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Posts posted by therealjr

  1. It's aweomse, probably the best one so far.

    I am stuck for the 1st time in the game and i can't seem to think of any solutions.

    I'm in the basement for the training facility. Thier is a circle with statues of different animals and tourches. A sign says to light the tourches of the "weak!". I've attempted to light these in 2 or 3 different orders, but to no avail.

    Any1 know what i should do?

  2. Originally posted by jaybzee

    So I take it cigarettes and alcohol does the same, but they must be O.K. because politicians say so? Please don't preach your pseudo science or false universal norms, especially when people propagate such norms with extreme ulterior motives in mind, motives that none of us can even speculate about. Drug use potentially can be lethal to one's body, but so can driving a car...So all activities that make me depressed and do "damage," make me uncivilized or lower class, what a load of bullshit

    Look who is trying to sound smart.. . .

    I'll address your idiocy 1 step at a time.

    Cigarettes or bad and alcohol is ok in moderations. . . .They both have negative effects on the body and mind, but not nearly as much as things like ecstacy, coke, etc. . .

    Pseudo science? ? Man you are a moron, scientific evidence and test subjects show the effects drugs have on people and comparing them to driving a car is fucking dumb the only way you can hurt yourself in a car is by being a FUCK UP.

    Now I agree that these substances should be legalised but in order to control and tax them. People should have the opportunity to kill themselves anyway they like. The government has no right to control that.

    If you must do what you are obviously gonna do. . do it in moderation and pray it doesn't fuck you up for good.

  3. Originally posted by BRIAN1500

    I am gonna pull rank of your sweet :phone: :phone: ass next. ;) LOL.


    You can have rank on her sweet ass. . .what i wanna know is. . . .who the HELL is the chick in the center of your pic !:eek:

  4. Originally posted by cintron

    well i'm just kiddding around, but as for comments about drug use... i'm curious to know how you think drug use affects where i stand on a "social scale"... or how it in any way relates to my self esteem.

    Well drug use is unacceptable in a civilised society such as ours and depending on you drug of choice it definately puts you in a lower class level.

    As for self esteem. . . .People with high self esteem and self respect won't damage thier bodies the way drug users do. . .And it's a fact that drugs effect seritonine and other parts of the brain that make you more depressed and think even lower of yourself.

    But i bet you knew all that.

  5. Originally posted by jaysea


    but you cant be to Elite on the Manhattan Elite scale if your from Jersey.....

    and limelight wasent a dump....

    it was a creepy ass church.....LOL

    With a shitty crowd after 1996........

    and with 3.5mill invested in it....and EVERYTHING RIPPED OUT AND RE DONE......it aint a creepy ass church no more...its a palace, more like.... its Cute...

    still wondering about Sound.......Heard rumor to it being markos Venatalli........from Spain?

    Were you reading this thread or did you just put anything? ?

    I called Arc a dump you moron.. . .AAAAAAAnd I never said i was on any elite class of anything. . . .Oh and by the way I loved limelight just the way it was.

  6. I am sure alot of you know NJ NICK. . .he does a lot of work w/ alot of the parties around ny and nj.

    This Saturday "The Supper Club" will be throwing him a huge B-day Bash complete with an open bar. It looks like it will be bigger than any1 of the ones we did for him in the past. (I hear they were huge. . i was usually a bit to hammered to know what happened until I saw the pictures.)

    Supper Club has agreed to allow NA Marketing to distribute tickets that garauntee admission and line privelages. Any1 who has gone to supper club on a sat. knows that's a big deal.

    Easiest way to get those tickets and more info is to contact nick at "njnick@my2way.com"

  7. Originally posted by tunnelbandit

    You sound like a 14 yr.old girl on th phone:aright:

    Yeah dude this guys a tool!

    "For the record I wasnt drunk and there were two people in the car when I called, 2 people you know real well actually. How did I bash you Laurie, Did I call you insecure??? Did I say you werent up to par??? Did I insult you at your profession and what you work hard at every day of your life and tell you that you suck at what you do??? Didn't think so!!! I was in your little town of Cranford last night, turns out you have a few more enemies then I knew about. Maybe when you get the living shit beat out of you you will learn to keep your fucking mouth shut!!! "

    Shut the fuck up you dork. . leave leaky laurie alone

  8. And i wanted to let every1 know about a great party this weekend.

    I am sure alot of you know NJ NICK. . .he does a lot of work w/ alot of the parties around ny and nj.

    This Saturday "The Supper Club" will be throwing him a huge B-day Bash complete with an open bar. It looks like it will be bigger than any1 of the ones we did for him in the past. (I hear they were huge. . i was usually a bit to hammered to know what happened until I saw the pictures.)

    Supper Club has agreed to allow NA Marketing to distribute tickets that garauntee admission and line privelages. Any1 who has gone to supper club on a sat. knows that's a big deal.

    Easiest way to get those tickets and more info is to contact nick at "njnick@my2way.com"

  9. Holy shit man. . .I remember the 1 at Cheetah like it was a few days ago. . .well i remember getting the pics developed. .they helped refresh the memory of the night in question. . . Just got back from CA and now i'm looking forward to this weekend man. . . I'm happy to see Ryan M. spinning, he always keeps the party jumping . . .Happy B-day. . .this year no driving ! !

    Did i read correctly ? ? ?

    :direct:OPEN BAR ! ! :letsgo:


  10. Originally posted by cpay9211

    I don't post bs you dumbass I post information to help anyone I can.

    What do you help with? You help people think of reasons to use drugs? What a service to society you provide. In all actuallity the reports that say "Ecstacy" isn't bad are talking about M.D.M.A. Unfortunately the "Ecstasy" that is available is rarely made up of that substance, it usually contains things like D.X.M or other susbtances that increase your heart rate and sometimes cause holusinating. These substances severly dehydrate the body and and that is what causes death. Oddly enough with D.X.M drinking too much water ios also fatal. (damn if you do, damned if you don't)

  11. I said nothing about class levels of any1 or anything.

    I have a lot of friends and whatnot that go thier religously, I just don't like the place. It's too hot and it' a dump. It hard to have fun in a place where i am not comfortable.

    I think that your comments say alot about you though. May be it's a self esteem thing or maybe you aren't 1 of those people who use drugs and you know where the drug use puts you on the social scale.

  12. Coming from a retired Promo. Director who hated Exit since the day it decided to open up. . .You do what you got to do.

    Mike is in the stage of getting more and more recognition. Now i haven't heard him personally but i hear some good things about the kid. In those stages of a career(in any form of entertainment) beggers can't be choosers. Not that i am calling him a begger or anything(so don't jump to conclusions).

    And to Mike - Continue to do what you have to do man. Fuck the haters. No matter who you are and how far you get, some1 will hate on you.

  13. Name :- JR

    Age:- 23

    Height:- 5'5

    Sex:- Male

    Eye Colour:- Hasle

    Hair Colour:- Light Brown

    Fave style of music:- RedHot Chilli Peppers

    Worst music:- Stuff w/ no feeling to it (music is an expression)

    Fave club:- Lavela (Panama City Florida)

    Worst club:- Exit

    Best night this year:- The year isn't over !. .But the 1st night of the year was Fuckin dope!

    Top 3 dj's:-

    1. Danny Teneglia

    2. Steven Lawler

    3. P.V.D

    Worst Dj:- J. Peters

    Fave Food:- Kahuna Burgers

    Best Word:- ''shibby"

  14. I don't know about the "press your hardon against her tech."

    But, I was wearing these tight ass pants for my halloween costume this week. The kind where you could not only see my bulg, but see the veins in it too. Well, these chicks were like "that's not just you in thier" and i told her to check for herself.

    Wll, it was and that worked to my advantage.

    unfortunatley she just wanted to play. . . didn't close the deal, but it was fun.

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