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Everything posted by thrillfire

  1. I like when he washes my hair, I have long hair so its very nice when we sit in the bath and he takes his time to wash it well.
  2. i can never seem to catch the times that's she's on on mtv. can anyone tell me if there going to be reruns of her perfomance, I know there is the show on saturday sometime...
  3. I think "no" means "no" in woman's language... and for some reason men think it means yes and than amazed at the rape charges.
  4. its funny when normalnoises posts these long arguements with bibliographies and links the people who oppose and insult him and his views don't even bother to read but just continue to insult him. Maybe if they read what it said and put the two and two together they'll have something more meaningful to bring to the debate rather than some childish insults they learned in middle school.
  5. I feel kinda bad that i don't have great desire to cook, i feel like I should cook more often for my bf cause he cooks all the time as do my friends. But I think they cook better than me and enjoy cooking more so there is no point in me messing up the kitchen.
  6. that was a great album! I didn't like their next one as much haven't checked up on them in a while to see if they have another album out or not.
  7. well, i don't particularly care about any oversexed stars except maybe Britney... than I would definitly think less of her. I think after sex ed in schools, on tv about safe sex, one would have to be living in a cave not to be aware of risks of unprotected sex. Unless it was rape or assault, my view of them would be damaged.
  8. i don't like diamonds... especially debeers... cause they basically use slave labor to get them... but i hope that the companies that grow diamonds now in labs will eventually overpower debeers monopoly and their exploits.
  9. i don't think they are that hot to begin with
  10. that's quite insane sorry, I don't mind spiders and other bugs but roaches I hate with passion, living in the south for a few years they were everywhere... you walk out on to the street at night and they just run everywhere... oh and ants! They are just annoying...
  11. sounds like what the Japanese did to Chinese before and during WWII. But the astonishing numbers of rape and torture were never widely publicised.
  12. my bf juse keeps on pushing the subject by caressing and foreplay so I finally give up if he doesn't want it too much when I tell him no, we just cuddle and go to sleep and do it the next morning....
  13. you know, most of the time the guy gets away with like community service or something for messing up a girl forever... if it even goes to trial. :mad: I'm very sorry about what happened to your friends....
  14. ask if we can hang out again. tell me they miss me like they do on a few rare occasions when we talk.
  15. two people from work... and myself...
  16. ooooh.... ok, i remember going to undergrad and listening to people talk about how they are getting Ds just to pass because they knew their parents would set them up with a good job. just got a little bit on my nerves because some of us have to work very hard since we don't possess those types of connections. I think if my daddy knew someone who could set me up with a cushy job i wouldn't have gone to grad school.
  17. as least some college experience is important to me... I'll still be bothered by him not finishing college unless he's really intelligent and smart and just doesn't need college like Bill Gates... =) otherwise i just feel silly cause i finished my masters and going for phd while working and he'll be a undergrad drop out... if its a relationship for fun and not actual commitment that leads to marraige than its ok.
  18. In which department do you work for pfizer? I have a bunch of friends who work as researchers for Shering Plough and Merk..
  19. I had that problem too several times... haven't figured out how to calibrate it to fit... only manually in photoshop...
  20. only if i got to do it with my bf
  21. I have a company holloween party to go to today (thursday) so i have to dress up... grrr.... I don't want too... I'm so not in to holloween this year. I'm just going to change in the bathroom in to my costume.
  22. it's not that hard to answer... is it?
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