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Everything posted by £ddie

  1. Hold down the "Alt" key and using the number pad on your keyboard, press 0163.
  2. For a night and for a lifetime are totally different standards. For a night, I could care less about personality--it's all about finding a hot piece of ass. For a lifetime, it's all about personality (similar interests, sense of humor, good heart, faithful etc.). In most cases, looks go down the drain after enough time anyway. If you're going to be with someone LONNNNNNNNNNG TERM your personalities have to click or it's doomed to fail.
  3. Kylie Minogue - Love At First Sight (scumfrog mix)
  4. Never let it be said that CP is not educational. What is a booger made of? Main Entry: boog·er Pronunciation: /BOO - grr/ Function: noun Etymology: alteration of English dialect buggard, boggart, from 1bug + -ard Date: 1866 1 : BOGEYMAN 2 : a piece of dried nasal mucus Boogers are mucus (myoo-kuss). Mucus is the thin, slippery material that is found inside your nose. Many people call mucus snot. Your nose makes nearly a cupful of snot every day. Snot is produced by the mucous membranes in the nose, which it moistens and protects. When you inhale air through your nose, it contains lots of tiny particles, like dust, dirt, germs, and pollen. If these particles made it all the way to the lungs, the lungs could get damaged and it would be difficult to breathe. Snot works by trapping the particles and keeping them in the nose. After these particles get stuck inside the nose, the mucus surrounds them along with some of the tiny hairs inside the nose called cilia. The mucus dries around the particles. When the particles and dried-out mucus clump together, you're left with a booger! Boogers can be squishy and slimy or tough and crumbly. In fact, boogers are a sign that your nose is working properly.
  5. WinMx is better IMO (not great though, need more house music listeners). Blubster right now has too many bugs. Keeps crashing my comp. And people, if this is gonna work, we have to SHARE. I've got my 3600 tracks all available on WinMx. Too many times there are people that have no files in their directories.
  6. I like these: Patrick Hoody and Steve Hoody – Futuropolis Magnetech – Lift Me Up Medway vs. Peter Gawtry – Geno Sequence (Mark Shimmon vs 3rd Degree remix) & (Substructure remix) Simon Noble & Blackwatch – Timeflies (original version, Ice Cream Social's "Static" mix & "Cinematic Soundscape" mix) Force Reloaded – Chain La Liga – unknown title (promo) Kings of Tribal – Situation Freeloader – Stop Go Barbara Tucker – Hot Shot
  7. Did anyone see that girl get knocked out by that guy in the parking lot???
  8. Hmmm, from what I remember ( ) place was a total T&A fest. Very good looking crowd, music was decent. Had a great time. Nice hanging with piro, neena, gil, stiffler, stardo, laurie90210, djdanfury, lemondrop, nycchic24, jsen7. I'm sure I forgot some people, it was a rough night , but nice meeting all yous too.
  9. His studio is in South Beach. I've heard that he may be getting a gig up here (a one night gig), but nothing is definite. Awesome producer and from what I hear, great live DJ.
  10. Jeezus Christ it's VINYL. What the fuck is Vinly????
  11. Get a fuckin clue. Gays helped MAKE the scene you are now bitching and moaning about. As for guys groping you, I lived on South Beach for four years and had gay men hitting on me left and right (which doesn't bother me, I take it as a compliment). Never did I once get groped! So I call bullshit on your ass grabbing claims. While homosexuality is more accepted nowadays, it's not accepted to the point where guys just randomly grab another guy's ass like that. I'm not saying it never happens, but you make it seem like the rule, not the exception. And are you fucking kidding me about SF??? Listen I've been going there since 1998 so I know what's up. A nice big chunk of the "regulars" that go there are bi guys. I know many "straight" boys there that hook up with other guys and specifically go there because they are Trannie chasers. It's just not as obvious to you. Since you have such an attitude, why don't you stay the fuck out of Vinyl and SF. Your attitude sucks and it's attitudes like that that ruin clubs with good vibes. You have every right to be a homophobe, but you must really be a rookie because in the New York City clubbing scene, the attitude isn't welcome by the majority of people. You know what, stay out of every fuckin club in the city. You'd be doing us all a favor.
  12. So is this what I have to look forward to tonight neena?
  13. I had scholarships in undergrad too. It's law school that did this to me.
  14. LoL! Giving up on the law already? Don't worry it only gets worse. Indentured servitude isn't intended to be pleasant.
  15. The Lawler "Lights Out" CD is also very good, but I give the Saeed & Palash CD an edge just based on personal music tastes.
  16. Saeed & Palash - Tide:Edit:07 This album is just off the meter. I haven't enjoyed an album like this in a while, especially Disc 2. Mixing and track selection are excellent. It's mostly progressive and dark progressive house. You will not be disappointed.
  17. It's got potential. The interface reminds me of Napster and it's decentralized so it can't be shut down the way AG was. I really don't like Kazaa and Grokster or Guntella based programs like bearshare and limewire. It's just going to take people moving their files over to WinMX to make it work. When Napster died, it took a bit of time before AG became the file trading mechanism of choice. Don't fret, many people are acting like lost sheep right now. It's a matter of time before another program becomes the dominant program of choice. AG will be missed though.
  18. Great album and I HATE trance. This is the first negative comment I've heard about it though. Listen to it a few more times. You may appreciate it more.
  19. Yes I will be going again this summer I'm sure, so i'll let you know what's up . As far as Body n Soul, it's a party I hear very good things about. That's high up on my list as well.
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