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Everything posted by thrillfire

  1. I have been dreading this day but i can't avoid it any longer... I never have luck with hairstylists in NJ, either they cut it too short or burn my hair... coloring is not bleaching... one trying to bleach my hair saying that she's just coloring it. it hurt so badly that in 5 min i was in tears from the pain and than my hair turned out super blonde... grrr... and it was suppose to be a good salon too. I'm looking for something not too expensive in northern NJ. Preferably a gay hairstylist... they just seem to do the best job on my fussy hair. help, please any suggestions are greately appreciated.
  2. what's her problem? seems like a bad case of fashion pms....
  3. i dunno, my bf takes longer to get ready than i do... always... its very very annoying.. especially doing his hair, its a whole big process at least it seems like that to me! I wish he wouldn't put gel in his hair and just let it be natural. I take 15 min and I'm done... I look pretty and my make up is all in place unless its a special occasion than it takes an hr... but I always have to sit and wait for him to get ready and he does the fashion show as well.... starting from the socks to the ties... grrr... but its ok... i still love him.
  4. thrillfire

    Hell Test

    159, just enjoying life....
  5. Does anyone know how to skip a period? I heard that you can do it with birthcontrol pills, if you just skip the blank ones and start immediatly with the normal ones... Does that create any major problems? I know its kinda a silly question...
  6. thrillfire 100 mbps my comp burned so i don't have as big of collection as i did, i lost all my music so i'm starting anew....
  7. I'm leaving for a cruise next week (its kinda a last minute thing) so I need to get a nice bathing suit by friday, and I have no idea where to go in Manhattan to buy one. since everything is for fall now. Also if anyone knows of a brazilian wax place in downtown, your help is greatly appreciated. thanx
  8. Just wanted to say thank you to everyone for your advice and support!!!!!
  9. After three days of nagotiations... my 4 year relationship has ended.... I'm not sure what to do now... over several years i've seen people on cp go through the same thing i'm going through right now and i never thought it was going to be this bad. his plan was to see other people and after several years get back together... wtf... i dunno.. sorry... i just feel very bad at the moment.... cause i just left all of my friends in GA... so i don't have a support team. I saw the signs but choose to ignore them so i guess its my fault but it still hurts... but hey.... everyone gets over it... so its just my time to learn from the exprience and move on.
  10. I'll try to make it out there... definitly want to meet everyone...
  11. thrillfire

    Back in NJ

    I did my masters in GA, i just have my decertation to finish up this summer. my b.f. lives in Paramus so i'm in that area pretty often. I'll ask him if he knows of these places, maybe we'll see you there...
  12. thrillfire

    Back in NJ

    thanx, where in hoboken do you work?
  13. thrillfire

    Back in NJ

    for some reason i always thought you were in central jersey... i think i just got you confused with linabina cause of the britney spears sig where in Bergen County are you from? I have no idea yet cause I got sick while driving 12 hrs in non stop heavy rain so i'm trying to get better before the weekend starts. Any ideas, suggestions?
  14. thrillfire

    Back in NJ

    that would be cool... Mystify, I'm in northern jersey... Rockaway area
  15. thrillfire

    Back in NJ

    Finally, i'm back in NJ for good after two years of being in Georgia!!!!! Party Time for me
  16. Its not really funny but more like strange occurrance that sticks out in my mind... at exit about four years ago, i was in the bathroom when a group of 6 girls walked in... and one of them asked me if i wanted a french kiss from all of them. Being wasted I didn't really caught on to what they were saying so i just smiled and noded when suddenly they all started kissing me... thank god they were all attractive... I just kinda walked off a bit wierded out back to my bf.. he was incredably jealous after i told him what happened. and it happened again when I went back to the bathroom the second time, they came in again but there were only four of them that time.
  17. Definitly best clothing stores there.... I used to go to europe every summer to buy my wadrobe but now that i'm working and got big student loans to pay its hard to do that...
  18. yeah, instead of H&M...
  19. Thai food Mash Potatoes good pizza Italian pasta Filet Mignon I'm sure i'm forgetting something... I'm getting hungry.. I think i'll order Chinese when i get home.
  20. Life would not be the same without post whores wasting time... have so many better things to do than to sit here and listen to this guy bullshit about his wonderful flash crap
  21. thrillfire


    will be ok once i get some sleep after 6 days of not sleeping.... will be great once I sell my bed
  22. Eel sushi and soft crab sushi california rolls are ok... I used to hate sushi, the 1st time i went i actually it took me three years to like it! now I get some really bad cravings for it!
  23. i'm in my last class now... can't wait to go home and sleep!!!! I wish i sat in the back and could sneak out! grr...
  24. Oh, the friends hitting was from a while back... that happened while i was still up in nj.... just something I remembered that bothered me... nothing that happened currently thank god, i'm just mentally preparing myself for seeing them again... j/k
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