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Posts posted by rammelsberg

  1. Hey, it's a friend of mine's birthday this weekend and he's having a house party this weekend. Some people will be drinking, but for the most part it's gonna be a rolley-party.

    Of course, I think most people do that when they go out, but what kind of things would be fun to have/do at a house party? I already went out and bought a bunch of Jolly Ranchers, Starburst, Jelly Bellies and Orange and Grapefruit juice. We're gonna have fresh pinapple and I'm gonna have the gamecube hooked up with some Smash Brothers 4 player action. I'm taking my tables over and some friends are gonna spin.

    Is there anything else I could arrange ahead of time to ensure a nice, chill evening?

  2. Funny you should mention hands. Mine are a huge problem. They never rest, even when my mind says no, or my body says I'm too tired, my hands usually go off on their own. They've gotten me in trouble a few times, badly! Damn them.

    And oohhh yeah, they're big. My girl is a 36" D, and I can almost totally conceal them with my palms. Sweet!!!

    You wanna see some nasty hands? Ever check out Bert's? They got no meat to em!

  3. Originally posted by shadygroovedc

    I just wanna know who's gonna start taking it for the team and stay home to record this every week??

    I've got a USB radio antenna with a software for programming recording times and converting to MP3. I can totally record this! Perhaps I can even parse it into tracks.

    Thanks for the tip! I don't know how many times I've wondered later in the week what the music sounded like. Friday night always goes by so fast!

  4. Christ!!!

    How much do you guys make?!

    I'm doin' pretty good for myself, but I rarely feel that I can afford anything THAT nice, unless I'm at TJ Maxx or it's on sale. I'm not into $50 shirts and $100 pants. My clothes have to high of an attrition rate from spills, accidents and dryer shrinkage.

  5. I'm exceptionally large, so I used to wear club clothes everyday (after work) before I even started going clubbing. Since I started making more money I can actually afford to buy some nice looking stuff that fits for when my girl takes me to personal networking parties around DC, but when it comes to lounging around the house, shopping, working out, and Sundays, it's straight up club clothes.

  6. Originally posted by roadrunner

    Gateway to fun.

    Ha ha! That's funny!

    Yeah, I think it's totally a gateway drug. For one thing, it doesn't last all that long. Some people I know like to do something different when they start coming down. Because E relies on a buildup of existing, natural chemicals in your body, I think there's a limit to how much effect you can get out of doing more. Definitely a case of diminishing returns.

    It seems that, if both components are available, it's only a matter of time before a roller will start candy flipping. Also, it seems there are a lot of people that like to do shots of alcohol (DRUG!!!) or light a spliff when they start coming down.

  7. Originally posted by lizard23

    The worst drug induced anxiety attack I had was when I watched Requiem for a Dream the day after I rolled. You're emotional to begin with the day after and on top of it to see all the fucked up shit that took place in that movie - MY GOD! I had to leave the room and calm myself down.

    Yeah... I try to stick to 'happy' entertainment for about a week after I go out partying! I'm talkin Nintendo games and Simpsons.

    I had a rough time going to sleep after getting back to the hotel after we went to Destination NYC last weekend. We were staying at the Mariot Financial Center, which is possibly the closest operational building to Ground Zero. I had a lot of energy and emotions and I couldn't go asleep, but my girl totally crashed. I couldn't sleep because I was empathizing for all the horrible things that happened (right out my hotel window) and I really wanted to be with somebody, you know? After giving myself a shoulder massage and listening to some Nine Inch Nails piano instrumentals, I finally passed out. Rough morning.

  8. Oh he11 yeah! I love massage oils! We never use baby oil, cuz it's kinda nasty. Save it for when you take the sheets off the water bed. The best non-scented oil is sunflower seed oil, I think. It sticks around just long enough for a nice massage, and you can add your own herbs and flavors to it.

    I'm a huge fan of the Bath and Body Works aromatherapy line, though! We have Vanilla, Lavendar, an Orangey Awake and the Eucaliptus Relax. Dude, we massage before sex nealry every time! It all started with this sweet little book called The Art of Sexual Massage. It's totally cheezy about how it goes into the body's energy flows, but after studying it and trying it, I'm totally a beliver.

  9. It was pretty good, but I heard it wasn't his best set. It was the first time I'd seen him, and most of the time I was worried about where my girl was. She was gone for 45 minuties after heading to the bathrooms because the damn security had her stuck, outside, in the rain, in a sleeveless shirt. She couldn't get back upstairs until the guards changed shifts. I felt so horrible for her (she missed 3 days of work last week because she was sick!) that we left. Of course, we spent 5am - 6:20am at coat check. God, it was rough.

    All I gotta say is I'm having 40 people over for a house party this weekend. No going out!!!! I got decks upstairs and gamecube downstairs. And NO COAT CHECK!

  10. I don't think it could be from people jumping. We were on a brick floor and he was on a platform. It could be from the 10 Stuck On Coatcheckline people or the camera crew that caused it though. Who knows. It was so humid with like 3000 people in that tent that it was raining from the ceiling of it though. Big bass was causin' it to come down every minuite. THAT was pretty cool actually.

    The thing I dug most about the night was Carl's attitude. He's great.

  11. Mornin' y'all. Hope you had a good time at Honeydew, cuz Destination NYC in New York on Saturday was a total mess.

    It was barely above freezing, it was raining, it took 1 - 3 hours of waiting in line to get in, security was rude and even hit some of the ravers, the porta potties were by the river uncovered in the rain, the floor of the main tent where Carl Cox was playing was flooded with an inch or two of water, Carl's equipment was messed up and he train wrecked 3 times in the first hour, it was a rainy, metal, windy 3 floor trek outside to the other room, security closed off access to the upstairs room BEFORE Carl Cox's set was even finished and also closed off access to the only bathrooms, and when you finally decided to leave, it took 1 - 2 hours of waiting in coat check.

    Stuck on Earth messed up BAD this time.

    The music was great, though.

    So, how was Honeydew?

  12. Originally posted by photographiti



    I can't tell you where I get em. You'll just have to keep reading my posts until I cycle through the good ones. ;)

  13. Originally posted by malanee

    No doubt! There was something very reassuring about getting encouragement from host of people who have so recently been in my shoes. So how do you know that group? And have I met you yet? Let me know how your lesson goes!

    I don't think we've met yet. I just started actively going out several months ago and just moved to the area 4 weeks ago. If anybody wants to find me, look for the big dude who can't dance so well. I'll be in NYC this weekend though.

    I definitely think a few of us DJing newbies need to get together one of these nights and practice together.

  14. Malanee, I'm so glad you enjoyed it!!! Metatracks is such a good thing for our community, I think. I was worried that a DJ studio wouldn't work as a business concept in DC, but it seems like they're booked up a lot!

    Juliette IS really great, isn't she? She's such a natural teacher because that's what she did before she opened Metatracks. She was a teacher! :D It's really cool that they get some big names there sometimes too. We're working on getting Emma Feline to do a lesson there sometime later in March. She's totally looking forward to it. If we get a green light on that, I'll put up a post.

    I just got decks a couple weeks ago, and I'm heading to the Intro to DJing class on Thursday. I don't think I'll learn a WHOLE lot, but it'll be nice for networking and meeting some other prospective DJ's in the area.

    I recognize that I'll never get good at spinning unless I make some friends who are also trying to learn, so that at first we can help each other figure it out, and then we can use each other as competition.

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