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Posts posted by jennijugs

  1. Originally posted by somebitch

    nope, my feelings are not hurt. this is a messageboard, i dont take it seriously like some people *AHEM*...

    fyi, for future use of the word intelligence, it is an I not an E (just trying to help) ;)

    are you trying to say that i do ... ( take it seriously ? ) .... b/c i could give a rats ass what you and your pyscho stalker think of me .. oh and btw ... picking up on my misspelled words .. ouch you got me there ! :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

  2. :nopity: :nopity: :nopity:

    awwww now we hurt her feelings .... maybe next time you should think before you start mouthing off to people you dont know .. its obvious by the posts you and johnholmes made that you were trying to make fun of me when i did nothing to you .. you attacked my appearance.. my job... my intellegence .. and so on ..

    You were wrong .. so get over it

  3. first of all if you think your offending me ...try again ... i know it is really easy to say all dancers are whores but since you dont know me ..what you say has no bearing.... Secondly i have a future and this isn't my carrer .. its a job .. and i dont have to explain myself to anyone ..

    :blown: :blown: :blown: :blown: :blown:

  4. your nice !!!! hahahahhahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahhaahhahaahha

    Originally posted by somebitch

    you obviously know nothing about this business. some days jobs come in, some days they dont (same with just about any job). ;) it is snowing today and dead in here so i can do nothing if i choose. you're just jealous.

    besides i am actually a very nice person. i do all sorts of design work for various charities for free... im sure jenni doesnt do anythign nice for anyone except her man and people giving her dollars.

  5. see unlike you i have people who are actually my friends that defend me not someone who is stalking me ... although no i am starting to get scared of johnholmes too .... b/c he seems to be obessessing over me now too!!

    Originally posted by somebitch

    hey just cuz u wanna put your dick in her jugs doesnt mean you have to call me a cunt. :rolleyes:

  6. I doubt a big advertiser can still on cp all day like you ... your probably just a receptionist ... why dont you go make some coffee sweetie... and btw ... the beauty of my job is i can work 2 days a week and still make more $$ than you

    Originally posted by somebitch

    haha. its not like i am sitting home before i hit the bikini bar to go shake my tits at some people for money... i am at work, bored, this is slightly entertaining. passing the time.

  7. seriously !!!! everyone knows i am a dancer !!! there are other dancers that also post on this board so your not putting me down your just stating the obvious !!! Secondly .... You are really just STALKING this big Shonzalabeak bitch ... so why not just stick with that and stop trying to be funny b/c you not . You are just a scary wierdo stalker

  8. Caruch ...

    They dont bother me at all .its sooo funny cuz they think they do .

    Thanks for the b-day wish ... maybe i will sneak over to taste one of these sat.

    Originally posted by caruch

    jen, dont listen to them u are better then them, they want u to get upset

    happy b day, i wish i could go celebrate it but i have to be at taste (where u should have thrown it)lol j/k

  9. what are you talking about ???

    JohnHolmes is stalking somebitch --- why would that turn me on or make me laugh ?

    Originally posted by liqidtouch

    what the hell was that supposed to be for you JENNI-

    like that was supposed to turn u on or make you laugh?

    pyshcoticly obessessd -- not at all- i think its just

    pyshcoticly obessessd wrong!!

  10. ohhh your stupidity is really shining thru ... how old are you nastybitch??

    You should really spend less time thinking about me and more time thinking about when your stalker is gonna strike .. i would me very afraid if i were you

    Originally posted by somebitch

    haha i have a hooters girl telling me i need to do somethign wtih my life. that is so backwards. i am a graphics designer for a tech company youre a bikini dancer. :rolleyes:

  11. oh Jesus Christ !!! you guys do realize that your not funny right ?? your laughing at your stupid jokes !!! and the only reason JohnHolmes is doing it is b/c he is pyshcoticly obessessd and stalking somebitch ... you guys seriously need to do something with your lives ...:blown: :blown: :blown: :blown: :blown: :blown: :blown: ::

  12. you dont know anyone on this message board ?? Well i do most of which i have known waaaay before i started posting ... so if i posted on the jersey board where and when i was working, it was because i like when my friends come and chill with me at work ... and when and if they do it is not to give me money

    My man is proud of me whatever i do ... you obviously have never been to the clubs i work in ... b/c if you did u would no that i dance on stage in a bikini and make alot of money for it ... i am 23 years old and this isnt my carerr ... but if it makes you feel big and strong to call me names when you dont know me from a hole in the wall ... so be it .. no skin offf my back :cool:

    carry on

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