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Everything posted by silverbull

  1. FRIDAYS wit DJ MOODY is great and hes one hell of a nice guy. Sat nights with RICK CORBO are slammin. HE WILL have you in the ballroom from 10pm till 6am.
  2. Exactly iwas just kidding that it was my type o fspot in case ya ddint realize it. WHO NEEDS ALL THAT CRAP, what it needs is GREAT DJ and music lovers. All that nonsense is not necessary.
  3. hEy wusup chelsea girl, ONCE AGAIN im a music lover know the music know thehistory ive been around HOUSE MUSIC and djs for the last 11 to 12 yrs. IM not a "TOURIST" as you say. Also i all about the ballroom it doesnt have the greatest vibe YET. The music that rick SPINS is awesome you just have to judge it. And please be real the thousands of people that are in that club arent all tourists. In the ballroom you will find some serious music lovers not much but they are around me andmy frineds included. So just come on down and hear the music and dance to it. And the more people become aware of the sound the more people will ignore the crowd and then b4 you know it websterhall sat nights with RICK CORBO willhave that "vibe" that ya talk about so much.
  4. Jesus Christ another PRETTY PEOPLE CLUB where the dancefloor is wasted by people standing around and no dancing. I HATE ALL THESE PLACES. I only go to go to TWILO about 4 or 5 times b4 it closed. When i first read what thisnew thingy is suppose to be like i was saddened.
  5. Its all about the music. hear ricks music. And if hearing ricks name and websterhall in the same sentece with arc and danny geez you really must think your funny and know everything. But anyway its true Rick aint danny but dontsleepon him ha him out and see how he compares toyour other FAVES DJS.
  6. then why waste your time reading this thread vizual. I willbe at arc for dannys bday from openin till closin dancing my ass off . Then i will go home and sleep and wake up and go to websterhall for RICK CORBO from opening till closin. So i guess i wont have to put up with you anymore. Thanx for the good itmes.
  7. yo troutmanPHUNK that just my opinion but dannys openingdj wasnt playing trane(thnk god) he was playing house, I rather hear him for a few hrs than pvd. But then again i don really liek trance, so my opnion houldnt matter much to you.
  8. That was actually pretty funny, and the reason someitmes my typing is fucked up is cause i have a slow computer. I will be there this sat with some of my peoples, come check itout. And i mean the ballroom , im there from 10p to 6am dancing, dont need the oher floors.
  9. Well i wear A black shirt cotton, long sleeve casue its cold nothing fancy somtimes i hve my brooklyn shirt. And pants from not dressy or jeans dont knw how to expain it. And fohoes sometimes CAMPERS or GBX sneaker looking things. The door people are cool with me and dont give me problems i guess. I v been a vetaren or 4 yrs nowat that place.. COme check it out on a sat opens at 10 until like 530 6am. Just use your ears man enjoy then like i said swing y somplace else if your not happy by 4ish. Be safe and see ya sooon. AND If anybody is going to the winter music conference RICK CORBO will be spinnin at "THE BEACH" its right by SPACE. In 3 weeks on a friday.
  10. Well i wasnt at WEBSTERHALL in 96 but thats the time my cuz stop goin so it mustve been bad or somethign at ht time i was sneakng into CLUB EXPO,LOL. anyway Rick started spinningthere in 1998 bt first he played TRANCE but thank good now he plays house and no commercial crap. He just came back 3 weeks ago he hsnt been there since oct. Im a HUGE fan of DANNY TENAGLIA and trust me he plays similar no need to lie to you im not a promoter. What do you have to lose, if you want come on down this sat and hear himand when its 430am and your still feeling his sounds come up to me i iwll still be on the dancefloor it aint ard to spot me and say cool hesnot as bad as you thouht. Now the crwd is another topic entirely. I wish websterhall sat nights had a BE YOURSELF CROWD then forget it. But i doesnt yet but it should if ya come to hear RICK and forget about the crowd.
  11. I just heard the PVD cd and watched the DVD and maybe its because im a HOUSE FAN not a tracne fan but i thought it sucked. Im sure to trance fans the cd/dvd is thier HOLY GRAIL but i didn like it. I prefer the TALL PAUL 2nd session club space CD. Even the SHINY DISCO ball mix by oliver klien dirtydisco mix was ok for a song i could no longr stomach. I think the opening dj for DANNY i always foget his name at ARCS 4yr party was better than PVD. I wonder if alotof his are young kids only. And if any of his fans has heard of THE MASTERS AT WORK, or TODD TERRY.
  12. Ignorant people seem to be the majority of people on this board. And young as well. YO vizualbyte where your from, IM FROM BROOKLYN its part of nyc and so are the rest of my friends. Does it really matter if i cant spell d you think igive a shit abotmy grammar in this bard with ya. PLease. Nothin better to do todayhuh guys. aNd when did you go last to websterhall. HOUSEDOG i dont care.
  13. Tyson once had great skill until after he fired KEVIN ROONEY from his corner after te MICHAEL SPINKSfight in 1988 since then hs been in decline. If you look back he never beat anybody great to be considered an all time great but its becaus eof a wek divison at the time. Only people he beat were a OLD LARRY HOLMES who wouldve beaten tyson in his PRIME and mike spinks. Hes stil popular hell even i watch his fighs till cause hes excting. But If anybody thought he was gonna lose to CLIFFORD than your more dumb than blind. Now if a fights LEWIS,TUA,HOLYFIELD, even CHIRS BYRD hes gonna lse.
  14. Well RICK spun last on OCT 5th. Then forget it DJ SMOKEY spun there and it sucked, then MIKE RIZZO came aboard and it was ok. Hes a very nice guy and plays better when he was at ROXY. But now RICK corbo is bac and for the last 3 weeks the msuic has been awesome. And "TECHNO" as you call it, what do you mena by thaT. Do you know what HOUSE MUSIC IS tribal progressive dark, do you know the difference. If your a trance fan sorry bout it but RICK dont play that stuff much if at all. And the 80s music shouldve been played in the 1st floor but i wouldnt be supised if you heard smokey he really ruined shit while he was around. HE SCRATCH RECORDS LIKE IT WAS RAP and in my book thats a BIG NO NO.
  15. Me and my small crew of about 20 people do. Its all about rick and music we dont pay mind to the other stuff. And a few of ya should go its big enough to house a lot of people. SO why not show up. I though all you people are in this for the music. Who cares if its a tourist trrap lik ya say. The more club people go the more vibe it will get. If a "superstar dj" goes there why woud any one of you go their when ya saying the place sukcs, that night its still gonna be full of tourist. All the factory people i meet keep saying they like ricky. But its the cowd that makes them feel funny. But the music gets no complaints.
  16. I was gonna say go to WEBSTERHALL on a sat from 10pm till whenever then if you have energy go to SOUNDFACTORY after ward. Websterhall ha been hot for the last 3 weeks since RIK CORBO has returned to the club. And im not a promoter.
  17. yea TUAMAN is bad. But he suffers just like tyson form struggling against BIG MEN who are skillful and could punch, although chirs byrd doesnt have powere he still has great skil.
  18. hey ZEEKER some of these peple like TYSON cause hes fom nyc and can punch nd dont see the whole picture. DAVID TUA i think woul beat tyson cause hes not afraid of him. Also tyson has never mentined fightin him i wonder why,hmmmmmmmmmmmm.
  19. yeah its full of tourist but as you said the music is good. RICK plays a good set everyweek For the lat 4yrs no ive been there form 10pm til 6am on sat nights. WEBSTERHALLoesnt ahve thevbe of lets say ARC but theres a simple answer why. the people on this board dont go to checkit out constantly and make the vibe, besies like me and my LIL CREW and a few other people ho know about music there aint uich of a vibe there. Especioallly since everybody is almost gettin laid. The best example is this allyou factory heads should keep shwing up then everyweek and along withthe other peopl who are thier for th music the vibe wil grow. RICKS sets are neve dissapointing its the crowd that makes it look bad. Hey im not tlling ya to abondon factory just checek it out on sat and stay til like 4 or 6if ya can,ol nd thenog to factroy, but hear ick form beginig and then see how it goes from there. The most i ever seen websterhall packed besides new uyrs eve 2000-2001 was on sept27 2002 rick had the whole crowd goin until 630ish. Hey the crwod makes the vibe so if the music i good come on down adn enjoy.
  20. yeah i also met sme factoy heads it seems im meeting one everweek sine RICK CORBO has been back. And everytime i talk to the factory people there suprised at rick tracks selections. Last week was more crowded though. Cant wait ill next week. IM always in thier on sat nihts with RICK CORBO.
  21. GOd i wonder how blind people are. Tyson will always beat people whoa re afraid and not skillful eough. He still loks sloopy adn hes not the same fighter from the 80s. If anyone thinks he can beat LEWS again then your living in the past, yes he can alwayslandthat punch so iunderstand the exctement aroud it. But face the facts, even tyson said he cant fight lewis next. Or ever in my opinion.
  22. No end , people mis intepret that alot,just change DRAMTICALLY, the planet aint gonna blow up and people wont be around. LOL.
  23. in no particular order: KISS,STAIND,LED ZEPPELIN,LINKIN PARK, DAVE MATTHEWS BAND, SANTANA, RED HOT CHILLI PEPPERS, ad a whole lot more. And a band who shall remain nameless who i have written a few songs for.
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