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Posts posted by rammelsberg

  1. Originally posted by therunner

    For some reason my whole hard drive is set up as the shred directory. How do I change it? And how do I limit the number of uploads?

    Tubular, dude! Shred directory! Hang 10.

    Umm... you can change all that stuff in Options. You should be able to access it from your AG Satellite in your tray. I remember I had to limit mine to one download when I had dialup. Ugh!

  2. Originally posted by glowdancer23

    I know that making my own shit it the best idea, but I am not a fan of cutting up my expensive clothes. The stores have a plethera of stuff for girls. I just think that DC doesnt cater to mens club wear. I tried Urban outfitters. Lucky, and Universal Gear, which had the best selection out of all of them. Do you know of any underground place I dont know of. I am really trying to stay clear of gadzooks.

    Hey, where's Universal Gear?

  3. Originally posted by SPYGIRL2

    I do know a hottie who models underwear for CK....He's very into women!!!!!!

    Sugar, not after I get ahold of HIM!!! :horns:


  4. Yeah... I'd like some fresh clothes too. The best looking stuff I have now is all Polo Sport. I wouldn't mind something a bit more unique.

    Oh, but it has to be in XXL or XLT.... Man, it's so hard to be me :(

  5. Wow, thanks for letting us know about that post. It's worth reading all the responses to it too. They're all pretty valid.

    Des NYC was definitely the most disorganized party me or my girl have been to. The sad part is that we added up the ticket sales, estimated their expenses for the venue, equipment, and DJ fees, and they still made about $100,000 off the night. Unless it costs extra to hire security that hits people.

    Oh, and I'm still wearing my bronchitis as a badge of that night's party.

  6. Originally posted by makeakillin

    definatley not true...anything else jocks the shit out of your package...but I do have a big package, heh heh heh

    Word. Definitely boxers. So mini-me can dance and have a good time too! It just hurts like he11 every so often when you sit down the wrong way and your junk gets behind you! :eek:

  7. Originally posted by vicman

    free rolls and chocolate? hell you can find all the people you need right here on this board :D

    better question would be how the hell do we convince NIH the scientific meaning of this study...hmmm....

    So we all know weither or not to avoid chocolate while we're partying. Duh! Isn't that a noble enough cause?

  8. Originally posted by tastyt

    It's definitely worth trying, at least give it a couple of dates. Brains are definitely more important, but- when it comes down to it- brains without attraction... that's friendship, not romance.

    Tasty, you're so smart!

  9. Sounds like a great idea Vicman.

    I'll need people to eat chocolate.

    People to roll and not eat chocolate.

    People to roll and eat chocolate.

    People to roll and eat non-chocolate candy.

    But where on earth am I going to get people to volunteer to participate in this type of study!?!?

    I don't think it'll happen, Vic.

  10. Originally posted by vicman



    I would like to thank all of the little people that helped me get where I am today. All of you who didn't write the moderators to have me banned. And all of you who didn't tell Buzz security that I have ... *gasp!* ... gum.

    "Shriek! That man has a gum!"

    "Everybody, get down!"

  11. Originally posted by rammelsberg

    Wait, is that This saturday, the 16th? Or is it the 23rd?

    We were going to check out the Techno one that Zelda's gonna be spinning at, but there's so much going on this month, we've gotten confused about what's when where how... what?


    My 100th post!!!

    I'm a CLUBBER!

    Thank you, thank you.

  12. Originally posted by individual

    Glow, huh? That's a cool name for it. I definitley get the glow... I don't roll anymore, but when I did, I always got it for at least 24 hours... sometimes more... I used to love the days after. Just sitting back and smiling with a joint in my hand...

    I've heard of people who have bad days afterwards, but that was never the case with me, it was always an extension of the party. I'd get up feeling like a million bucks, and the feeling would remain.


    I know it's probably all in my head, but today's the 3rd day since the party and I still feel great! Having great dreams, jumping up outta bed, chowin' down breakfast, jamming in the car on the way to work, lovin the music and sodas I'm havin' at work... I even had an awesome workout at the gym last night cuz I still feel like I'm more in touch with my body. I haven't been going regularly for over a month and I was able to press the same weight as before!

    Oh and I still swear I have drymouth.

    How long can it still be like this for if you live healthy and only roll once a month?

  13. Originally posted by tastyt

    Rammelsberg- I don't think any of us were really planning on going out to find these guys and take them home. :)

    Shoot, Tatsy-T, with a 'T' like that, you can take any of those guys home! Straight or not!

  14. Originally posted by shadygroovedc

    Yeah, and you don't have to pile five dudes into the bathroom to shoot up and smoke crack and stuff.

    Yeah, I know. You can do it anywhere you want!!!

    J/K, I wouldn't allow anybody to shoot up anything in my place. Cept Elmo, that little 5hit is always sneakin that stuff in his backpack, He had the basement bathroom all to himself for 4 hours. I don't know what was going on, but when he came out, his fur was all nappy and he was missing his nose.

    We'll have to have you over sometime, Shady. You can stop by tonight if you want. I'll be trying to figure out how to put some Ikea furniture together. Not usually difficult, but this week is an exception.

  15. Originally posted by shadygroovedc

    Mercy is for wusses. :D

    Aw, CRAP!!!! I just checked my calendar for next week, and I have an all-day meeting on Thursday! Damn, that means I have to come into work after the pre-WMC party. :( And that means I have to sit through an all-day meeting tired off my ass. :mad:


    Dude, good luck.

    Hope you don't get meeting-wood. That sucks bad.

    "And now, Shady will explain his Powerpoint presentation to us."

    Shady - "huh? what?"

  16. Originally posted by shadygroovedc

    A buddy of mine's parents have this HUUUUUUUUGE house in Potomac. In the basement, they've got a movie room with a theater setup. In the rest of the basement, is a wooden dancefloor, disco lights, and a soundsystem. Fucking awesome.

    Ha ha, that's where we live. Potomac. No wooden dancefloor with lights, but the basement is tight when we move the couches to the side.

    We had the tables connected to the Bose surround and we recording people's dancing with my roomie's PC cam. I gotta tell ya, white glowsticks look TIGHT on computer the next morning. It really takes advantage of the low resolution and framrate.

    We had it crankin' till 7am and the neighbors didn't complain once.

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