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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by dondiezel26

  1. 57 posts away.....big day in the land of the shortbus.....all should be prepared for the explosion that could possibly take place this afternoon......all we need is a few newbies to ask dumb questions like....how do you get into clubs for free.......or.......do escort services charge money.....or......are strip clubs worth going to?......than the shortbus will be on a roll to 1000!!!
  2. \ check your pm's......no need to be a cyber tough guy
  3. I will give this clown 10 dollars to get into a club if he promises to never post again...... how about.....are there any clubs that pay for you to go in and then give you free drinks.....do you think tsettoes would spin there......also please half a halftime show full of exotic dancers
  4. I will post an anti-meathead thread to get the volume going a little bit
  5. glad the amigos are back and posting.........roddigga just informed me that he is signing autographs at Billys Ice Cream Palace after school today and that the first 100 CPers to show up get a banana split made specially by our dearfriend shortbus......extra spinkles for everyone with over 1000 posts!!!!!
  6. "His head fell off" "what was all that one in a million talk" "flying somewhere?" ......however my favorite part of the movie is when he pegs her in the face with the snowball
  7. "Pills are good......pills are good....." "Why dont ya eat up and will tell ya.......go ahead eat your burger" "I successfully mixed a bulldog and a shit zu.....yeah we named a bullshit". "Theres no words" "I hate goodbyes" "I am going to be over at the bar....putting out the vibe" "So your saying theres a chance......YEAH!!!" "We've landed on the moon"
  8. you are in danielle deeelite.......double hugs for you...and there will be a CP Milk and Cookies hour at starbucks on friday......lets all meet and exchange hugs!!!!
  9. Eric....I think I met you before.....at deko....you were standing by that bar in the corner, next to that guy who was talking to that girl about that thing......then they looked around curiously and dumped something on their hands and inhaled deeply then looked around curiously like they did something wrong.....remember that...oh yeah......you will love our family here.....one big happy family!!!!!!
  10. Yippee Skippee.....for you Rod.....you get a special double hug from shortbus at metro on friday....you know the one where you hug and grab each others buttcheeks!!!!!.......what is the point of having old friends when you have a family of friends here at CP!!!!!
  11. Attention all CP members......at the Metro New Years Eve Party there will be a "hugging section"....where you pay a dollar and get to hug a CP member.....all proceeds will go to the "Adopt a Meathead Foundation".......where you will supply a meathead will enough supplements for one year!!!.......also, at the end of the night there will be a CP hug off...where you have to hug as many members in CP by the time the ball drops........I cant wait!!!!! :laugh:
  12. can I get an ass pinch as well.........also, roddigga what about a CP retreat so we can all share stories by a campfire and tell each other how lovely we are.....I will start it first......shortbus you are a wonderful human being and it has been a splendid pleasure for you to be my buddy......my cp buddy......today...December 10th should be labled....."tell another cp member how great they are day"
  13. congrats bradford.......now you have someone to breast feed
  14. Excellent idea shortbus.....can we give them all goodie bags on the way out also....maybe we should start up a cp cab service and late night bedtime stories and tuck-ins.......dont want anyone of our members losing beauty sleep...........also, roddigga....if you are looking for some mid-day porn over at PaineWebber....check out www.captainstabbin.com.........and tell them the captain sent ya!!!!!
  15. That is a big ass to sign.....I might need spray paint for this one
  16. Thanks for the candle riggs.....I will send you a cookie cutter for when you and stardo bake your cookies......trust me son....I have a gut feeling you will be falling soon to.....just a hunch.....also....rumor has it that you talk a lot of smack about going to the gym and never back it up......just a rumor from the winds of morristown......peace bro
  17. how about a philipino cross dresser to spank all the other monkeys around......will that do.....I know one but he is too busy learning how to dj
  18. what.....you want to fist pump roddigga you slob .......just kiddin bro.....how was the weekend getaway to the poconos......thumbs up or down would be sufficient......and keep me posted on any vermont ski outings fool!!!!
  19. just checking.....I never have but a couple of friends want to go out this year.........let me know if any of you animals actually go out on xmas!!!!!
  20. yo, ray whats up kid........funkatron huh..... ..........Roddigga was feeling a little under the weather so he stayed home and drank chicken soup from the shortbus' belly button....... .........but I have to take credit for leaving factory.....getting there at 3 was a big mistake......my legs were cement by 10!!!!!
  21. Roddigga on skis.... .....what is next Phillipino figure skating......
  22. Hey tough guy......tell me you sport that pretty little bandanna when you go down the slopes......actually, I picture you sipping hot cocoa with all the other trampled down newbies in the lodge trying to pick up any stragglers that breeze through......you set the date bro.....and I will head up to vermont with ya.....dont bother asking roddigga.....he would be crosseyed by the time he hit the base of the bunnyhill and would be doing phillipino snowangels the rest of the day.......holla!!
  23. Joe Gio would tear it up........but only if he rips apart final chapter like he did at riverstreet a couple of weeks ago.........and yes Roddigga could also be a viable opener but he is better suited for being mr. mangled metro.......the guy that dresses up as the retarded clown who looks like he just went to battle!!!!!
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