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Posts posted by sgarden2002

  1. I Just feel the need to comment on the Latest things posted about Djais In Belmar.

    So it’s now Saturday February 11th 2006 and we are presently getting a foot or so of snow dumped on us, tonight with great pleasure Soundgarden was all set to host a Djias Halfway to Summer VIP Event.

    Early this afternoon, a customer calls SG to ask about tonight’s Feb 11th event and proceeded to ask? If what he heard about Djais on the Internet was True.

    I took this to heart for so many reasons. I proceeded to get very angry at this call and said to this guy, and I Quote “ Do you really think that I would hold an event and invest thousands of dollars in radio, print, mail etc for a Venue that will not be open for the summer 2006…”

    To those of you who care to read this post… allow me, to elaborate in depth with what I told this Dude.

    When the Internet was introduced it’s was subtitled as the information super highway. Although this new technology’s intentions were good I’m sure…. But like most and because it’s all about the freedom of expression and opinion and being virtually free, it’s now more known as the Misinformation Highway.

    Let this be a lesson, there are people in all kinds of businesses out there trying to make a living during this difficult time in our lives.

    Open forums at first where pretty cool till it turned ugly like most of our hidden society, especially when a person can hide behind a fictitious name.

    The Internet brought our world close true… But it also opens a door to danger, I use to enjoy that fact that my daughter can do research and multi task to make school work fun… but not any more.

    This technology… that allows us to be efficient, has become the debacle of society and requires monitoring daily because of its Vigilance. As a responsible Parent that makes me nervous and takes unnecessary time out of my day.

    We in this industry wake up every day with New Challenges, the last thing any businessman needs is a writing that has no substance or credibility.

    Which leaves us to only believe that free message boards on the Internet contain zero truthfulness, and I feel really sorry for anyone who gets animated by the bullshit, which is why I don’t post and just can’t be part of the every day fraud and fiasco in club land when it come to open forums on various sites.

    I mean really the “ Review thing” and the “ thank you for coming out thing “ anyone who participates in ether side of this premeditated deception should really get your head out of you ass and wake up.

    If you participants are so positive and truthful about your reviews, thank you’s, and hyped postings then why not send out a direct letter in the mail where it can be traced back to its origin.

    Oh I forgot… that cost Money…

    Sad .....but true EAI

  2. i will admit, i'm sick of classics, bit it should be good......... let's face it n. jersey clubs r hurting......

    I really don’t know your Name, Allow me to introduce me to you…….. And let me enlighten you.

    Ok Again……. this is a forum message board and it’s America so…… you’re allowed to speak your mind freely and you’re also initialed to an opinion, but what you wrote here about sick of classics, and NJ Seen hurting and Denny being interrupted and all that!!!!!!!!!

    Allow me to Explain, and this goes out to all you people that write and read this stuff, this is a Music programmers Message Board which’s makes up 1/10 of 1% of the masses that support night life in NJ NY LI CT Whatever. Any of you that get animated over the hits that a thread gets thinking that thousands feel the same on an issue are delusional.

    Now, the fact that all of you share the same interest blows my mind, you all suffer from Subway vision, Dance music as we know it…… House, deep house, disco house, trance, tech, Commercial the supposed Ktu Crap that I read some of you refer to, has been suffering from a music alteration for the past 2 years. For a bunch of people that are music enthusiasts, your comments and what I read is really out of balance with what you all have in common.

    My experience, goes far beyond the nightclub industry, right now across America there’s only 6 radio station’s and I mean Major market not secondary market, that are playing rhythmic based “ new musicâ€â€¦. Stop being critical when you really don’t have a true understanding of what is going on in the music industry, we are in a cycle now not by choice, if all of the clubs that you attend are not formatting what you like individually….. shouldn’t that tell you that there’s something happening.

    Jersey clubs Hurting!!!! Wrong my friend, the music that we support is what’s changed…. a good business man adapts to change makes the adjustments…. tweaks it and creates the vibe. When Rhythmic Beats return which it will……trust me we will all be happy, and for you people that think you so hip to bash WKTU, it’s one of the 6 radio stations in America that keeps it alive.

    So, stop the drama with the why they doing classics, why are they playing hip hop, why are they interrupting the dj’s Set. the last time I checked going out to a nice club means: meeting women, hooking up, seeing a show, celebrating an event, while having a few drinks, having fun and doing it safe…..

    This, is the word of THE

    L8R EAI

  3. Mkutlass........ i know you have been a big fan of the club and i thank you..... i love the house music stuff myself..... and wish that it was the music that would make everyone happy happy.... but not right now..... it will be back, it's all good my friend, introduce your self to me some night I'd like to shake your hand and buy you a few coctails...... E

  4. Can we start this debate at like 10 in the morning. I drink like a fish. ;)

    Eugene has been in the business for years. I do not like the hip hop thing, but he knows what he is doing. He is doing what he has to to please the masses.

    thank you my friend... come by and i'll shake your hand with Respect and all the drinks with in reason don't want you to hurt your self

  5. So adapt to the change then and have a hip-hop night....is that what you're getting at?

    no not at all...... i do not want a hip hop night, what i'm getting at is that R & B and hip hop has crossed over into the Dance music sector and is somthing that is bigger than Soundgarden A Dj a Radio station or an Artist. it's about mass appeal.... Currently it is what it is

  6. you are missing the point. MK was posting his fustration about a hip-hop set being played in the middle of Denny's.

    i'll say something and this by no means any disrespect but

    no way in hell would have Denny's set been interupted on a friday nite at Joeys with hip-hop

    My friend I'm not missing the point i know how to read and i don't want to dis respect you ether I made the set times I dictate what is played and when.... There's a hell of a lot more in life to be fustrated about, on the JOEYS thing if JOEY and Dean are formating the same as Soundgarden I'm sure they would split up there music program as well

  7. Ok….So I normally do not post nor do I respond to the garbage that’s written on message boards… and look you are all entitled to your opinions about music…

    it’s not like me to foam at the mouth and have an Ego here, but you must all understand that Soundgarden nightclub is a business that’s been in the same spot for 23 years. Prior to this location I created the foot print that was and still is the landmark of jersey shore nightlife most of you might know this place

    Some of you might be too young to remember.

    You can not evolve in any business if you do not adapt to the changes, in this case its pop culture. Pop culture dictates what it desires and what ever that desire is, is what we in the industry must deliver to make every body happy, you guys that talk about Dj’s and What they play are obsessed with the music which is ok….. but went you try to talk down a business because of your personal preference that’s not cool, and I’ am sorry to say that most of you that write these comments have no clue of how hard it is to make everybody happy… nor do any of you have any experience in this matter.

    If I said this once I said it 30 times to all my friends and people that work in the industry, fellow club owners, dj's, bartenders, promoters etc,

    a lot of you have several screen names that you hide behind, a lot of you are ether DJ’s or a Friend of a Dj or a Wanna be DJ it’s so obvious and here’s why…. 4 weeks ago Saturday September 25th Soundgarden Had platinum cd selling superstar Deborah Cox, over 1100 people show up for that event, the days following again not one person on any of these forums did the “ oh it was Sick night review thing “ BUT a hand full of you will review and hype up and get twisted over a DJ!!!!!! And what he did…

    am I missing something here?

    If you want to debate this do it live come to the club introduce yourself to me and I’ll buy you drinks for as long as it takes you to try and prove me wrong, I remain

  8. Originally posted by guidokiller

    If all of your were not on mind altering drugs would you think these two guys were good.. NO,,, Sky box b,, if you want a shot! Think about it,, you go to see Rich a fat bald white dude spin records,,, please,,, wake up..... I might take over the DJ booth that night..... find me in da club.... dare you. Bon, Kosta, I rule,, feel my wrath real soon,,, Anthony should have never opened this can of worms.

    Whos is this ?????

  9. Originally posted by thesandman

    First off its a message board so chill, its not the bible... second off, if you have read my posts over the years I have put your club over many times and brought lots of my friends to your club, people that have become regulars....

    I don't think Im talking shit at all, I was giving feedback. In this thread some negative... in other thread over the years I have given positive stuff.... I have met you so you know me by face perhaps if your who I think you are....

    I sincerely appreciate you coming here and all the good, and the good comments. The negative I don’t appreciate, nor do I need anybody to express what I should book and where I should go with the music. If you’re making a request I’ll listen if you’re making a comment and attempting to make fun of what happens here I will not listen.

    It’s not easy being in this business the weekly pressures will never be understood by patrons and critics, my Friend the average party last 2 weeks, the average night club last 3 months this location has been here since I open it in 1982 do the math, it wasn’t cause I got lucky, I’m not a bad guy come by Saturday introduce your self and I’ll buy you a drink, no hard feeling. EAI

  10. Originally posted by thesandman

    OK, well I think your wrong..... I don't kiss ass for free admission or free drinks like the whores on here. How about I come to your bar, introduce myself, grab Richie V and Eugene for a group hug, then tip you 2 dollars on a 50 dollar round I order...? Will that help?

    Richie Vs. Denny - Sound Garden - Right Place Right Time!

    When there are many more nights to come please let me know, maybe you can call Rob Bass up, I hear hes looking for work.





  11. Originally posted by stigeleiro

    Let me first start by saying I never wanted it to get to the point that I would have to respond back in this way to one of the people I have known on the board the longest but this time has long been coming. Anthony I do not know your problem with Denny but I dont think he has ever done anything wrong to you personally. He constantly bites his tongue as u have no problem always bashing him on this board. But for some reason or another you are at many of the places he spins. Lets not even go there though. Lets talk about this comment you have right here. The crowd that denny brings is mostly guys. I remember reading a post that you put on another thread regarding Denny and someone said that Denny brought a good crowd and u even agreed and said that was the reason you went to where he worked. That thread was less then a month ago. I am at work so I dont have time to go find it but I clearly remember it because it was brought to my attention by Denny. If less then a month ago you said the only reason you go to places where Denny works (which is pretty frequent I must add) was because the crowd how can u now go say the crowd is 90% dudes. Regarding this Friday at Joeys and this Saturday at South Park (I wasnt there to see what the crowd was like) you have to take in account it was less then 10 degrees out. For a girl to look her club best she normally wears less. Pretty hard to wear less when the weather is so cold. Many woman just stayed home this weekend and saved some money and shit like that. On a personal level, when you talk about this past Friday at Joeys this should be a reflection of me too. That is my party and if you are going to blame Denny for the guy to girl ratio Friday (when it was 2 degrees) you need to blame me also. I think everyone on this board maybe everyone that knows me in the tri-state area will agree the last thing my parties lack are woman. As you notice by the two parties I do (Joeys Fridays and Deko Saturdays) I dont need any one person to bring in the ass. The consistency with my parties is that. Denny was not to blame for the guy to girl ratio on Friday if anything the weather was and I was. I know it wasnt me so its got to be the weather.

    Anyway let me close by telling everyone that as everyone knows I have a great relationship with denny both personal and in business. I am one of the true believers that Denny is good for any club that he works at that is why he is asked to play so much in NJ. Sometimes the crowd that is at a place is just not the best crowd for that night and he cant be to blame. He is good but nobody should count on Denny to be the saviour. South Park has a good Saturday night its been consistent for 2 years now and they too have to deal with the weather and other factors once and a while every club deals with it. Believe it or not we have experienced even a lul once or twice in 2 years at DEKO. It happens. Regarding Anthony (notallthere), he has been someone I have known for a long time and I have taken care of him for a few years now. I respect his opinion and I have kept my mouth quiet during his obsessiveness with denny on this board. But now he bought my Friday party at Joeys up and I dont think Denny deserves to be blamed for the guy to girl ratio at Joeys.

    PS> The guy to girl ratio was not that bad this Friday. It still is the busiest Friday in NJ hands down and that isnt because there are never any woman there.

    Hey Serg,

    You know that I could easily call you or im you to comment on this post about Denny joeys south park all the guys who draws what and blah Blah Blah….

    Please know, that first off I don’t really know who all of these fictitious people are that post these comments and make these reviews, negative or even positive allegations.

    But I’ll tell you one thing for sure…. Being in this Business as long as it’s been and being a friend to all night club owners everywhere, the writings on this or any message board has zero credibility and mean nothing.

    You Serg Denny Joey Tommy or who ever should pay no mined to these writing’s , you must ask your self who are theses people and also take it for where it comes.

    AN EMPLOYEE is gonna cook up the numbers and of course it’s all a part of what goes with the territory when promoters get involved and when there are incentives giving to employees doormen bartenders Dj’s promoters ETC.

    I don’t see any Night club OWNERS on this board bashing, and why is that? Cause for the most part there all business associates and as business owners they have to be concerned with credibility.

    Anyone who takes this shit serious and writes a negative or over exaggerated comment is very obvious and is just feeding there own Ego.

    It’s hard enough how we all struggle with the elements the peak and off peak seasons, weather etc this business does not need inaccurate garbage, beside how many people read these boards that really support nightlife, it’s probably one quarter of one percent.

    Here’s a New Quote for you Serg

    “Opinions are Free and anything that’s free has no credibility...â€

    L8R My brotha EAI

  12. Originally posted by richiev525

    This Saturday NOV 1st .....SoundGarden is having our annual Halloween Costume Party with 3,000 dollars in cash given out for best costumes....then start thinking about NOV 8th it will be the biggest night of the year when Deborah Cox comes to SoundGarden so many people are already telling me they will be there for that night so it will be huge......Dont spend your night on the line get there early ..............

    :);):) :)

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