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Everything posted by jpdd810

  1. Sorry sweetie!!! Thank God I didn't have to work!!! I do have 1 FU though!!! To Joe Armenio for getting completely wasted last night!!! You were a drunken fool!!!!! How the hell did you make it to work??? You were sooo drunk I almost pissed my pants at the Rio!!!! That's why I love ya!!! :laugh: :laugh:
  2. I think Joe held a conversastion with him!!!
  3. You are too cute!!! Do you talk to you shink about you problems or about the other JP you turn into after drinking?
  4. No but you sound a little paranoid? Do you think you are?
  5. Ok!! You can sleep over my place tonight!!! I'll sleep over your place tomorrow!!! Yeah Baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Thanks!!! You have no faith in me on not drinking!! I can do it!! It's part of the 12 step process!!
  7. Well you know I'll be there!!! You might not recognize me though! I'll be in disguise with my sunglasses on and maybe a hat!!! Call me when you get out of work or after school!!
  8. I never said I wasn't going out!!! I just can't drink!! Well I can drink. Not too much but I can have a couple or so!!!! I just be wearing my shades!!!!! I'll be in disguise!!!
  9. I think the only eating problem I have is I eat too much!!! J?K!!!! When I have dinner or what ever, none of my food can touch one another or I won't eat it!! I also do the eat each item at one time thing!! Like I'll eat all my mashed potatoes first. Then the corn. The the so on so forth. When I eat pankakes for ex. I cut them in straight even sections and they have to stay together like a puzzle! I eat one peice at a time!! My mother always makes fun of me for that!! Oh and whatever meal I'm eating I eat the potatoes/french fries/home fries first and then eat everything else!! :tongue: :tongue:
  10. Hunnie if you are that bored call me I'm still wearing my sunglasses!!! Thank god it's raining out cuz I would be more upset if it was nice!! The eyes look better so I think I will def go out tonight but bring the sunglasses in case!! Uh Oh! I just realized I can't drink!! What the F man!!!!!! :eek: :eek:
  11. I talked to hunnie earlier and told her too and she told me she would give me her sunglasses cuz I'm going out all weekend!! I looked pretty funnt this morning but now I almost look normal!!!!
  12. I got into a huge fight with my ex b'friend!! No only kidding!!! I woke up this morning and I i had 2 swollen eyes!! allergic reaction to something the dr. said!!!
  13. So why are you picking on me? I did like the chicken!!
  14. That's where the polish side come in. I can't cook very well but I can eat very well!!! Mom's italian home cooking on Sundays is the bomb!!!!
  15. You don't want to argue with me!! That's when the Italian side comes out!! :tongue: ;)
  16. I guess i don't! I like the cute innocent jp i grew to love!!!!
  17. I have yet to meet that jp yet!! I don't think I want to from what you told me!!!! We will just do soco and lime shots all night next time!! Still don't know how you did a shot of citron last weekend!! YUCK!!!
  18. Well let's put it this way!! I have the italian attitude (thanks mom) and the polish looks (thanks dad) and the two together make perfection!!
  19. Well I would def go to night but I woke up w/ 2 swollen eyes from an allergic reaction so my ass is home tonight!! Unless I wear my sunglasses all night!!
  20. I would love to go too but i have plans that night to go to deko's!!! I always enjoy meeting like that!!! If you have another def pencil me in!!!!!1
  21. Yeah I know!! So the other half is the dumb blonde half!!!
  22. I would be running around Cranford all night to work it out of my system!
  23. Nope half Italian half Polish!! Ya know polish people can really drink too
  24. OK Look at you friends from school and home and then look at us!? I know my friends from home are extremely boring and will not even go to champs for drinks!! Come on!!?? We are so much fun!! (and really cute too!) We should make a cp date were we all met for drinks and food one night a week!! That's one more night a week of drinking for me!! Let's see last night I had 2 HUGE margaritas and the night b/4 a bottle of wine....... AA next week.... :laugh:
  25. MY God!!! When did you finally fall asleep? A week later!? I have 2 of those and I'm awake the whole night!!!
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