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Everything posted by jonhenry

  1. it is a jp track well he did a mix of it and it's on his label......so yes your right in a way..........there's 3mixes of it on vinyl, jp's mix which is the worst imo, i beleave maa bell and dave the wave did a mix and the original by superpower but this is just off the top of my head i dont feel like looking for the record
  2. de'lancy- that look
  3. things to come old jp track from like 97-98......although the best mix on it is the maa bell mix.......things to come things to come............when the midnight hours comes, i will hypnotizeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  4. jus walk in and act like u have an accent youll get in no prob....lon ballinger was given the club by his parent because there loaded, so he lovesssssss ppl from europe act like your from germany youll have no problem
  5. couldnt agree with u more.........all these promoters now a days see money, just because u make a flyer and hand them out DOES NOT MEAN YOUR A PROMOTER OR SHOULD B ABLE TO GET A VENUE!!!!!....stop taking the easy way out and stop ruining the scene
  6. nah trust me johnny closed it down.....i used to go there weekly, had some good stuff while it was around, alot of hard trance....used to b right around the corner from the old satalitte
  7. ummmmm no, arena is done for good....there isnt a club across the street its a bar......+ new rochelle has just enforced a cabaret licsense law......it didnt have that before which states....no establishment shall b open within 500 yards of a religious venue.......theres a mount zian church right around the corner from arena.............i live in westchester i've dj'ed westchester venue's shit is strict here when it comes to the law.....arena should b done for good.............but dont quote me
  8. heading down to liqwed my boys shawn ink and steve psych are spinnin..its located at 113 ludlow between delancy and rivington....should b cool here some good beats then off to avalon
  9. yes arena is done for......they were only allowed to stay open while there apeal was being processed, im guessing it came back denied so there done....they built the club to close to a church and there's no getting around that....so yes arena is done
  10. i used to dj the thursday parties there like a year ago it was house upstairs and hip hop downstairs but the party didnt las long not sure what it is now probably hip hop
  11. didnt he make a mix to one of the veronica trax??? i dont feel like looking for it right now but from wha i remember it was pretty good
  12. i dunno i think this track is plain bad....and beachball didnt like there mix either, best beachball mix is david waxman's
  13. fav song of all time....r.i.p. choons alot of good shit came out from them probably one of the best labels imo
  14. should b dopeeeeeee...anyone know the order of the line up?
  15. heard the system is hot ...the same ppl did the sf system did there system
  16. agree with u soooo much on this one, i actually dont even use my comp when i record my mixes got a cd recorder just for this reason
  17. Elton John - Rocketman (Inertia's Dark & Moody Mix) best mix of it
  18. thats it, should b it.....that came out in decemeber....i
  19. looks dope any word when it is coming to the states
  20. asshole......nah i really did
  21. there not hard to build i built mine, 2 tables, 19" rack mount for my mixer....made it all out of wood...took me a few hours and spent like 100 bucks on wood so it aint that bad
  22. for 3 tables your gonna have to make one yourself i dont think i have ever seen 3 table set up coffin before unless it was custom designed
  23. lol steve your allowed on the board?????
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