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Everything posted by granflaco

  1. You are really going to go to Rome, Napoles and Capri and are going to clubbing and buying records????. Oh my God, if you are going there and you are going to do that, it means that you are crazy, man. Don't waste your time in night life in that cities if you are going only for seven days. Enjoy the beauty of the cities, take a walk by the streets. If you were going for 3 weeks, perhaps you'll have time for clubbing. Take advantage of the time. You only have a few days, and you'll be in the second most beautiful city in the world (the first is Madrid, of course, hehe!)
  2. Ok, I rectify. Indeed, most of spanish people don't speak english, or they do it so bad (I'm the perfect example;) ). I see that you like our culture. I have misinterpreted your words, I'm sorry for that (only one thing: you said "The non-native residents are people who discovered the beauty of the island", you want to say "re discovered", you don't?, we discovered it first!, perhaps I'm misinterpreting another time). I think you can perfect your spanish with my aid and I can learn english (or UK english:) ) with yours. And remember that you have a friend and a guide in Madrid. ¿Te parece buena idea eso de perfeccionar idiomas?, desde luego, a mi esto me puede ayudar mucho. Y por supuesto que va en serio. Aquí en Madrid estoy para cuando decidas venir a vernos y a comer tan bien, jeje. Aunque sólo sea cuando vayas a Ibiza, podremos tomarnos un cafe cuando hagas escala en el aeropuerto de Barajas (aunque la comida del aeropuerto es una basura) ¿Saludos y mis disculpas!
  3. Muchas gracias. Te aseguro que no me enfado. Lo de la otra vez fue una rabieta incontrolada fruto del estres al que me somete mi jefe. No volvera a ocurrir, hasta yo me sorprendi de aquella estupidez que hice porque no va conmigo. Y muchas gracias, no es gran cosa, pero es un gran avance (no tenia nada, ahora ya tengo algo). Me puedes aclarar un par de dudas?. Al decir que es un bar/lounge para sentarse y tomar copas, quieres decir que la musica no esta muy alta y se puede charlar?. Se la traduccion literal de lounge, pero no se exactamente a que tipo de local llamais lounge (las diferencias culturales...). Y no se si es mucho pedir, pero, aqui no es dificil conseguir una tarjeta de presentacion de un club/bar/discoteca, ¿podrias tu, si vives cerca, conseguirme una?, no te ofendas por mi cara dura y si no puedes o no quieres gracias de todos modos. Y por supuesto, si algun dia decides viajar a España y mas concretamente a Madrid, aqui tienes un amigo y un guia. And for all that no speak spanish, thank you for putting up with my stubbornness. And remember if you travel to Spain (i'm from Madrid), here you have a guide. (idrthrbclbng: ¿lo dije bien lo ultimo?)
  4. I'll not surrender: please I need information about BlackStar Lounge in your city. People, prices, etc. And the most important thing: I need a scan of the logo. Thank you very much!
  5. Hi dialectics: One thing: what do you want to say with "it is the language of tourist dollars"???, we don't need your dollars man. We don't speak english for a few dollars, we don't stoop for that. Because we don't accept dollars (that's no Cuba, guy). And you must know that peseta has disappeared. Now we have "Euros", the new european money that you can use in countries of CEE. And yes, the food is the best in all of spain. But for having a paella go out of the island to Valencia. No doubt: the best. The food is very good in Ibiza, but much better in the Peninsula. An if you go to Spain, eat spanish food, not italian or others...
  6. Hi broiler: I'm from Madrid, Spain. I'm sorry but I don't speak english as well i'll like. Ibiza is great, and people of any age are welcome in the islad. Don't worry for the language. The body language is the one wich everyones understand. In any case, natives form Ibiza will thanks you if you learn some words in spanish. Don't worry for your age. ¿27?, perfect, ¿21? perfect, ¿50?, perfect, ¿65?, perfect... the age, it doesn't matter. All ages are welcome, all races, all nationalities. The land of mestizage, diversion, clubbing and sex. That's Ibiza.
  7. Hi dr0ne: Hay joderse can't be translated has "go fuck yourselves". It must be translated as "it must be fucked", fuck the thing, the situation, and not to yourselve.
  8. Siento de verdad haber sido tan irrespetuoso. Confío en que alguien me ayude. Seré pesado y colgaré mensajes a menudo para tener más posibilidades de que (si existe) ese que conoce el BlackStar me conteste. I'm really really sorry!
  9. Hola dr0ne: Tienes razón, me he dejado llevar un poco por los nervios, estoy muy estresado por el trabajo. Aprovecho que me has contestado en español para no destrozarme más mi castigada cabeza intentando expresarme con claridad en inglés. No esperaba que me contestase nadie en español, efectivamente esto es una "bboard" americana. Lo que ocurre es que he escrito un mensaje en inglés (te aseguro que me costó un montón) y poca gente me ha contestado. Sólo necesito algo de información. No pido que nadie se desplace hasta el BlackStar para conseguir una tarjeta del local ni hacer fotos... faltaría más, pero es un lugar de vuestra ciudad, y seguro que sabeis la manera de que pueda encontrar información. Hasta ahora sólo se que está en el 92 de Second Avenue y su horario, pero no se el tipo de gente que va, ni nada de eso. Desde aqui mis disculpas por mi agresividad y mi mal genio, que no supe canalizar antes de hablar.
  10. No esperaba menos (pura ironía, por supuesto) de los habitantes de esa ciudad. Es una pena que tan poca gente haya sido capaz de ayudarme. Aquí hubierais tenido las puertas abiertas de par en par. Uno se esfuerza en hablar vuestro idioma... ¿para que?, tampoco pedía tanto. Que pena.
  11. please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please!!!
  12. Good luck, or as many people say in my country: Mucha mierda!!! ¡¡¡¡Buenas vibraciones desde Madrid!!!!
  13. I think there are tons of better places, sure... Next Year I'll go to New York... mmmm I'm looking forward to going! One more thing: In Spain whe talk about Discotecas, Pubs, Clubs, Bares an Salas, I'm trying to say: what is realy the difference between a Lounge an a Bar for you?
  14. I'm going to work as a public relations officer in a new Club in Madrid, Spain, preciselly called BlackStar. The boyfriend of the property inversor wants to keep the spirit of Black Star and he ordered me to make a research about the bar in New York, but I don't find anything. I need the logo and images of the original lounge for showing projections at the BlackStar Madrid walls, and desing a logo (not plagiarize) taking the lines of the original, etc. I don't Know what is the reason why he is so interested in, because I don't know anything about this bar and I think that he not even knows that he wants. So, I don't know... perhaps the bar has his own web... (Sorry for my deplorable english level...)
  15. Hello: I'm sorry, my english is not very good. I'm from Spain, and i want information about the Black Star Lounge in 92 Second Avenue. I need photos also. Thank you!!
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