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Everything posted by jonhenry

  1. yur right westchester sucks ass!!!!!!!!
  2. now i wasnt clubbin as long as some of u, i didnt even make it to most of those clubs when they were around but im def feelin all of ya on the dead nyc scene we have right now....hopefully crobar, avalon aka limelight and spirit can bring back the nyc scene.....
  3. jonhenry


    7,000 for a boob job thats alot, i never heard of any girl paying more then 5 to tell ya the truth.......but then again i wouldnt really know my boobs are just fine def looking good though i think i met u a few times in person.....when i was working for joe valdman....anyways keep up the good werq
  4. frankie bones!!!! i spun with him at sullivan room a few months ago dude rocks..... might go see him hex i dont know about he never impressed me live.....
  5. there cabret licsense got in trouble because the kids they found underage were 17, and to b in a night club uhave to b 18 unless accompained with a parent
  6. i dont think the entire of twillo system is in shelter......twillo had a phazon, but roxy is SUPPOSED to have one too, i dont know about that roxy system is pretty shitty.....
  7. the lions den is owned by the same owner serge real real cool guy....i didnt think it was hard to get in there
  8. i dunno i think sf's is really good u gotta hand it to them though they built the club to b one huge bass bin, thats why there is the hole on the 3rd floor.....88 18' subs, cant b that bad
  9. jus curious what ever thinks is the best system they have heard??? mines has to b sf's new one although i hear this system they rent for lunataruim is intense, think its a vdox
  10. he sucks live, saw him once at palladuim, not the real one the fake one in new rochelle, alot of fuck up's, mixing was horrid, but he coulda had an off night
  11. used to spin there on thursdays a few months back, dope sound system, def one of the best underground spots in nyc imo....got to see and spin with a few good dj's as well, frankie bones, agent orange, marco bailey
  12. i am guest spotting on the freak show on WKRB 90.9FM...show starts at midnight and is going till 6am.....catch myself along with steve psych as we battle some beats out!!!! this is a brookyln based radio station so i dont know how far the radio waves travel but give it a try.........
  13. will not b there this week, i have spun the house the past 2 weeks there, much more of a hip hop crowd then house, def alot of good looking ppl there though ....ppl lemme know how it goes;)
  14. holy shit dude i didnt even know there was that much into needles, only words of wisdom i can give ya is your better off trying to get the nightclubs without the tone arm, alot of problems tend to happend your better off going with headshell ortofon's, the long arms dont connect right after a while
  15. thinking about cancun or south padre anyone got some suggestions lemme know this will b my first spring break
  16. :laugh: kinda cheesey for me had it for a month or so now and its still now growing on me
  17. u should go tonight to twent20 tonight then, the promoters who did the b-52 party are doing 2020 now and tonight is the grand opening
  18. this is off the topic, reddog your sig is the funniest thing ive seen in a while
  19. as of now, has to b satisfaction...i get a new one everyday.....a few more to add in general...fine day, music is the answer, the new angelic deno has like 6 mixes.....umm what else....rocketman, rain, thats all i can think of right now......o wait and theres a few amuka's floating around:idea:
  20. buying online is cool, but nothing is better then making a day going from store to store and just listening to good beats, sattelite i never liked the old store was too small and the new store is too big...it has no vibe to it...i actually miss beyond bass, johnny vicious's store, never really got alot of trax while i was in there but it was coo to sit around with the ppl there and bs about the industry......metro dj's is a good spot i spun with the owner a few months back and my boy goes there alot i avent made it up there yet, but im trying to...
  21. honestly, your probably better off making your own...i never seen a coffin with 3 table set up, it would b knida big..i made my own a few years back did a good job it only thing is its not really portable, lemme know ill give ya some hints
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