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Posts posted by danswat79

  1. I saw it on the cooljunkie website and some other master list I was looking at (forgot which one). I didn't think much of it until I saw it on both - and they were fairly different lists with different parties listed. Cooljunkie.com has all the Crobar parties listed so far and was very reliable as last year when I printed out the entire party sheet - but who knows.

  2. Like I've said before - Y not do both?

    Hit Nocturnal early and they head to Space around 2 or 3 to catch Morillo inside - they are supposed to be pretty close to one another. Just buy a space pass so you are gauranteed to get in. You have the subliminal party going on all night and morning (which will probably be the party of the conference) - I would definitely take the time and check out Nocturnal for a few hours before Space.

    One thing you have to consider is while Morillo does make a few stops in every city throughout the year - the whole subliminal crew does not.

    Very impressive lineup though for this party - I hope the other nights pan out to be as good

  3. we should get you on the payroll for the pool party promotion. that's some good shit right there. :bowdown:

    Payroll is unnecessary - but I'll take a comp ticket ;)

    It may be a good idea for some to stay away from the pool party though - it will be a scarry sight to see some of these people in the daylight on Saturday after a week of partying and a long Friday night at ENVY w/ JP :shake::woah:

    Don't forget people - :shades2:

  4. as far as jp goes if you want to go to one of his parties then imo the pool party will be the better of the two...

    Definitely agree on that one - you can see any DJ in a dark club - and beleive me - envy is not some super club that you can really enjoy the environment and be comfortable in. Its really dark, not too many lights in there at all -is a fairly small place for the crowd JP will bring in - there is no place to sit - and it is hot as hell in there. Last year's party for DT @ envy was probably the most uncomfortable experience I've ever had in a club - no air conditioning - everyone was completely drenched like they took a shower w/ their clothes on.

    The pool party on the other hand is something you don't get to see every day - and last year's party had a vibe I've rarely seen in any club. If I had to choose from the 2 I would definitely pick the Shelbourne. It gives you something to do durning the day anyways and then you can catch another big time DJ on Friday night

  5. I agree morning meal is second most important meal. Most important is post workout. Try Beverly International Muscle Provider chocolate as a supplement. 1 scoop mixed in 8 oz water. (no need to use blender) with a small cup of oatmeal for breakfast. Then 1/2 a sweet potato or cup of brown rice) should be immediately after your workout with a protein drink.

    You do need some simple sugars (even if you are on low carbs) to replace the gylcogen in your muscles for post workout though - those complex carbs are good but they take too long to digest - get some simple sugars in there as well

  6. I just started a new diet....very low carb/high protein. Ive been on it for a week and i already feel some of the effects. In the morning I eat oatmeal and a piece of fruit. Lunch i come home and eat either 2 chicken tenderloins, palomilla (thin steak), or a small piece of skirt steak and either mixed veggies or a sweet potato. Mid afternoon a can of tuna or chicken with a little lemon juice. Dinner about the same as lunch but I also mix in fish and salad. My trainer friend told me today that for snacks i could try eating almonds. One of the lowest in fat content and is good for your skin. Water all day long.

    I guess my metabolism is pretty high, ive had more energy and im hot now when i used to be soooooo cold in my office.

    Now if only the damn gym would open up

    Need to get some protien in your morning meal ...its the second most important meal of the day next to post workout. After sleeping your body hasn't had any protein for at least 6-8 hours and needs more than just carbs. Toss in a shake or something in the morning along w/ what you have

  7. Dude, he is a resident dj that caters to a genre of sleeveless, goldchain on the outside of my tanktop wearing meatheads...

    Go anywhere outside of nyc and you will get - "Johnathon who?"...

    He stays in that room for the last 7 years because his music and fan base hasn't evolved for 7 years...

    Why don't you tell the whole board whats really bothering you - you went to factory a while back, some "Guido steak head" (as you like to call it) spilled his protein shake on you as your girlfriend drooled over his bulging muscles - they talked throughout the night and before you knew it he was banging her in the bathroom stalls - you haven't seen her since. Now your traumatized for life and moved to California.

    This is the only logical explanation why someone who lives across the county would go out of their way to talk shit on a messageboard about a party that goes on over 3,000 miles away. HA - can't u find something better to do w/ your time? Haven't found a new girl yet out in Cali?? I can understand some of these people live in NY that may have had a bad time recently or their friends got too fucked at one of the parties - but come on now - you live in California. Get over it already!!

    BTW - JP's sound has evolved quite a bit in the past 4-5 years - not necessarily for the better - but it has changed a ton.

  8. What up buddy - definitely keep me posted. One of those weeks I'll be back in Chicago for work - but I think it is the weekend after that. If I'm around we'll definitely set something up. I will have some pix from Morillo after I use up my camera this weekend. I'll scan and email them over to you

  9. if you stay by the airport, most of your $ won't be spent on partyin, it'll be spent on taxis. from what i remember, cab rides from around MIA to SoBe are around 25$ one-way.

    Exactly - I think they charge $25 no matter what - if its a 20 minute or 40 minute ride w/ traffic. That was what I paid there and back last year and same w/ all my friends. I think its just a straight fee for airport trips down there.

    Book whatever you can find from 20th St. down and make sure it is SOBE - in this case the cheaper options will end up costing so much more when you factor everything else in and you will waste so much $$ and time in cabs. At times it can take close to an hour travel time w/ traffic

  10. I guess you're speaking from experience?

    Hope so.

    So I'm going to assume that morillo will be at space wednesday morning starting at 7am.

    Lawler all night and morillo in the morning. :)


    Morillo will be at Space Wednesday night (technically Thursday morning) - the Lawler party is the same night (Wednesday night - Thursday morning). Hit the pool parties during the day for a bit on Wednesday - Take a nap for 4 -6 hours at night - buy presale tickets to Lawler's party so you are gauranteed to get in. Also buy a space pass which is well worth it - 3 days for $100 is what is was last year. It will gaurantee you entry to Space - the patio will be tough to get to if its that crowded and they may stop people from going up there but just get there before Morillo goes on and you'll be fine

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