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Posts posted by g420

  1. Father kills daughter; doubted virginity


    Associated Press Writer

    Father kills daughter; doubted virginity

    AMMAN, Jordan (AP) -- A Jordanian man fatally shot his 17-year-old daughter whom he suspected of having sex despite a medical exam that proved her chastity, an official said Thursday. The man surrendered to police hours after the killing, saying he had done it for family honor.

    A state forensic pathologist, who works at the National Institute of Forensic Medicine in Amman where an autopsy was performed, said in a phone interview that the girl had run away from home several times for unknown reasons.

    Weeks ago, the girl had returned home from a family protection clinic after doctors had vouched for her virginity and the father had signed a pledge not to harm her, the pathologist said on condition of anonymity due to the sensitive nature of the case.

    "The tests proved that she was a virgin," the pathologist said. The girl returned home only after her father signed a statement promising not to harm her, he added.

    The father shot the girl four times in the head on Tuesday. On Wednesday, an autopsy was performed that again showed "she was still a virgin," the pathologist said.

    Authorities have not disclosed the names of the father or the daughter or even their hometown, saying only that they lived in a southern province.

    The crime is the first "honor killing" this year in Jordan, where many men consider sex out of wedlock to be an almost indelible stain on a family's reputation. On average, about 20 women in the country are killed by their relatives in such cases each year. Women have been killed for simply dating.

    Global human rights organizations have condemned such killings and appealed to King Abdullah II to put an end to them.

    In response, the government has abolished a section in the penal code that allowed for "honor" killers to get sentences as lenient as six months in prison. Instead, the government has told judges to consider honor killings on a par with other homicides, which in Jordan are punishable by up to 15 years in jail.

    But attempts to introduce harsher sentences have been blocked by conservative lawmakers who argue that tougher penalties would lead to promiscuity.

    Queen Rania also has called for harsher punishment for such killers.

  2. Islam converts change face of Europe


    Talkbacks for this article: 83

    As many as 100,000 French and British citizens have converted to Islam over the last decade, according to a new book by an Israeli historian.

    The figures cited by Hebrew University Prof. Raphael Israeli in his upcoming book The Third Islamic Invasion of Europe are representative of the fast-changing face of Europe, which the Islamic history professor says is in danger of becoming "Eurabia" within half a century.

    He noted that about 30 million Muslims currently live in Europe, out of a total population of 380 million., adding that with a high Muslim birthrate in Europe, the number of Muslims living in the continent is likely to double within 25 years.

    Israeli also cited massive immigration and Turkey's future inclusion in the EU as the primary reasons why the face of Europe will be indelibly changed within a generation.

    European concerns over a fast-growing Muslim population is at the center of opposition to Turkey's entry into the EU, he said, as the inclusion of Turkey into the EU will catapult the number of Muslims to 100 million out of a total population of 450 million.

    "The sheer weight of demography will produce a situation where no Frenchman or Dutchman could be elected to parliament without the support of the Muslim minority," he said Monday in an interview with The Jerusalem Post.

    "Muslims will have a more and more decisive voice in the makeup of European governments."

    "With Turkey as a member of the EU, the process will be accelerated, without [Turkey] it will be slower but it will still happen," he added. Turkey has strong relations with Israel.

    The historian, who has authored 19 previous books, said that Muslim political power in Europe would directly impact domestic politics, including Europe's immigration policy, with millions of additional Muslims waiting at the door to gain entry to the EU as part of "family reunification" programs.

    "Every European with a right mind has every reason to be frightened," Israeli said.

    The 50,000 French and 50,000 British who have converted to Islam over the last decade, including many from mixed marriages, did so for personal convictions, romanticized notions of Islam, as well as for business reasons, while others see Islam as the wave of the future at a time when Christianity is on the wane, Israeli said.

    He said that Muslims converting to Christianity existed but their numbers were significantly smaller.

    Israeli noted that conversions in mixed marriages worked only in one direction since a Muslim woman who marries a Christian is considered an apostate in her community, and faces physical danger.

    "It is time one should wake up and realize what is happening in Europe," he concluded.

  3. Terrorists rejoicing over new Baker report

    Leaders of Palestinian terror groups say Baker-Hamilton report proves 'Islamic resistance' works, express hope Jihad will ultimately destroy israel

    Aaron Klein, WND

    A high level US commission's recommendations for an eventual withdrawal from Iraq and for dialogue with Iran and Syria proves "Islamic resistance" works and America will ultimately be defeated, according to senior terrorist leaders interviewed by WND.


    Baker report: Israel must withdraw from Golan / Yitzhak Benhorin

    (VIDEO) Special panel headed by James Baker and Lee Hamilton, which looked into situation in Iraq and Middle East, rules that 'in the context of a full and secure peace agreement, the Israelis should return the Golan Heights'

    Full Story

    The militants, from the largest Palestinian terror groups in the Gaza Strip and West Bank, welcomed the policies outlined by the Iraq Study Group, which they claim recognizes Islam is the "new giant of the world."

    "The report proves that this is the era of Islam and of jihad," said Abu Ayman, a senior leader of Islamic Jihad in the northern West Bank town of Jenin.

    The Islamic Jihad terror group is responsible for every suicide bombing in Israel during the past two years.

    "(With the Iraq Study Group report), the Americans came to the conclusion that Islam is the new giant of the world and it would be clever to reduce hostilities with this giant. In the Koran the principle of the rotation is clear and according to this principle the end of the Americans and of all non-believers is getting closer," Abu Ayman said.

    'Victory for Allah'

    According to Abu Abdullah, a senior leader of Hamas' military wing, Baker's report is a victory for Islam brought about by "Allah and his angels."

    "It is not just a simple victory. It is a great one. The big superpower of the world is defeated by a small group of mujahedeen (fighters). Did you see the mujahedeens' clothes and weapons in comparison to the huge individual military arsenal and supply that was carrying every American soldier?" exclaimed Abu Abdullah, who is considered one of the most important operational members of Hamas' Izz al-Din al-Qassam Martyrs Brigades, Hamas' declared "resistance" department.

    "It is no doubt that Allah and his angels were fighting with them (insurgents) against the Americans. It is a sign to all those who keep saying that America, Israel and the West in general cannot be defeated on the ground so let us negotiate with them," Abu Abdullah said.

    Abu Abdullah said following a withdrawal from Iraq, the US will be defeated on its own soil.

    'Jihad will ultimately destroy Israel'

    "America must understand that with anti-American governments in Latin America and with Islam growing and reinforcing, including in the US itself, the next step would be a total defeat on their (American) land, not a relative one like they are facing in Iraq," he said.

    Abu Nasser, the second-in-command of the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades terror group in the West Bank, called the Iraq Study Group report a "great victory" from which other jihadist organizations can learn.

    "The Iraqi victory is a great message and lesson to the revolutionary and freedom movements in the world. Just to think that this resistance is led by hundreds of Sunni fighters who defeated hundreds of thousands of Americans, British and thousands of soldiers who belong to the puppet regime in Baghdad. What would be the situation if the Shiites will decide to join the resistance?" commented Abu Nasser.

    The al-Aqsa leader said his group learned from the "Iraqi resistance" that jihad will ultimately destroy Israel.

    The al-Aqsa Brigades is the military wing of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah party.

    "If Israel will not start negotiating its withdrawal we are ready to launch the new stage of the intifada," Abu Nasser said.

    Expecting Iraq insurgents to help in struggle

    Islamic Jihad's Abu Ayman said after the US "defeat" in Iraq is finalized, insurgents there should move to the West Bank and Gaza to help destroy Israel.

    "We hope that after chasing the occupation from Iraq, these jihad efforts and experiences will be transferred to Palestine, and yes, I mean that we expect these fighters will come to Palestine as part of a big Islamic army."

    Some terror leaders, though, were unsure whether the Baker report would actually be implemented. They claimed Israel controls US foreign policy and would ultimately block changes in American actions in the Middle East.

    "The problem is that I think the political structure of the US and the role of the Zionists in the US turns impossible the possibility that this report would be implemented," said Abu Ayman.

    Still the terror leader said the report shows insurgent actions are working.

    "It is the dawn of the real Islam what we are seeing now, young people who are leaving everything in their countries and are coming to fight in Iraq," said Abu Ayman.

    Reprinted with permission of WorldNetDaily

  4. Don't swet these two assholes...I came here from Korea when I was 2 but I don't recall experiencing anything like that yet...although when I was attending middle school and high school near Philly, some musclehead jocks tarted calling me chinadoll and singing D. bowie's chinagirl whenever they saw me (actually I bumped into one of these assholes about four years ago in a club and he hit on me..wtf??) ...but it was all good because I was always friends with the hot girls in my school and very popular so I didn't let these busted peeps swet me and that's wut u should do

    You're korean but your name is china girl? Identity crisis?

  5. what the fuck r u talking about? do u understand how much u sound like a complete fucking moron? ur an outright fucking racist to think that someone like Hakeem Olajuwon would overtly support a terrorist organization

    ...a person who played for the fucking DREAM TEAM!?!?!!? u know that team made up of basketball players representing the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA?? do u think Hakeem was some sort of mujihadeen spy...infiltrating the very fabric of American culture by *dare i say it* playing on their Olympic Basketball team?? OOooooO ThESE ingenious muslim hordes! theyve tricked us yet again!!!

    ur a fucking asshole my friend.....not to mention that baboons are indigenous to Angola, Botswana, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. NOT FUCKING NIGERIA....and ostriches??? fucking ostriches?!?!? Central and southern Africa asshole.....not western africa.......

    u r the epitome of ignorance..congratulations

    You dumb asshole, do you think he played for the dream team because he's a patriot? Or because he loves america??

    That asshole is over in jordan studying arabic in a hostile country while these towel wearing, camel riding assholes are waging a holy war … fuck him & fuck you too

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