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Everything posted by silverbull

  1. Just one more day left i cant freakin wait. DAMN i was just use to not seeing smokers on the dncefloor well at least at some places,lol. Maybe their will be and exception this night i hope so. Sorry if i offended anysmokers.
  2. WOW you guys sound young, heck im young myself KNOW YOUR HISTORY PEOPLE. The new cd is awesome both cds had me juming up and down in the subway and in my house. Its a beautiful mixture of OLD AND NEW. pICK it up its worth it.
  3. Everyone has told me it on KTU all the time i havent turned on my raido in days. hmmmmmmm i wonder if its really good.
  4. Well i guess not plans have been cancelled, RICK wont be there after all.
  5. I figured i would tell all you FINE FOLKS of clubplnet hesgonna be spinning there this weds he 2nd. Since most of you people trash websterhall, why not go over thereand see what he has to offer. Ive neve been there so i dont know what type of crowd or venue its like but me and my friends are goin anyway. SO go heck it out if your curius to hear him but dont wanna step foot inside websterhall. Who knows maybe if ya wind up liking his style you might go anyhow to WEBS and not care about the CROWD over there.
  6. RICK CORBO the resident dj at websterhall sat nights will be spinnin there. IM goin along with some of my friends justthougt i would spread the word to those who live in jersey since DRAMA is over there. I kow alot of people bad mouth websterhall cause of the crowd well cmon down to DRAMA and hear HIM for yourself if you never have. I hope he plays the same syle like he alwasy plays, DARK,TRIBAL,PROGRESSIVE house.
  7. Um well im just gonna make it short and uick. RICK was let go off cause the managemet wanted to go in another direction on sat nights with COMMERCIAL MUSIC thus DJ SMOKEY took over and was scratching the vinyls like it was RAP, and making unnecesarry announcements like "WHERE MY N***ERS AT" cmon please. When the numbers went down MIKE RIZZO was boughtin i believe and things picked up again. SO RICK was boughtback and MIKE was given THURSDAY nights to work his magic. And now CORBO is back onsat playing TRIBAL,PROGRESSIVE,DARK, HOUSE. Whens the last time any of ya have heard rick play live im curious. I understand and agree with most of ya sometimes the crowd isnt necessry the best music crowd around but there having fun. Listen to the way rick plays the tracks, hes one of the only djs around that starts at 10pm and spins till closing sometimes 5 sometimes 6am. Make an effort to come here him one day now dont compare or talk about b4 cause his style ahs changed over this past yr alone that its o much better than hes ever played.
  8. Hey i dont know how many of ya know this or care but 92.7 wlir broadcast eveyweek live from WEBSTERHALL from 12am to sometimes 5 am. SO this way you guys can hear DJ MOODY and TONY DRAPER if you guys dont go out. Then ya can bash them or praise them. Its been goin on for about 3 months now. This way youmguys have variety from JUNIOR and this show. Rick se to do this show every fri adn sat in 2001 until sept 11. So now its back. Its literally broadcas live from there the actual mixes and sometimes taking to the djs. Just thought i would let all of ya know this.
  9. I also thought the opening DJ was good as well. I got there around 11pm and stood till about 5am. Carl Cox was great i was really feeling most of his tracks, and his energy from the booth was great to see every once in a while. Me and my friends were dancin so hard and when we would get tired we would walk around the club and feed off everbody elses energy. Defintely a great crowd one of the best crowds i have ever seen in my life. And thats the most ive ever seen CENTRO FLY pack like that. Im sure people will yell at me for this but, i think DANNY TENAGLIA is a much better DJ hes still my fave. Dont get me wronf COX was amazing. I was so soaked in sweat and not just my on but it was worth it. There were alot of great people in the crowd and thank god not alot of DRAGON BALL Z guys and people who dance the same. At least i didnt see them. The best dancers in that whole club had to have been these 2 girls i met their bothsisters with the letter M, the M TWINS lol. They were amazing. Anyhow eveybody ho was there knows what i mean. Thank god for those yohoo drnks outside i took me like 3cans. Shit without that i dont know if i wouldve made it to the train station.
  10. Ive been up since 9am and cant wait im gonna eat now ad meetmy friends and then head overthere.
  11. A live cd would be great heres some of my faves he plays live SPECIAL LOVE (SPECIAL LOVE MIX)- FABIO KING COLOMBIA- ANTOINE CLAMARAN ALERT-ANTOINE CLAMARAN TEST AND BORN- CARLODALLENESE MUSIC PLEASE- KING UNIQUE NOT SUCH AN INNOCENT GIRL (ROBBIE RIVERAS 3AM DARK MIX)- VICTORIA BECKHAM. weell theres alot more newer songs he plays tht ihave no ids for yet. But it would be hot if it was RECORDED LIVE maybe his MANAGEMENTor even the WEBSTERHALL STAFF should pay attention to that. Hering the crowd screamand cla and yell his name when certain tracks are thrown down would be hot.
  12. Well as for all sorts of taste then WEBSTERHALL would be good it has a lot of floors with differentmusic in it. The ballroom is the best floor thought with some good DARK,TRIBAL, PROGRESSIVE HOUSE. The crowd might be on the non musical side but at least you can hear somegood tunes and have your guest do whatever thgey like all over the spot.
  13. I'll be there but dont know with who yet some of my friends are sick. I will be there from opening till closin hopeully. I like to party hard all night.
  14. HE does have a cd out by websterhall NEW YORK DANCE VOLUME 4 but at that time he was still playng trance and its not really the best cd around im my opinion. I think hes workin on a new cd. I will be there this sat. I bet you dont even knowthat he play his prductions every now and then. If i hear one i will let you know. That is if i find you.
  15. I wsh i could go cause i heard morillo last time, and he was playing soe great stuff, old and new. But i iwll be at CPIS for DANNY TENAGLIA. That cd will be blasting from my headphones as soon as get my hands on it.
  16. I will be there also with my g/f my bro and his wife. I wanted to go tomorrow but dont have enough cash.
  17. Got my ticket and am ready for that evet. Of course im only goin for DANNY baby if your a fan of musi and a DJ you wouldnt care where they were spinning but you should go and support them.
  18. Arc is defintely the place to be on FRIDAYS, SATS. Let me know how it goes after your experience.
  19. The few times wento SEXY at the ROXY last yr was nothing big as you guys make it scene. All i saw were 18yr old guys with SUNGLASSES spiky hairs who all dance the same wearing the same labels and all looking the same. And thier girls who dance like guys but look DELICIOUS but have attitudes. I dont iunderstand why some people bash DJ MIKE RIZZO cause wasnt he a DJ thier on fridays? And even one night when i heard him an JOHNNY VICIOUS together i was somewhat dissapointed in mR VICIOUS. What was so good about ROXY on fridays i have no clue. BUt this just goes to show you some people liked ROXYS while i liked WEBSTERHALL sat nights ater all this time. Mind you each person has thier own personal taste. Dont get me wrong im not trying to diss anything but i just feel like EVERYBODY IN SEXY AT THE ROXY really looked the same. WOW it aslike a room full of freaking MIRRORS everytime i was there. But i do admit feeling the energy and vibe thier. But of course nothing comepares to BE YOURSELF FRIDAYS baby.
  20. I miss goin to ARC since i started working on sat,sun it really ruins it. There are time i would leave ARC at 10,11am sat morning. But i cant do it anymore since i start work at 9Am but i will be at CPIS for july 3rd. What makes ARC so great is that its a big loft kinda dark, and MUSICan no fancy decorations, just the best DJ IN THE WORLD DANNY TENAGLIA. YUp when you get there have fun and dance. DESTINYS CHILD enjoy it man. Now danny sometimes come son around 3,4. But me and my friends love goin at 12AM and staying till closing. ARIEL also djs at the begging b danny,but sometimes they have other djs. Or for some people who cant hang that long in 0ne club go to whateve place it is that makes you happy then swing on over to ARC but you better be goin for the music. Hey why not FRI at WEBSTERHALL MOODY plays good stuff and its a good warm up for arc ive done it manytimes b4 as well. But if your a daper fan i guess stay there.
  21. JAYSEA coming at me hard. Damn dude. So your waiting for spirit to open. I cant wait for ROGER SANCHEZ to have his monthyly there maybe then i can meet you in the flesh.
  22. Its gonna be another great night cause last week RICk went record shooping and has a whole bunch of new hot shit. Theres no SOULSEEKER, WINMX,KAZZA,NAPSTER i his vocabulary. All he needs is his 3 sometimes 2 turntables and his mixers anits all good from there. I wont be there this sat night but ir ecommend people to check it out. Everyone whos goin to FACTORYS beach trhingy should go here first then leave by3 or 330 and by the you should feel some of RICKS ENERGY.
  23. I haent been there in a few myself on a thusday. But yeah i will agree it gets packed in their THUR,FRI,SAT. Its just that people dont respect it as much as it should be. Yeah yeah go on with all this tourist crap but honestly everyclub has thatproblem. Why doesnt everyone just sacrifice one night and go check it out on THUR,FRI,SAT. Forget about the other floors is all about thE HOUSE FLOORS. Check out RIZZO, MOODY,CORBO see what they play and try to forget about some of the crowd. I Know most of ya are all "THE GREAT CLUB GOERS OF THE WORLD" and think that whateve place ya go to is the shit.But please wake up. As for DRAPER everybody already knows what he has to offer. As for RIZZO,MOODY,CORBO. CHECK THEM out and if ou dont like what you hear then leave and go to your other places of entertainment. Thrusdays if you dont like RIZZO then go to a after hrs PARTY LIKE HUSH (no not the club). If you dont like MOODY on fri (he doesnt play fri what he plays on WEDS at mirage thank god) then go to ARC of course or stay for draper some of you. SAT night check out CORBO and thenleave to FACTORY, or stay who knows just go then post your reviews. What do you have to lose. Isthe world gonna end, i TIESTO AND PVD not coming to new york anymore (who cares anyway). NYC HOUSE MUSIC ALL NIGHT LONG.
  24. I support RICK CORBO who is a LOCAL dj and a RESIDENT DJ at websterhall for 4yrs now althogh he was gone for a few months but hes been back since feb i believe. Sometimes after WEBSTERHALL i go to SHELTER for DJ TIMMY REGIFIELD but since i started working weekends things have changed a bit. I support DANNY TENAGLIA at ARC hes a local dj who is also INTERNATIONAL. (THANK GOD HES NOT LEAVING THIS SUMMER,AND I WILL SEE HIM AT CPIS ON JULY 3RD). I support the djs at CHEETAH (the house ones of course). DJ MERRIT and other various ones that play with him. When the DEF MX and SUBLIMINAl nights are at DISCOTHEQUE im there cause cmon DAVID MORALES AND ERICK MORILLO are there (do i even have to explain). So my nights are busy thur, fri, sat, sun. I dont knowwhat else i can do to keep supporting HOUSE MUSIC in NYC.
  25. DUDE I love WEBSTERALL, ARC, CHEETAH, what is your point. I like places that have great music crowd to me comes second, the only place i found where everything is PERFECT is at BE YOURSELF FRIDAY NIGHTS WITH DANNY TENAGLIA. Websterhall is fun on sat cause of the music,cheetah is great on sun casue of the music and the people, but not like ARC. Ive been out to so many parties themes and clubs in NYC only and nothing i hae found is better FOR ME than the places ijust name. I DOT NEED INTERNATIONAL STARS with amazing light shows and THEMES all i need is a place with a DJ with awesome RECORDS and space to dance, with fellow music lovers.
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