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Everything posted by £ddie

  1. Right here: http://www.audiogalaxy.com/list/searches.php?SID=a2bf74b71876be2728e463135e7063a8&searchType=0&searchStr=howells+tel+aviv
  2. Been out of college since '98. Miss every damn minute of it.
  3. I've been listening to this set for a few days. Good stuff.
  4. Ditto. Where else can you hear Rapture for the umpteenth millionth time?!?
  5. It can't continue forever if a court orders that the software be disabled. Kazaa has the ability to remotely disable previous versions of its software. It has done it in the past. The people at Sharman Networks, which owns Kazaa, would be stupid to disobey such an order, as they could face criminal prosecution if it came to that point. There are a few clones that run on the same networkthat Kazaa does, the Fasttrack network, such as Grokster (who's also being sued), and I don't know if they have the ability to remotely disable their software. I'm sure other clones will pop up as well which cannot be disabled. As long as the Fasttrack backbone and Gnutella and its clones are around, music will be free. BTW Saleen, is there any way to get around the 128 bitrate cap on Kazaa?
  6. They're going down too. A Dutch court did rule that they were not responsible for the copyright infringement of its members, but they are still getting hit with lawsuits lef and right. They don't even have the money to fight their upcoming suit against the RIAA. They are foreign, but are subject to international copyright laws and the Dutch court ruling is not the final word. But yes, there will always be an alternative.
  7. Online petition can't hurt, but it won't help legally. They're going to be making the same arguments they made in the Napster case. And they do have a STRONG case. Even if AG is shut down, which will likely be the case, there will always be something to take its place. They can't stop the monster of music on the net. People will migrate to Gnutella-type services which are decentralized (unlike AG and Napster) and CAN'T be shut down.
  8. That's a damn shame. You're a DJ with international recognition and you have to hear the chants for a no-talent "DJ," that's a total lack of respect.
  9. AG doesn't suck if you do your research. I never rely on groups to send me music. I do my own footwork to figure out what I should try to get. Lots of good web sites out there that can give you info on new tracks and reviews of tracks. I'm not gonna list them cuz I'm too lazy . . . And Satellite records is the bomb.
  10. Ditto. Amazing night. June 29 looks even more promising.
  11. Total ripoff. You mean you have to pay a 30% charge to get your OWN $20!!!!
  12. Yes my friend. You best be in attendance.
  13. I don't think anyone expects it to be another Twilo. Twilo was Twilo. The Crobar I'm familiar with is the one in Miami. The sound system is incredible, the venue is great and they bring in top talent, like Carl Cox, Sander Kleinenberg, Victor Calderone, Eric Morillo and the list goes on and on. I would bet they will be doing the same here in New York.
  14. I think the place will be called ARC not arcspace. An email I got from Made Events a while back said this: "I was walking out of Vinyl the other morning and the rain had begun to clear. As I looked up an ARC had started to form over Vinyl in the colors of the rainbow. It was so beautiful and I thought to myself ... it must be a sign of things to come!"
  15. Howells vs. DT, with the PHAZON!!!!!!!!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:
  16. You're a machine!!! So how was SF afterhours???
  17. So after DT blows the roof off Vinyl, Howells annihilates what's left standing. Ohhhhhhhhh the blisters. Nice meeting everyone I hadn't met before. I won't give any shout outs because I'm bound to miss someone. You all know who you are. Good to see everyone getting along and enjoying themselves, leaving any silly drama by the wayside. There was a lot of family-like love at 6 Hubert Street last night.
  18. I'm still in pain. No need for words. Just need a bed right now.
  19. Hey girl Heading out to Vinyl now. Glad to see everything is going well for you. We'll have to hang out again sometime. TTYL
  20. Carl's offline now. I was with Carl most of the night. We left between 7-8 maybe a little later, not exactly sure what time though. We were up front near the DJ booth.
  22. Does is have to be in New York? Starlight Tattoo in Jersey is one of the best parlors around. Mario Barth runs it, one of the best in the biz. They always have guests artists e.g, Tom Renshaw and Bugs (who I'm sure you don't know, but are the best around). If you want something elaborate I would go there and pay a little extra. If you want something simple, Lou's Tattoo is fine.
  23. Just off the wall!!! Best night of music for me this year--by far.
  24. I will admit though, the Paul Botz remix isn't half bad.
  25. I hear you, and I agree, but I have heard it at SF. That was actually the first place I did hear it. I just don't think it's that great. I thought Manufactory was a better track IMO.
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