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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by shook

  1. i feel that 95 percent of this and other boards are ugly rejects and the sick part is that it doesn't stop at ugly cause most are fat and ugly which is just disgusting and makes these things so not worth doing unless u take it as a joke and fuk with people on them LoL and ofcourse fuk people off of them even tho most of the girls your fuken off them are toed up but lol a head piece by a strange message board geek is always a must when all else fails at 3 in the morn during the week LoL
  2. most people who post on these things are lame or ugly or fat and deff short and most of them are fat, ugly and short combined LoL so i deff think message boards are geared for the rejects out ther in life and on the real a lot of these rejects know too much bout shit they shouldn't even be allowed around which is sick but over all u can catch a normal person here and ther on these things and damn if any of ya'll ever wanna see a normal person who post's just look at George i might not be all ther mind wise and deff ain't smart enough to be a geek but i deff look the part to be admired so feel free people i need more members in my fan club LoL and yep that sounded conceited but fuk it cause it's so the truth and please no fat chicks reply cause no matter how many members i might have or want i do not want any short, ugly, or fat people in it cause u are who u hang with and damn i couldn't get down with that no matter how many drugs or steroidz i use
  3. no promises tho the cream part is rare onless u really know wut you doing babe
  4. it does babe i get atleast 10 strange ims a week from random girls who im me i say who are u and they state they don';t know me but think i'm cute or something and got my name from a website its kinda anoyen too but i guess i bring it upon my self by posten pics places
  5. wut ever i'm just being nice but any ways remember the screen name and surprise me 1 day with a im
  6. as soon as i talk the gf or dump the gf off at home i'm ther so probley like 6 am i'm ther rocken a towell fuk undies thats over rated i am going like i walk around the house only wearen a towell wraped around my self and a skimpy towel at that LoL
  7. good response and finnly some 1 who relizes they can't change my oppion and thers no reason to even bother tryen to make ther point cause i will think wut i want any ways soo good move girl i respect that response
  8. and just to state this jersey seems to have the most fat bitchs and it makes me sick and these fat bitchs think ther cute to thats the sick part ther is no such thing as a cute fat bitch if your fat u can't be cute your just fat never cute and if u get to fat u can never be cute cause u deform your bones so if your fat u just deserve death and for those who disagree fuk u cause only those who are fat will have a problem with my wordz so go and run your mouths cause your just proven to me u aren't worth my time in talken with u
  9. that was not off topic it was how i hate fat bitchs on ther cell phones when u know they don't need them cause all they have is rejects callen them or peope llike my self who get broed and think its funny to use a ugly or fat bitch for ass cause ther easy and have low self esteem and will do it all even tho u make fun of them and will do it over and over again LoL stupid fat bitchs
  10. thanks babe but dont' hate me cause i offended u by sayen chubby all of u fuken chubby people can suk my dik we'll not really no chubby chicks are worth this dik but on the real us skinny or built people will read wut i say and will laugh and that is all that count's i geared that joke for the skinny people out ther
  11. i hate chubby chicks i know this does not make sense with the topi but i hate the fact of chubby chicks haven phones i mean they don't need cell's ther fat no body is callen them but other chubby chicks or ugly guys who liek them or hot gusy who are usen them for ass so for the point of the convo i hate chubby chicks and god forbid a chubby chicks is short and ugly besides being fat damn thats just plan sick and those deserve death
  12. deff not she would flip for the fact i have the pics up then she would flip thinken i have girls iming me and i'm tryen to meet them LoL so this is my dark lil secret pretty much
  13. true the pale sicky look is deff in i mean i'm not alowed to tan my skin doc says so unfort i am pale but its not bad but it could just be better u know
  14. LoL na i can be friends with any 1 hot fat ugly blue green etc, u know and i'm even tired of the hot girl thing most are boren and jus twanan bum around nad never wanna go out and have fun they rather look in a mirror lol its sick and anoyen
  15. true babe u can never say whole but u can say pretty damn close to 90 percent aren't worthen fuken and u can even ask otehr cute nj girls and they will sya that it is ugly and the gusy are even more ugly ussly cause u can find a cute girl faster the na cute guy and bout them being stuck up lol nj girls stuck up this has gotta be a joke thers maybe 15 percent of females in this wole state who deserve to even be kinda stuck up and i am not nj bashen i happen to know a few girls in this state who are hotter then ny girls its just too bad tho that the rest of the girls are below par
  16. thats normal in nj kid LoL every place in nj i have ever been i have seen that and they think they look good to thats the sick part even i stay clothed in nj spots i mean any place where u are bigger then the bouncers i concider to be wack and a waste of my time i dont' wanan be a big fish smal lpong i wanna be the small fish in the big pond cause that inspires u to wanna become bigger and better and nj gives u no mototvation at all
  17. fun is over rated and the crowds do effect the level of fun in which a person should have but i deff agree kid if i knew bout it for a few days befor hand i would of went to peep u i mean i deff hate the place well the peope lwho go to the place for the most part but i mean george is always game to support a fellow cper
  18. it does acctly look liek a pale skin version of her LoL and low standerd mother fukers acctly concider that fukable lol thats wuts sick
  19. thats wut i do but between laughs i yell out ugly fat or reject
  20. does any 1 else relize or is it gjust me that joeG and his closest friends all seem like 13 year old acten faggets plus ther all out of shape and ugly i mean damn u reject need to find a reject board and to get the fuk off this 1 cause its people like u that amke me sick i mean i'm happy i dont' see u rejects out in public cause i woudl really get sick then but just seeing ya'll type on a board and like convo makes me sick it reminds me of hs when u would pick on a nerd or geek and at lunch time all of them would sit together and talk liek ther cool and would like get brave we'll i have relized the simplest way to deal with that is to beat the fuk out of the group and to let them be known that tehr rejects alone and as a pose ther a group of rejects
  21. hhhhmmmmmmmmmmmm wut a thread i feel for them strangers who peep this thread and judge all of us upon some of these pics i mean some of these pics gives cp a bad name but i guess fuk it but for all u strange females out ther who deff weren't impressed by some of these pics don't worrys just pm me or some thing and i can prove to ya'LL that not all of cp is geeky and ther are some real males out ther
  22. hhhhhmmmmmmmm i don't spin at all but how do i get a chance to bounce around naked on them shity ktu turn tables
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