is why, when i lived in europe my german friend exposed me to alot of techno (as he called it) so I think I was really into it then, but he also called commerical music house. He really confused me when i got back to the states. I need to sit with a bunch of you so that you can help me understand what my progression in music has been throughout the years. I don't have any friends here that know the music good enough. I still have one of his cds called technodrome, anyone here of it? Anyway all I know is that there is so many great sounds out there and i can pretty much figure out the basic sounds...house, trance, breaks, I just want a more complete explanation.

    Oh and btw old is only in the mind, I'm over 25 but will be young until i'm 90!

  11. Love Parade in Berlin July 2000 - I've never seen anything like it! They close the streets of Berlin and 50 tractor trailers representing clubs and labels from all over the world do figure eights around freedom plaza. PVD and Carl Cox had trucks too. There were over 1 million people dancing in the streets, dressed in wild costumes. After the parade random djs set up their decks all over the city and people continued dancing in the streets. It was awesome!

    There's so many more but like alot of you my first night at Twilo was one too, April 99 :)

  12. Originally posted by malanee

    CocoMama - bring all the peeps you want! That's part of the fun of CP meet ups! Getting to meet more random (but exceptionally cool) people! ;)

    Cool, cause my girlfriend from Sat. night really liked everyone and she'll probably come too. Next Thrus not tomorrow...tomorrow i go to miami

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