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Posts posted by civild02

  1. ya unfortunetly im working today also.....and i have a migrane...can things get any better.....i feel like someone took my head and smashed it with a hammer....mmmm ya thats about right! :blown:

    i only have..hmmm lets see...where is my clock...ummm...two more hours.....yeah!!

    this place is so lame ass...i work for a mortgage company...yet all of our investors/attorney offices are closed....so basically we all have our thumbs up our asses.....and no LUBE...yay i hate it here.....:(

    can't wait to go look at my new baby today....honda civic 2002 ex 5speed.....ahhh thats maken me feel alot better...:D

    hang in there guys....its almost over!?!

  2. hey i do work....the file that sits in front of me....(the same one since this morning) is good cover up..:D

    i just sit here and type ...la la laaa ...and when some one walks by...i just start sifting threw the file...pick up the phone and start dialing some number...( sometimes my house) lol.....

    nahhh i do work...sometimes.....but i dont feel good, and they're not given us monday off ....so ..:tongue:

  3. thats sucks....sorry to hear that....:(

    was it a dude or a chick that you lived with......

    bitches are unforgiving....

    dudes...are sloppy...

    i think if i ever get a roomate .....its going to be a gay guy....definetly...the only thing id have to worry about is him stealing my boyfriends....LOL.....

    but thats grounds for.. :blown:

    im lucky i found where i live now...i complain and complain about my landlord and her petifile son....but i got it good with $675 a month all utilities and cable...for a one bedroom.....and gots my own driveway....

    i guess its calling it even since the son probably has camera's all over my apt.....GREAT! so if any of you see me on the internet takin a piss or doing naked kareoke in the shower....please inform me....thanks!!


  4. :eek::laugh:

    thanks vikkii.....hehehe...very funny sh*t

    i was so tired this morning...and everyone has been asking me why have i been so quiet...when i read that i started lol...all my co-workers see me laughing at my computer screen....maybe now ill get my vacation that i asked for! *What like you havent heard of the Internet*????....thats what i get for working with "should be in an old age home" women.....im not crazy i tell you!!! :tongue:

  5. first off..... i dont have monday off either...i hate this company, but we do only have to work 5 hours...so if i come in at 4am i can leave at nine....:laugh: ya thats a scary thought!

    Although we do have flex hours here.....and i think im going to take advantage of that in the summer time....if i have to get a pet monkey, and train him to pour water on me at 4 in the morning...ill do it!!!

    roomates do suck!!! thats why i live by myself....sick of cleaning up after everyone, and i moved out of my house to get away from my mom's rules so i don't want to hear someone else trying to tell me what time to come in or ask where im going....

    dvd players....:idea: i bought my playstation 2 at circuit city.....i was going to buy a dvd, but figured why not get something that i can watch movies on and play video games........i heard they are going down on the price...i got mine for $300.....i did see some dvd players there for like $190.00 but im not sure on the quality?? hope i was of some help....


  6. hey tanzer..tdawg...saturday sounds like its gonna be a good nite!! ill have to work early in the day so i dont miss it...6am to 2pm...will give me enough time to rest up!

    Unfortunetly i wont be at Axis this thursday....OMG....first time in months......Valentines day and all..:rolleyes: .... But im sure it will be bangin as usual....

    <3lia :D

  7. So Jessica...how did you like Embassy??? Im usually there friday nights...but i took this weekend off from clubbing...ran low on funds...have to support my car fetish....eek!!

    hopefully next weekend we can meet up...i go with my friend jess and sometimes my brother...


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