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Everything posted by £ddie

  1. You really have no idea what you are talking about and have no concept of how intelligence gathering works (or fails to work) if you believe this. I worked at the Justice Department previously, and can tell you that on a daily basis the Justice Department and the FBI receive about 90 thousand tips PER DAY. We used to receive anywhere from 5-10 credible threats of potential terrorist strikes from the Massad alone. Not to mention the others we used to receive from other intelligence agencies. When you have that much information coming in and don't have the resources to assimilate the information, you have an intelligence failure. It's not that the government KNEW, it's that they had piecemeal facts the intelligence community could not put together because they lacked the manpower and coordination to do it. And the diminished intelligence resources were in place lonnnnng before Bush took office. This has been a problem for the past decade. Maybe if Clinton had tried to dismantle Al Qaeda after the bombing of the Khobar Towers and the Cole, 9-11 could have been avoided; maybe if Clinton had accepted custody of Bin Laden from the Sudan when they OFFERED to hand him over to us, 9-11 could have have been avoided; maybe if Clinton had hadn't gutted funding for intelligence gathering, 9-11 could have been avoided. Maybe this, maybe that, what if this, what if that, in retrospect you can second guess any course of events. As some have done here in the past, you can point out 30-40 facts which "clearly indicate" that the government knew 9-11 would happen. Yeah, those 30-40 facts were among the hundreds of thousands of pieces of information the government had received over the course of the months preceding 9-11. In hindsight, everything is 20/20. Facts in isolation mean what a conspiracy theorists LIKE them to mean.
  2. Best Italian food in the city hands down, in order: 1. Babbo 2. L'Orto Ristorante Elegante 3. Scalini Fedeli I'd throw Il Mulino on the list, but the service sucked, they leave the phone off the hook many times so you can't get a reservation, it's small and cramped, and they tried to add drinks to our bill that we did not order.
  3. He's right, doesn't matter if he knew or didn't know. For statutory rape charges to stick, prosecutors would just have to prove they had sex and the girl was underage; whether he knew or didn't know the girl was underage is irrelevant, it's a strict liability offense.
  4. Yeah they can, but most dogs aren't trained to sniff out ketamine or MDMA (most of those that are focus on smuggling/shipping ports, not casual users.) As a more practical matter, drug sniffing dogs don't actually give much attention to when they smell drugs unless their handler has ordered them to search. If a dog isn't currently in 'search' mode, you could probably walk by it with a backpack full of heroin and the dog wouldn't alert. After all, they're around drugs a lot, and need to behave when the people with the drugs are police, etc. doing their job. That could explain why people are still getting drugs in there, when I went with the fool whose post is above mine, the dog was off to the side, not being prodded by its handler to search. Might scare some people away though.
  5. LMAO I saw that too. :laugh: Chick was BANGED UP.
  6. Yeah I thought Rich Woods was great. Crowd was awful. I counted at least 6 morons walking around with white powder OBVIOUSLY under their nose.
  7. I thought Superchumbo's set was okay, but nothing spectacular. Overall I give it a B. His set was flat and boring at times, same bass line for wayyyy too long.
  8. Seriously, who gives a flying fuck. LIFE . . . Get one.
  9. Club is small, kinda shitty. Not much seating room except in the backroom. Door searches aren't too bad. Crowd is mixed. Plenty of juiceheads, trannies, gayboys, cracked out youngins, with a smattering of hotties. If you're going with a girlfriend, keep an eye on her, guys are just complete assholes there and will accost whatever girl you're with. Lights are great. Ariel is one of the better light guys in the city.
  10. NAME: AGE: 25 LOCATION: Nassau OCCUPATION: Corporate attorney FAVORITE DJ: Danny Tenaglia FAVORITE SPORT: College football (Hurricanes rule! Sorry Sue, Gators suck ) ONE WORD TO DESCRIBE MYSELF: Brilliant
  11. Better than I expected. All of MV's productions are tight.
  12. And if anyone has an ID, Danny dropped a sick track with words something to the effect of: "It was all about the music . . ." Anyone?
  13. Started out too mellow for my liking (I'm sure he was building his set up), he picked it up after a while and started dropping some ill tracks. He played dark/hard progressive for a while. The bass reverb was just insane. My head was bouncing off the wall I was leaning against. Overall great music, great crowd, great vibe, great fuckin night. Nice seeing everyone. You know who you are.
  14. Martin Villeneuve = MV = Envy. He put out the track under the Envy alias. Definitely one of the better, but lesser known progressive producers. If you haven't already check out: MV - Hollow MV - Wait til Tomorrow And out as a limited promo on Yoshitoshi, Envy - Faith
  15. Nice and comfortable place, expensive drinks, crappy music. Goodlooking professional (bankers and lawyers) crowd mid to late 20s and early 30s. Good spot to hit up after work, but I wouldn't make a night out to go there.
  16. Exactly, working out actually breaks down muscle by causing microscopic tears in the muscle. Resting helps repair the muscle and results in growth (assuming you are lifting with sufficient intensity and eating properly and you've got some halfway decent genetics). Rest is key! Work out no more than 4 times a week.
  17. ROFLMAO This kid's too much.
  18. I spit out my water. Thanks.
  19. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe it was a NATO action. I don't think it ever went to a security council vote because Russia threatened a veto, fearing American presence in the Balkans.
  20. Ahhhhh you should have swung over to ARC.
  21. Danny played a track with the words "I'm a freak" throughout the track. Pounding proggy bassline. I'd assume the track is entitled "I'm a freak":confused: Who was the DJ/Artist/Track name?
  22. Holy shit!!!!!!!!! :eek: :eek: Danny ripppppppppppppped ittttttttt. Best set I've heard from him in a lonnnng time!!!! Danny wearin the sombrero. Eff PVD
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