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About alias123

  • Birthday 02/16/1978


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  1. maybe im missing something obvious but if the posts here reporting how exit is empty on saturday are true then wouldn't changing from 18 and over to 21 and over be a bad business decision, at least for now since you'd be reducing the size of your target market? i will never understand the reasoning of the management there
  2. that's jsut it .. hes all about money but hes a horrible businessman, IMO He spends ungodly amounts of money booking the DJ's .... but a large portion of the crowd those DJ's draw won't go because they know the guest dj will be booted off early for tony draper and yea hes guranteed to profit from draper every week .... but the guest dj's cost alot of money and exit is not packing out for them ... the way i figure it hes gotta be losing money ... or at least not making a significant profit
  3. I agree with your review of the venue. As for drink/cover charge, its the same throughout the city -- thats not whats keeping people away. The search at the door is violating, to say the least. People don't go because the place has a nasty stigma attachted to it, and for good reason. Everytime management takes two steps forward, they take a leap back. i.e. Fired Tony Draper, brought International Talent, Rehired Tony Draper for Afterhours or Moved Vasquez' party to 6am into the afternoon, moved it back early now its dead as you say and whether you like tony draper or not, they cant have his party on the same night as the guest dj talent no one wants to go hear Armin Van Buuren with a Hot Body Contest afterwards keep the bridge and tunnel promos seperate from the ... muzik rules all promos i still think they should do muzik fridays with guest dj talent imagine saturdays with B&T promos earth sundays (saturday afterhours) with junior vasquez hit three markets in one weekend ... doesnt make bad business sense
  4. alias123

    liquid website

    when i go to www.liquidmiami.com nothing happens and windows media player pops up and give mes an error message just to make sure its not just me ... anybody having the same problem?
  5. or any other board except experience and in answer to the question at hand no
  6. this is where I have to disagree the numbers were failing at exit because there is a stigma attached to that name of horrible crowds .. many people were reluctant to go in fear of no vibe, or just a completely unpleasent experience it would take more time, definitely more time than they gave it, to rid themselves of that stigma the venue had to gain the trust of a crowd that prior to drapers departure wouldnt have stepped foot in exit it was seriously getting there in my opinion ... ferry corsten's night -- but exit promoters (specific promoters) and management i think failed to realize what they had to achieve before the crowds would come in steady numbers each week and they didn't give it enough time .... they wanted to bring in the same cash if not more as when draper was resident .. which i really believe is possible - with work and more time ... but bringing draper instead is easier .... fast cash with literally no planning necessary ... they know draper's fan base will be there week in and week out for some more Rythym Ready
  7. umm alright ... i'm pretty sure nobody took that statement in this way i didnt say anything about everybody looking or acting the same two different crowds with very differnet MUSICAL tastes ... you can't please two crowds who like differnet music on one dancefloor now show me where i implicated that i want a crowd of all the same type of people .. because i can't find it
  8. i really wish draper would get a residency at say webster hall or world at least those venues, webster hall being a toursit trap, and world just being world don't have the potential -- whatsoever then at least you don't feel like you're losing something .. or that he's ruining something that could be good ... cause it can't
  9. they might not stress about it like this board but their opinion of him as a whole is clear: http://www.naughtybooth.com/board/showthread.php?threadid=12893&highlight=draper he gets respect from nobody except his old exit crowd unlike other djs take paul oakenfold many people don't like him for how commercial he has become but he still gets respect for his skill
  10. maybe but i'll bet not one of them is there to hear draper thats where the talent is right now .. unfortunately thats where we have to go hear it ... granted you choose to deal with the crowd and endless problems with exit someone said this to me the other day .. tony draper is clubland untouchable ... no one wants to be associated with him earlier in the thread somebody said something aobut a draper promoter cursing the CP Board because no one likes draper here ... guess what ... go to any other board ... ezdreamer, naughtybooth ... not sure about vip draper is a joke wherever you go except for people at experience .. and not all of them
  11. true and they will make money with both the problem is they cannot have those two very different crowds in the same venue on the same night by doing that they're asking .. begging for a displeased crowd and no respect from the club world
  12. Alex Gold is the headliner .. the promoter who made that flyer is obviously a dick you don't bring in international talent to open for sucky djs and why havent you heard one person say they want to go see him? ... its in font size 2 ... and anybody who would be interested in going prolly didn't even want to read a flyer with drapers name printed across it in big bold print i know i wouldnt and i hate to assume because we all know whats happens when we assume ... but the crowd you hang out with probably likes draper too and they might not have ever heard of him
  13. i'm reposting this in it's own thread because i bet there is plenty of people .. aside from me ... who see draper and exit in the subject line and skip right over it and i really cant blame them _________________________ exit shoud leave muzik fridays as is .. especailly after all the positive feedback from ferry corsten's night if they must bring draper back at all, they should put him in the early saturday spot ..which was always intended for a B&T crowd ....from opening to 6am or 7am .. when Junior kicks off his party and his crowd piles in .. drapers is sure to pile out then Junior should take it home with his Sunday morning party nothing else they had in that saturday spot ever lasted .... 100%PURE although nero was sik, Phenonmenon, the original Ojeda and Tsettos party... none of which seemed to last ... this way the people who like draper can get their fix on saturdays and lessen the crowd conflict on fridays i dont think drapers spinning time would be any shorter than it was when fridays were all his ... i dont think imagine made it too far past7am? i could be wrong .. dont hold me to it they wouldnt lose out on liquor sales .. because saturdays are 18 and up anyway .. and that crowd probably drinks more its even better for the club itself draper has a strong following and because his party would be in a restricted time frame the people would pack in earlier and for the club ... the earlier you pak them in the better because last call for alcohol is at 4am .... if you stroll in at 2 ... the club has a 2 hour window of oppurtunity to make liquor money off of you where as you walk in at 11 and then theres a 5 hour window exits a big venue ..it can't cater completely to one crowd ....but this way it can cater to 3 .... but at sperate times eliminating the ever present crowd clashing muzik fridays with guest talent ... striclty music crowd imagine saturdays with tony draper ... for drapers crowd earth sundays with junior vasquez ... for juniors crowd what you think
  14. thanks and actually i thought of another plus this on the clubs part draper has a strong following and because his party would be in a restricted time frame the people would pack in earlier and for the club ... the earlier you pak them in the better because last call for alcohol is at 4am .... if you stroll in at 2 ... the club has a 2 hour window of oppurunity to make liquor money off of you where as you walk in at 11 and then theres a 5 hour window
  15. exit shoud leave muzik fridays as is .. especailly after all the positive feedback from ferry corsten's night if they must bring draper back at all, they should put him in the early saturday spot ..which was always intended for a B&T crowd .... from opening to 6am or 7am .. when Junior kicks off his party and his crowd piles in .. drapers is sure to pile out then Junior should take it home with his Sunday morning party nothing else they had in that saturday spot ever lasted .... 100%PURE although nero was sik, Phenonmenon, the original Ojeda and Tsettos party ... none of which seemed to last ... this way the people who like draper can get their fix on saturdays and lessen the crowd conflict on fridays i dont think drapers spinning time would be any shorter than it was when fridays were all his ... i dont think imagine made it too far past 7am? i could be wrong .. dont hold me to it they wouldnt lose out on liquor sales .. because saturdays are 18 and up anyway .. and that crowd probably drinks more exits a big venue ..it can't cater completely to one crowd .... but this way it can cater to 3 .... but at sperate times eliminating the ever present crowd clashing muzik fridays with guest talent ... striclty music crowd imagine saturdays with tony draper ... for drapers crowd earth sundays with junior vasquez ... for juniors crowd comment
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