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Posts posted by kevtherev1

  1. just wanted to clear the air.. this is not cheyne, this is the promotion company hired for the internet promotions using cheynes name ... I just copied and pasted the press write up about the cd and did'nt think it would have this effect.. looking at it now, yes it does seem a bit cockey.. on behalf of cheyne and myself we are sorry for that! This cd is 100% legit and the first of many to come. I hope you all enjoy it..

    what exactly is a "riseing superstar dj"?? maybe you should read the press release before you "copied and pasted" it. Actually what press write up would say "riseing"?? what promotion company would post a statement about a client without reading it????

    One more thing, how do you break into the cd market? Since the cd market has been around 25+ years, saying you are breaking into the cd market a quarter century after the fact isnt really saying much. I'm sure the artists on your cd are proud to have their name on a cd with your promotion company.

    Nick Terranova, executive producer/dj of starkillers has no knowledge of this cd that you legitimately released.

  2. I feel real bad for those guys!!! Its got to be killing them!! what exactly is the problem? Town Bs and liquor license or something? What?

    Angelina Cho, who owns the fort lee hilton and the closter nj hilton, actually owns the liquor license for studio 4, so the problem might be with her rather than studio 4 itself.

    Other people say however, that she doesnt want studio 4 to use her liquor license and is trying to break contract, and is having the town put pressure on studio 4 so they will opt out on their own. Some say she actually requested that the town not renew the license. This however might be caused by the hilton corp putting pressure on her.

    Studio 4 has had some noise complaints in the past, as all high powered nightclubs have had, and I dont think that this warrants refusal of a liquor license renewal.

    Just my highly accurate 2 cents.

  3. Cool I don't recall a JJ Rockers in seaside also, I knew about JJ Rockers in South Amboy and Scotch Plains.

    Dave Cregar dj'ed jj rockers for a most of its lifespan. I beleive Bermuda and JJ rockers sound systems were both installed by mike vendetti. I have the original coemar robots that were installed into the original jj rockers in 1983. They were the first moving mirror hd lights which were the predescessors to intellibeams, technobeams, martins etc...I also have the original mode touch panel controller and the strobe tubes from jj rockers if you remember those.

  4. i know there are few mixes of that song like robbie, bastone and giuseppe d.

    but the edit i got sounds lil more uptempo and very loungy like...anyone have a clue of another mix to it

    ultimix and dj encore mix are the only other two.

  5. Bartending schools are a joke unless you want something to write on your TGIF application. Anyone can learn how to make a drink, personality and curb appeal are way more important in this business than a bartending school certificate. 90% of the bartenders in the popular clubs didnt go to bartending school. Barback, bus boy, waiter are good starting points...friends with a current bartender/manager/owner of the place you want to work is even better.

  6. the lavs for TV are made by either Shure or Lectrosonics, so don’t trash the shure name, they put out some good shit. most of the RF mics you see at concerts are all Shure Beta 87s or SM58s.

    As far as where the rcvrs are located that all depends on the situation, when your doing live TV you have the rcvrs mounted to either the camera itself and/or an additional rcvr mounted back in the ENG truck, both usually more then 'a few feet' away in a breaking news situation or even just in a briefing room for a press conference. The range on most UHF gear is about 1000 feet.

    As far as checking out frequencies before use, only a MORON wouldn’t do that if the gear was being used for a broadcast. The shure UHF stuff has signal metering right on an LCD on the front panel, and even lets the engineer change the freq of the handheld from the receiver if he see's a problem cropping up. Just because you've never 'seen' a radio engineer do his due diligence doesn’t really amount to much- how many times have you watched one setup a broadcast from start to finish? Do you know any engineers? Because it sounds to me like you’re basing most of this on pure speculation.

    I've seen many engineers set up start to finish and worked with many. Most seemed more concerned about what bar they have the radio station comps at than if their mics have freq issues. Using an in house abused wireless for on air broadcast is insane. The radio engineers dont even know what a frequency counter is. I wouldnt call the clear channel remote broadcast people engineers they are the fools who are interning and who will do it for $100.

  7. thats it :] thannxxx by any chace do you know another one that goes

    "i got the key. i got the secret i got the key to another wayyyy i got the key"

    urban cookie collective - "the key, the secret"

  8. no prob.

    one single ISDN line has 2- 64kbit channels (in each direction). outbound one is used for L and the other R. on the return channels we split them and have a talkback channel to communicate w/ the board op in the studio and the other channel is the program audio.

    For live music yes. for just a jock doing cut in's they also use a pots line nowadays though since there are devices (google telos Xport) that will let us pass near CD quality (mono) audio over a regular phone line with as low as a 21,000 baud connection. so we use that in areas that ISDN isn’t available in, or if there isn’t enough time to get a line installed in time.

    I completely agree.

    I wasn’t aware of anybody saying that they couldn’t hear the jocks, just that they heard too much of her. they are professionals and do realize they need to eat the mic when they are out at clubs, I’ve never had a problem with a jock not being loud enough, at least on any of my shows. As far as wireless goes, why do you think it’s insane for using on a live broadcast?? Diversity RF mics that are frequency coordinated and on a frequency that is free of interference are just as reliable as wired mics. When your watching a newscast or any show with anchors on TV those mics on their lapels all feed RF transmitters clipped to their belt so they can move about the studio, run to the bathroom, etc between breaks. And those are going out to a national audience not just a market of radio, so to say that wireless isn’t suited for live broadcasting is just absurd.

    The lav's used for wireless tv broadcast are a far cry from the crappy samson/shure wireless mics in most clubs. And they dont even check for interference before the broadcast. For tv broadcast, the receiver for the lav's is a few feet away from the tv anchors.... not 100 feet away with 500 people between them and the receiver not to mention the other variables involved and they dont broadcast from the bathroom. Its a straight shot to the receiver. Thats why all the track acts sound crappy at the clubs because they use cheap wireless in house mics with major interference that have been dropped hundreds of times. I have never seen radio engineers use a frequency counter to check for close signal interference, so how else would they know.

  9. with the exception of this past closing party (because i had other events to do out on LI) i've engineered that show for KTU for the past 5 years, i should hope i know how its setup lol

    OK im no expert, just asking..so thanks for your input.

    So the whole feed is sent over one isdn line? or left and right channels are two seperate isdn lines?

    Or do you use the b channels on one line.. one for left and one for right?

    I thought the ktu/z100 policy for live broadcasts was that the club has 4 isdn lines installed.

    If this was such an important night to record, I wouldnt rely on a radio feed to record, I would record to dat out of the pre-mic output to avoid the talkover nonsense.

    also, maybe if the on air jocks who do remote broadcasts would realize that when they are in the ciubs, they arent in their sound engineered radio booths where they can talk on the mic from 8 inches away with the $500 mics. They are in a noisy environment with a crappy shure or samson wireless that you have to have zero clearance between mouth and mic to actually be heard. Actually using a wireless for a broadcast is kind of insane.

  10. nope, in fact the only tape he has was recorded at KTU. and from what i heard he was pretty pissed about how the quality of the recoding that ktu made turned out. and the mixer itself wouldnt be doing any compression, that would happen downstream from the mixer; and the only reason you hear 'ducking' of the music when somebody is on mic in some club is because they either are using a single band comp (rare these days) which cant dontrol individual frequency bands independantly, but most places now are using multiband digital processing since its fairly affordable at this point. the other reason is if you are using good processing and just have it set wrong.

    it was the board ops first nite working. and the delay is not meant to be there for the air staff, just people we put on the radio. Since the tempts show is 2 hours commercial free typically the board op throws the remote on the air and then isnt even in the studio (or near the dump buttion) for most of the show.

    2 hours commercial free?

    And if no board op, then who is telling jules when the stop set is coming up so she knows when to come in live after the break.

    And who is running the temp sweepers over the mix?

    Denny isnt running the sweepers in the club so they are put in the post mix at the studio.

    And isnt the compression done in house at ktu? I doubt they are running the house feed and mic feed back to the station as one signal. Probably 4 channels back to the studio. L & R audio house feed and L & R Mic feed and then mixed back at the studio. How could you possibly monitor a radio feed off the temps soundsystem ?

  11. why do you think shows like love phones and other raunchy sex call in shows (where the F*** word gets dropped) all start at midnite??

    while its not written in stone, any profanity that goes on the air in the overnight hours 99% of the time goes unpunished, and in the only cases of enforcement i ever heard of a letter of warning was issued with no fine to the station involved.

    denny said the radio portion of his show would be posted on his site, but in the past i'm pretty sure he's posted the 'clean' mix before the club mics were inserted into the mix.

    I'm sure denny recorded the set on the pre-mic outputs of the mixer...not off the post-mic outputs that compress the music output levels while the mic is in use.

    Jules can actually speak in complete sentences?

    Ktu has a 7 second delay on the mic so the board op was sleeping. The offensive content ban is 6am til 10pm. Not Midnite. The delay is to prevent on air swearing of club patrons put on the air randomly. The FCC takes the "F" word much more seriously when said by a radio employee than that of a random on air patron saying it.

  12. Ok get this straight, his (Ojeda) whole frigging set was CD's. Get this straight he looked like he would have rather have been sleeping. I totally understand lots of Dj's use CD's, but the whole fucking set? You cant tell me that all those top flight guys you mentioned only use Cd's. Take Denny for example does he use CD's yes but he does a great job of using when needed. Maybe I was paying too much attention to Ojeda but I think a crowd which is what we are, feed off the DJ, when he looks tired and bored I start to feel the same way.

    Klutch I will def stop by and say whats up. Again big props to you. You tore it up. Best of all I know from watching you that you actually love what you do and that makes it that much better.

    Finally about me being able to Dj. Yes I could put on a few CD's and match beats and then sit there and fall asleep. Which is what Ojeda did.

    First of all ,if you go to a club and are more concerned about whether the dj is using vinyl or cd's......instead of drinking and checking out the girls you have serious issues. And worrying about if he looks tired and bored?? ummmmm...............

    Denny uses over 50% cd FYI. Probably more like 75%. Laptop also, but we wont get into that. New stuff is digital mastered...... weeks before it goes analog , if it even does.........Klutch doesnt play HOUSE MUSIC so its a whole different story with him. He is awesome at his style with the vinyl.

    Much easier to mix house on vinyl than cd??? hahah, because i guess you feel the need to drag and spin the platter. Some of us use pitch control , exclusively, on both vinyl and cd but i guess you didnt get that far yet. What are you gonna do when dvd takes over? Complain that the djs arent using vhs tapes?

    If you want to lug around vinyl thats your decision but you shouldnt bash the cd djs. Technology has advanced, deal with it. Why shouuld I carry around 8 crates of vinyl, and its really hard in the rain and snow(not that you know), when I can do the same thing in 3 cd cases?? And carry them all out to the car in one trip. I guess you dont actually work at real nightclubs on a fulltime basis wouldnt know about this. And do you want to wake up at 8am the next day... after working until 3am.... to unload the car full of vinyl because the heat will warp the vinyl in the summer months?

    I guess you dont know that. You can manage the one crate of whatever mondo convinces you is the hottest record out, in one trip that you own and too busy walking around with your headphones around your neck wherever you go.

    Come by one day help me move my 9000 12"'s to another room, because it is an all day job. Half of my cd's are recorded off the original 12"'s so does that mean I cant play them because they arent vinyl?

    You just seem to have it out to bash Ojeda.... Oh yes....where do you dj again??

  13. vodka in the poland spring is the way to go

    Yep in the freezer all nite. Should have dropped that cup to the ground instantly like it was an accident.

    They smell it? taste it? Beer, liquor , mix drink? Whats the charge? Open container or public drunkeness? Under or over 21? Big difference in the fine amounts. Contest it if you have the time, prob get dismissed to disorderly persons offense....or thrown out completely. If it was an isolated incident and wasnt a ticketing blitz operation good chance the officer wont even show.

    If it was beer you can always use the Odouls trick.

    good luck.

  14. He recommended that D'Jais stop admitting people at midnight, change their music tempo an hour earlier at 12:30 a.m and stop selling liquor at 1 a.m. Hill also said D'Jais should sell no more than two alcoholic drinks to a patron at one time, increase the number of security personnel in the bar and keep the line of people waiting outside to enter the bar to 75.

    What the hell does tempo have to do with decibels and sound pressure levels?

    Change the tempo how?? up or down?? Sound carrys a lot further and resonates louder with a slower tempo.

    And how do you limit a line to "WAIT" to 75 people??? Wait, to get on a line to wait, to get in the club?????

    Isn't the purpose of a line ,is that you are LIMITING the people in the club?

    What do you do? tell people they cant wait on line??? go wander around the neighborhood and piss in some bushes and come back when the line is under 75 people.

    Police chief is also recommending that they serve only two drinks to a patron at one time. That is the NJ ABC LAW. He doesn't know the laws????

    I wont even comment on the stop selling at 1am suggestion.

    Sounds like the police chief is out to get djais.

  15. Hey bmw4jay I can't believe you have the accapella of " Rhythm Is A Dancer " by SNAP ... I was told it never existed ... Your one lucky person ... I would love to have this in my collection ... :love2::love2::love2:

    Wayne ( DJ WET )

    Forked River , N.J.

    "Snap - Rhythm Is A Dancer (Acapella).mp3,""192"",""434506"""

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