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Posts posted by buzzthrill

  1. i have to admit, i travel from orlando to come see a lot of shows at nerve. compared to the cheesy talentless florida breaks garbage that we are subjected to listening to, miami is a welcome escape. i have seen quite a few shows at nerve, and i have never been dissapointed with the talent that is brought in. the lighting is awesome, the fashion shows rock, and the vibe is a far cry from the stuffy frat atmosphere of borelando. however i would have to agree with phillips comments on john's set. to me it was flat also... dont get me wrong, i have a lot of respect for anyone who gets up everywekk and plays a set, while also trying to maintain the management ends of the club as well, but the set was boring and monotone. obviously each week brings a new and different attitude and set, but some weeks it is there, some it isn't. just my opinion which like everyone else i am entitled to, but fact is, boring is boring. not to mention there were a few off beat mixes and what i felt to be poor timing on some of the other mixes. i regularly am able to here sets by dj's like Three, Grumpy, Brian Busto, Decompression, and any and everyone Three brings into snatch, and i think a lot could be learned by listening to their sets and seeing the way that they change up the tone and pitch of the night and you can never tell just what will happen next. to me that is the kind of set i enjoy going out to hear and enjoy traveling to see.

  2. dramabeast... orlando is definitely not too far for me to come. i have no problem with making the trip, especially when i can see some really good friends. my question to you is, why do you have to hide your true identity? you talk a really good game, i'll give you credit there, but with all the talk, and all the inflated calls for action, you still hide your identity, and thus hide yourself from this action you keep talking about. neither i, nor chaz, rach, dan, mimi, or anyone else have a problem with letting ourselves be known, and in keeping with that we also have no problem with backing our play. until you or your so called famile, you keep referring to wants to show your selves for who you really are, then stop boring us, with all your idle chit chat and double talk. your pathetic and week attempts at being a badass fools no one. it doesn't take even the simplest of minds to see that you are all talk and absolutely no action, otherwise you would let your self be known, and not hide in this little digital world with your little digital balls. i see way too much of that " look at me, i am tough on the net, but a little bitch in person" mentality these days. too many people have a alligator mouth and a hummingbird ass. until such time as you are willing to say who you are, and stop hiding behind alter egos and screen names, then stop flapping your dicksucker and putting us to sleep with your constant idle threats and unoriginal insults. you are and will more than likely always be absolutely nothing to any of us, until such time as you have the courage to face your self and your obvious shortcomings, and until you have the balls to come out of hiding and let yourself be known, the quit talking like you or your famile, are worth a shit. go away.

  3. i am in orlando, but i can easily appear in miami. not afraid to travel, nor am i affraid of any big mouthed bitch, or her family, lovers, associates, or whatever else you may think you have. i also am not afraid to let my true identity be known, and you are right, i won't strike a female, but there are plenty of females who would be glad to do it for me. and as for action, how about we find out. i am calling you out, that is if you and your peeps have the fucking balls, to actually try and back your play.... however i think you would be much better off shutting your nasty little dicksucker, and crawling back under whatever rock your nasty ass came out from under. i am not afraid to let my identity be known, nor do i balk from backing my play, can you claim the same. or would you prefer to have another of your multiple personalities, or alteregos, answer that question for you?

  4. i tell ya what, dan aint the only friend chaz has..... count me in on this. however i think all this talk is doing nothing but wasting time and space. actions speak a lot louder, so why don't you or your alterego's try putting up or shutting up.

  5. i think it might be wise for this too be dropped. i will only sit by so long while my friends, rach, chaz, and mimi, (who had nothing to do with this damn thread, yet keeps getting dragged back into it) keep getting attacked. i do not want to get involved, and believe me, certain people do not want me letting loose info about them. nice deep and dark secrets, that one time friends would know. let us not go and call someone else crazy, when we have issues of our own. this has gone on long enough, it is time to either lace up the shoes and handle this like adults, or let it drop completely. your call, either way you want it, however i am not all talk, as the last two who wanted to act like men found out. my suggestion is to squash this shit, and go about our own individual lives without each other. play it how you want to.

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