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Everything posted by dondiezel26

  1. Laurie, dont apologize for shit......I managed to bite my tongue while all this was going on.......I would just sit back and let this kid do his own justice.....he has embarassed himself and gave my boyz and I a big chuckle......do we really care what this guy writes.....have we ever gotten upset and spit shit back at him.....trust me......he isnt wanted at any venue in new jersey and I cant imagine him showing up and being greeted with the proverbial CP Hug from roddigga.....followed by a donkeypunch by shortbus......and a swift kick by trewguy.....a fishhook from dogekid.....a wet willie from siscokid.....a tie choker from the hype......an indian burn from j2dabizo.......the peoples elbow from some girl......a full nelson from caruch.......a dancing heel kick from hunnie.......and at the end I will shake his hand and say thank you......for allowing me to realize that I am that much better of a person and so are you.......so dont let him get you down........just realize that some people arent dealt a full deck........beter off playing roullette buddy!!!!
  2. no mikey.....I am not a pussy.....I am just smart enough to handle things the smart way......I dont need to go on a message board and stomp my feet and pound my chest.......that doesnt get the girl bro......never has, never will!!!!! Best of luck in the future!!!!
  3. Define irony....someone that works for a phone company that has a broken phone.........learn morse code than beotch......we can all get those fisher price walkie talkies so we can get in touch with JB. Holllla at me later kid!!!!.....or better yet .--.....-----.-.-.----........
  4. hollllllaaaaaa JB........one of my best friends.......always down for checkers and late night backgammon.......and yes he is an archive in the clubscene......simmered down by lack of funds and braincells.....but dont let him fool you......he can hang with the best of them.....and he is a true fist pumping meathead.....and if you forget his name it is stamped on his abnomally large biceps.........just in case you foget or he decides to stamp it on your forehead!!!!! HOOOOLLLAAAAA
  5. What cracks me up is when Rod and Olivia worry about each other getting too fucked up!!!!! Who are they kidding?? I think it is a ploy to take the other ones stash away and do it themselves
  6. Come on now roddigga.......more like...."the place where dreams come true" Shortbus......come on now......I expected 1000 posts from you today.......dont let me down bro!!!!
  7. Yo riggs, happy fawken new year bro!!!! Best of luck with all your tasty chicken wings in 2003!!!! Now get back to work on CP and clean up all the mess over the past week. Roddigga will line them up and you can knock em down!!!!
  8. Come on Rod....dont be shy.....tell her how you like it when girls drip pizza grease on your nipples......we know it is a little kinky....but who knows maybe she will bring some pepperoni and smack you around a little To the rest of you peeps......have a happy and safe xmas and lets all fatten up for the new year so we can shed it off for the summer!!!!! I just ate 4 chocolate chip cookies for breakfast and plan on having a hearty piece of cake for lunch
  9. Happy Birthday again brotha.....call me back when the 350 pound hawiian hula dancer I sent to ya arrives!!!!
  10. Tizzah....if I make it to 1:30 than that is 1/2 hour longer than roddigga made it last year......HOOOLLLLAAA!!!!!......we will see who the troopers are that night.....I may dissapear at 1:30 but trust me I (hopefully we) will reappear for the rest of the night!! DiezelDavey .......I just threw up on my moms batch of chocolate chip cookies with that one!!!
  11. are there set times to go back and forth???.....come on emad get me some fawken details......or should I plan on using roddigga as my lead blocker and tiptoe passed the toplevel security!!!!!!
  12. What's the deal with going back and forth throughout the night between metro and hotel room..........details people.....details!!!!!!..........I am getting amped and I want to know what I am in for!!!!
  13. can I get tizzah's number.....I heard that girl is bangin!!!!.......Put the pedal to the metal baby!!!!!
  14. Happy Fawken BDay Bro.....you know I would have been there if it wasnt my brothers bday also.......from what I hear things got a little BLURRY for ya!!!!.....lightweight!!!! .......next night out is on me......all drinks paid for 4 hours at metro on new years ..........no for real......happy birthday!!!!
  15. ****News Update from Gary, Indiana****......abnormally sized meathead was cited wandering amongst the cornfields claiming he has mounted every 3 tooth redneck sheepherders daughter in his path......his picture has been framed and worshiped in every brothel west of pennsylvania!!!! Some say he exists, some say he is a legend, but rumor has it to not get in his way......simply handover a female specimen to satisfy his hunger and be on your way!!!!!!
  16. Yo riggs, sure that wasnt a wall o' slinkies?????........when do the slinkolympics begin??? Dont we need to crown the slinky of the year or something.....only fair bus....only fair!!!! That person will have the honor of holding your protein shake all night long NYE@METRO......HOLLLLLAAAAAAA
  17. For movie freaks, slinkies, and meatheads www.whenharrymetlloyd.com Sorry, I get excited for these things!!!!!.......ranks right up there with NYE@Metro!!!!
  18. I was laughing when reading this because Meathead (BUS)....and Sister Mary (Sisco) had no clue they were hanging out all night friday......now kiss and make up and look for some slinkies to roll down the staircase!!!!!
  19. I know, I know.....3 lashings from the bus/roddigga for posting such a "Slinky Thread"........but I can take it!!! I just got back from a matinee of Lord of the Rings......fawken awesome.......also to let all you movie crackheads in on some news.........the prequel to dumb and dumber comes out this summer.....it is called "When Harry met Lloyd".....how awesome is that!!!!! Peace fools!!!!
  20. rodrigo.....I am coming up on thursday to pick up the tickets so let me know if you want to meat up at FDU so we can grunt and drool like barbarians in the gym, while occasionly taking a break to flex our massive biceps and gulping down protein shakes!!!!......sisco kid can walk around and tell us how good we look because we all know he hasnt hit the gym since weights were filled w/ sand!!!!..... .....only kidding sisco weider....dust off those pipe cleaners and get ready to pump it up!!!! Bus holla if you are in also!!!!!
  21. HHHHOOOOOLLLLLAAAAAAA.......shortbus and digga.......rare form as always..........I think I fell off my chair enough times to warrant elbow pads........to the rest of the CP wannabes.......you arent getting the point.....to get respect.....you need steel balls of creativity........stop with the lame tough guy posts and show some FAWKEN creativity.........later on I will post my make beleive story which involves angelicious, deelite, some whip cream, and a pool stick .....all in good fun ladies.........HOOOLLLLAAAAAA!!!!!!
  22. that dog is a walking hornball.......that is why you two get along so well.........you both smear peanut butter all over yourselves and see who can lick it off first!!!!!!!! No wonder why you stay in your room all the time and all we hear is your dog moaning and you groaning!!!!!!
  23. I hate your ugly ass dog........I would trade it in for a goldfish and some nachos!!!!.......what kind of female dog straddles peoples legs and tries humping them!!!!! ......... looks like you sprayed the windex to close the foodbowl again princess!!!!!
  24. ISN'T HE THE ONE WHO ALWAYS GET FIRED FROM JOBS SHARKBAR :laugh: :laugh: :peeright:JOE GIO:peeleft: :laugh:
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