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Posts posted by michfl

  1. OK and my first post here has to be a response to some rejected retail sleazebag who peddled nonexistant equities to old people. Your racist and denigrating comments regarding Miami make me wonder why the hell you continue living here if you hate it so much or is it that you are avoiding judgement liens?

    If you were a REAL trader, you would still have a job. So keep working on those online applications so you can work at the bank kiosk in the local Publix. In the meantime, it would serve you well to take a long hard look in the mirror and realize that we can all see what you have overlooked for quite some time.

    It is embarrassing that you even claim to have held a street position when you were just a lowly bucketshop phone clerk. Get over yourself, boy, and realize that you're no better than anyone else. Because you aren't.

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