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Posts posted by hobo

  1. Originally posted by 3rdflfactoria

    HOBO......These are your 2 posts.....

    People who show off..

    I hate these motherfuckers that show off what they have, cars, girls, money ect ect.. There seems to be a few on the Jersey board that continue to day in and day out show off, its not that flattering.... please stop... I realize everyone works hard for their money, and yes we are all proud of what we accomplish/earn/buy, but some people just take it to the next level everyday.. Its more impresive if you have the finer things in life and your humble about it, rather than fluant it all over the place..

    and then you go and post.....

    I just picked up a pair of these, they look good w/ a pair of really really expensive Diesel Jeans..

    ENOUGH SAID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It's a joke, I wear Wranglers anyways.

  2. Originally posted by njangel

    I think that is the whole Tri-State area in general. I think living next to a big city has a lot to do with it. Girls (for example) living in Montana arent as concerned with Tiffany's jewelry & Louis Vuitton bags as most of us are. Living by New York we constantly see designer names, expensive cars, etc. So eventually you equate those things with happiness or status. I think everyone does it in one way or another, its not necessarily a bad thing, as long as you dont go too overboard.

    Overboard, carguy19 feel in the water a while ago.

  3. Originally posted by foodidoo

    You know what let me tell all of you some thing Carguy is a good person, and he has an AMG, he is on the road to Celebrity status. Carl don't worry like no one is going to talk shit when you become a senetor or something like that.

    Seems to me that this has turned into HatePlanet

    I can tell from his posts ,and how he posted a customers bill of sale on the internet ,that he's never going to be a senator.

  4. Originally posted by njdionysus

    Carl here is that image, fixed up for ya.

    I might come check out Euro tomorrow night.

    And I have to get to Taste one night too.

    If you're interested in doing something with flyers, I'll help you guys out no prob - we can trade design time for drinks or bottles or something. I dont do the printing but Serge passed me the number to one of his guys... otherwise you can email them out. But if I had a $1.00 for every promo email I got, I'd be rich... they're annoying! Always good to have something printed.

    Couldn't do anything to the face huh?

  5. Dude, this has to be the 75th time this week I've gotten one of these spams.

    Seriously, I'm not getting any variety here. Out of all this inkjet shit, I've only gotten like 4 penis-enlargement spams and 1 breast englargement spam. What the hell? Are the street urchins of Peru busy shoplifting printer ink now instead of stuffing crushed tree bark into gelcaps and selling it as a dietary suppliment? According to my email inbox, I'm a small-penised, flat-chested, single, horny, lonely balding man, apparently in serious financial straights from running my printer full blast.

    That is so unbelievably not the case...I barely ever use my printer.

  6. Originally posted by carguy19

    Go fuck yourself, you and your boyfriend love to hate on me, you must be 2 homos......

    yeah I told you you wish you have what I have ..... ask people when im out if I act like that. Im just proving a point that you(pussy #1) and your boyfriend (pussy #2) will never be this good.... keep hiding behind the keyboard the whole board is laughing at what pussies you 2 are

    Truth hurts huh Carguy, you are a walking Billboard for everything you own/buy/have, its actually kind of funny.. I'm sure were not the only ones that say you flaunt everything, if you took the time to hear what your so called friends are saying behind your back, then you would see... I'm surprised we never heard your score from Bowling, must have sucked, so you didn't want to brag.. Bowling, haha tool.

  7. Originally posted by carguy19

    You 2 and a few other people love to hate don't you???

    I figured it out.... you wanna be me.....

    you wish you had my fat crib....my business .... my fat ass car.... all my friends... all my hot ass girls ......and a personality you could never compare to.....you could never be me

    You know what, I worked hard to get where Im at, and Im proud of it.... I don't go flashing shit around, I dont need to.

    but I love when haters like you and your boyfriend , get filled with jealousy and need to vent to make yourselves feel better......

    So go ahead, say what you gotta say and do what you gotta do, I'll still be me in the end and you still won't be shit.....

    I'm your fucking idol kid admit it

    Your just contradicted yourself throughout that whole post, you def have nothing upstairs, i'm serious

    ... You say that we wish we had your fat crib....your business .... your fat ass car.... all your friends... all you hot ass girls ......and a personality we could never compare to.....you could never be me....

    And then, being the sutpid shit that you are, finish off your post by saying, and I quote:

    "I don't go flashing shit around, I dont need to"

    When in fact you actually just flashed all the stuff you have, do you see what i'm saying, you totally contradicted yourself, get a fucking clue you schmuck.


  8. Originally posted by carguy19

    You asked me you fucking jerkoff.....

    You and the other jerkoff rdncarguy should go skip in the park together...... 2 morons

    Whoa StationwagonGuy19,

    I just asked who it was, usually people don't put pics of girls.guys that they talk to in their sig, you dumb shit.

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