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About jerseyguidette

  • Birthday 11/26/1981


  • Biography
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  • Interests
    Guidos, Clubbing, Workingout,& Shopping
  • Occupation
    College Student/ Bartender
  • Gender

jerseyguidette's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. I looove him!!! My bf thinks im crazy becaue i literally wake up every day at three in the morning just to watch threes company on nick at nite!! I loove three's company mainly because of him!!!R.i.P jack!!
  2. Nope it was East Rutherford!
  3. My bf loves him! we were at strong and shapely working out a few months ago and he was working out! i went up to him bc my bf told me who he was and introduced them two! i was standing next to him adn he is a house!! My bf said we looked hilarious standing next to each other!!
  4. You need too fuckkin kill urself!!! Your the moron cuz I am talking about the Kangol hats jerk-off!! people with any style if they do wear those hideous looking britney spears hat its Kangols!I was talking about the KANGOL HATS- LOOSER!!! fucking amateurs kill me!
  5. I take it you rock those hats ladyshady?? rock on!!! ~Most hideous thing ever!!!
  6. i hate kangols especially on girls!! if i see one more im gonn athrow up!! they really need to kill themselevs if there still rocking that shit!! and those trucker hast even worst!!!KILL URSELF PLEASE!!
  7. well i actually like the whole "club scene" these clubs wouldn't be jersey clubs without them ! The juicehead guidos I LOVE!! As far as the fake tities-rock on! I think the only thing that bothers me is the mangeled people on drugs that don't know how to act and the whores on the side doing raunchy things to get attention!! ~Who need to kill themselves!~
  8. It definetly depends on who is wearing em. My bf looks a bit weird with it on but some other guys look soo hot!! Wearing them at a shore club is cool but at a real club def not!! i rather see the bandana look then that played out kangol look. i sear if i see one more of those dumb hats on girls im gonna be siick!
  9. Well personally i think they are hideous! Its the worse thing i've seen since arm warmers! Those things are soo cheap looking and corney!I don't care who you are you could be the hottiest peice of ass but with that hat on u just need to kill urself! Those things definetly gotta go! it's just funny how celebrities can make everyone look like idiots just by wearing these things first. just my personally opinion- If u do like em rock on with ur bad self.
  10. I am the Biggiest MAC-Whore! I spend aleast one hundred dollars every paycheck on their line. I absolutly Love their Laquers!!
  11. Surf Club is gonna be sick! I lived in that place last year and plan on doing it again for 03!!!
  12. he definetly is a minor! I work at joeys and im really cool with all the bouncers at surf and no they do not make $60 a night and there just doing there job! If they do give you a hard time its because your ID looks shday thats all! There awesome guys atleast the one's i know!
  13. So what if it rains it 's still not gonna stop teh mahaim! I remember last year labor day weekend it was soooo crappy out and i had the best time down the shore ever! The clubs were still pumpi!
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