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Everything posted by thrillfire

  1. i thought the 2nd episode was funny... Jacquese is too sensitive, i completely agree and he's too gossipy... don't spy on people, who cares what they are doing... and there was soooo much crying... Frankie's pheobias are just something wierd to me... i don't deal well with people who have strange mental problems..
  2. i'm horrible when i drive, if someone is in the left lane going really slow and than i try to pass them and they suddenly speed up and than start driving really slow right next to another car on purpose, i just lose it, i pass them when i have the chance and do the same thing to them. but I try to slow down to the max. I hate doing it but i hate arrogant drivers more. The left lane is for people going faster than the speed limit!!!!!
  3. it doesn't sound like you had a good day at all today... sorry, but the story is funny :laugh:
  4. thrillfire

    2:36 am

    you can be with someone and still feel lonely. i'm experiencing that right now
  5. i played space quest when i was little and than found the kings quest somewhere on the internet... but i cheated, i used walkthroughs
  6. how about this one? super cute
  7. super mario was cool, too bad my nintendo broke
  8. i think its ok for a guy to have sex at a bachlor party, i mean he is getting locked down up until the tape resurfaces and the wife will sue his dirty ass for all he's got.
  9. This topic was brought on from the sex board... mine would be Oddworld for xbox, i love that game
  10. thrillfire


    don't wait a week.... i think calling within a few days does show one that you care and willing to work things out.
  11. I only say mean things when i'm drunk.. that way i don't really remember what i said.
  12. deals a bit with sex....
  13. this is not related to sex... getting off topic...
  14. no, i'm an atheist but i think religions have been an important factors in shaping societies and controlling people and its important for one to understand their sagnificance and presence.
  15. nope don't think i believe in fate... i believe in myself and my own actions...
  16. sorry, it came out corny...
  17. sorry to hear that... i'm sure if you express your concerns to him, he'll be more than happy to oblige. my bf finally got me in to playing xbox with him and its fun except i got addicted for a little bit... we come to a compromise, play his game than play my game and than off to bed. And we get to cuddle while playing...
  18. why don't you guys play together and than play together on the bed?
  19. Do you always hang out together in a club? In my past experience I would seperate from my friend or friends and go venture around the club and on the way i would meet lots of interesting people who I would later introduce to my friend/s. I find staying with one person throughout the night of clubbing to be sufficating. Right now its harder to meet new people not for dating but just for conversation because i go to bars with my bf and they are less crowded usually than clubs and its just a less open atmosphere.
  20. can't remember, its been sooo long... a cashmere sweater for my dad and a rice cooker... that was before xmas...
  21. dodgeball... hated the rest!!! in high school, hockey and tennis
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