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Everything posted by lostin310

  1. Shesh! Where's a good place to stay out there!? Hell, I'm just going to buy a place and move!
  2. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em... Now where did I put the D&G jeans/D&G shirt/D&G sunglasses/D&G underware/D&G sock/D&G shoes I had planned on wearing....
  3. Sunday the 22nd. I'd go, but I don't have tickets... GRRRR PvD is sick live. I've seen him several times and he hasn't disappointed yet.
  4. One of the most intense, memorable & talked-about raving experience of my life was at a desert party named Transit a few years ago... The group of people that make the journey out to a party like that are typcially awesome. Have fun... Man I wish I could go!
  5. Apparently there are some really good deals to be had in Silverlake, but it's this little pocket surrounded by the ghetto. I had a gay friend who lived up there, and he had several other gay friends that lived up there. All had remodeled their places so the area is getting better. Plus, it's close to all the nightlife.
  6. Public transit? In LA? I guess they have the subway in downtown, but that's pretty useless... There are always buses! I don't know anyone in LA that doesn't have a car... Everything is so spread out you pretty much have to.
  7. Grrr, it sucks to be between jobs and able to party every night when everyone you know has to work. I never realized that there is something going on every night!
  8. I'll have a white picket fence, golden retriever & 2.2 kids in no time! Hmmm, guess I'm putting the cart before the horse since I don't have a girlfriend...
  9. Are their bbq pits and whatnot there? This could be fun (assuming it warms up).
  10. Man, I'm actually contemplating moving back to "Dullsville"... I must be old! From what I've seen housing prices are pretty similar to LA - $450k for a 3-4 bedroom in a decent neighborhood.
  11. I quit raving when I stopped dropping and was repulsed by the e-tards. The clinched jaw look grosses me out now and you just can't get away from it at most raves. That, and the fact that I'm 25 and don't have any desire to party with 15 year olds. There was/is a good little underground scene that had older people and more responsible drug use, but you have to be dedicated to stay wired in.
  12. Pictures ? There isn't much going on for hardstyle in LA, which is unfortunate... But, we do have some good places to eat. What part of LA will you be staying and what kind of food do you like?
  13. Never again! Last July we threw a party with a bartender serving free drinks (gotta love costco), bunch of DJ's (different music inside and outside), about 30 friends, and 230 of their friends... There was just *WAY* too much going on and we ended up being stressed and not having a good time. It's way too much hastle getting a house ready for something like that. Now, guest list only =)
  14. Well, I don't check ID's at my place - plus we have a pool, no last call and never close! With my roommate and a couple friends we can keep the decks spinning as long as her little heart desires. Oh, and ladies always get in free!
  15. I don't have many kind words for the club scene in LA, but Redondo is great for bars and a bunch of people just having a good time. Oh, and BTW... When we just want some eye candy, we go to Hollywood... When we're looking to actually meet some hotties, Redondo.
  16. SHESH! How come nobody told me about this club!!
  17. Of course sometimes It's better to cool off a bit
  18. Being judged on it's own merit, it sucked. But, being caught up in the storyline created by the first, I enjoyed it. OBVIOUSLY it wasn't going to be as good as the first one, I mean how could it? How many *really* good movies have come out in the last five years, maybe four? How could anyone have expected Reloaded to be anything other than what it was, a special effects laced buildup to the finale (which I'm hoping doesn't suck). I would never tell someone to see Reloaded... That being said, I've seen it twice.
  19. I guess that depends on how much recovery I need after Saturday night! I'm old now, I can't party for the entire weekend anymore! Though I should get some practice since I'll be in Miami in a few weeks...
  20. Sure, I could go search around on 50 different web sites to find out what to do this weekend... But, why do that when I have all of you well informed people to call upon for info! I just put in my two week notice, which translates into "I'm not really working the next two weeks - time to party"... Lucky for me, three day weekend! So, what are my options? Thanks in advance
  21. Yep, and that's exactly why I was saying there needs to be a clear explanation on what constitutes a reasonable effort. Like you're saying, it could be easy to abuse the law.
  22. No question it'll still happen. Does a crime being more difficult to stop mean we should just stop trying?
  23. So if these same club owners were knowingly allowing rape in their bathrooms, should they be held accountable? Obviously these are two different extremes and one represents a crime with no victim. But, the fact remains that they are both crimes which someone is turning their back to. While I may disagree with US drug policy in general, I don't think that it's unreasonable to identify club owners as accessories to a crime they know is being committed. And as of now, use and sale of drugs is a crime. You are 100% right about this allowing for favoritism and corruption. But, club owners are already playing the political game, so hopefully they'll be able to step up and play by the new rules...
  24. Shesh, I'm there... Asssuming I can find some poor sap to pick me up at my house above Westwood that's hard to find. Then, of course, transport me home or give me a place to rest my weary head. *mutters something about Infiniti sucking and making him wait three months for a car*
  25. If you can't treat the problem, treat the symptom? I'm a tad split too. On the one hand, it makes me ill going to a party and seeing a bunch of cracked-out e-tards laying all over the dance floor. On the other hand, they're just doing their thing, and I can go elsewhere or ignore it. My whole problem is that it's legislation that is completely ineffective at curbing drug addiction. But increased security does make the drug use much less blatant, which I'm in support of. There just needs to be clarification on how club owners and promoters can do diligence in preventing prosecution. What constitutes adequate security measures? There is no way to prevent drug use in clubs, though a reasonable effort must be made to do just that. But, what is reasonable?
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