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Everything posted by livin42nite

  1. was looking forward to it, hopefully you guys set it up clearly with all the parties next time.
  2. Saleen and sobeton, got your point but I know you get mine also. I'm sure they will let us know whats going in their club, just they haven't had time to post it up yet I guess. ANyways I've been told lange is not playing at spiclub tomorrow and is in fact in the uk right now taking the weekend off. Anyways im sure spiclub will confirm the news by tomorrow as I know they broadcasting on the radio and im sure they wouldn't advertise it as lange playing.
  3. saleen, i'll tell you what you wrong on where u think its happening and my only reason for not posting who is not playing is because I wanna give the club a chance to post their info before i post it and people start bashing it because for all i know maybe the club just found out also that the person is not playing and they have not had the chance to post it yet or gotten word out about it, but relax its not 2nite people, could be 2morrow could be next weekend, my goal not to have people guessing or anything like that just wish the club would big up and post their info, but if time comes and no changes I will post the info cause I wouldn't like for one of you all to know some event was not going down and not letting the rest of us know either and letting us spend our money for nothing.
  4. really never seen it happen here yet in my clubbing time here, except once when marco v was supposed to play, but they got edgar v to play instead and told us marco was not going to play. Still hoping though that the club im talking about lets us know before time that the dj ain't playing.
  5. One thing I don't like is when im being sold something that isn't exactly what im paying my money for and reason I bring this up is because word is a big nightclub here is advertising a certain big dj to come play here when he really isn't. I understand if it was supposed to happen and things fell through, but have the respect to let the people know in advance that the person won't be playing anymore due to whatever reasons. Don't let them just go to the event and think they seeing the dj they paid there money for with it not really being them. Didn't name any clubs or anybody because I'm not here to bash on any club or criticize anybody, but just in my situation i would let the people know. If you don't then its aight I guess most people won't ever know, but show some ethics.
  6. good work to spiclub on booking lange, amazing producer and also dj, if you've heard any of his livesets you would want to attend this right away. ronny u work for spiclub I take it, if so work some more on that website and keep working on hyping up your events cause we all know even though many people ask for certain djs to be booked when they finally get booked nobody shows unless there is hype. I will be there though in support b4 heading to space. NO guestlist for this event though?
  7. James Zabiela is no eurotrash saleen. This guy is only 22 years old and is already somewhere in the top 50 djs in the world and he's gotten that far in such short time not because he plays cheesy music, but because he has some of the best technical skills. I've seen him live at crobar when he opened for sasha and he stole the show, I saw him play at crobar when he headlined and dissapointed me a bit that night but still was great. When he came for wmc though the boy was just amazing. AT hooj party and at space, if you see that space already went off and booked him so quick after his last appearance there, its cause of how the crowd was going nuts when he was playing. Nobody scratches like him in our scene and his ability to make bootlegs on the spot such as enjoy the gravy is great. Download his last mix "4" and you will probably change your mind.
  8. To those people complaing about not enough trance, this friday you got edgar v at crobar and on saturday you got lange, you wanna see more trance acts here support those nights and attend these events. HOw you gonna expect any promoter to get trance acts when nobody goes out there and supports them when they do bring in somebody. And one thing whoever is promoting for spi, do your job well and get people to know whats going on in your venue, build your website, get somebody in here hyping your events, and whatever else you have to do to make people want to come to your place and know whats going on there. As for me friday im at crobar supporting crobar when they book edgar v and on sat. im gonna make the effort of going to spi and space because I love trance and want more acts to come here, but my saturday nights are usually reserved for space as they've managed to make me a resident there with the constant quality nights they have.
  9. mine's gotta be armin van buuren or some of the dutch guys from that opium night like misja helsloot. Not every euro dj is trash saleen.
  10. Last night was amazing and to those that showed up late, you missed one hell of a show early in the night in the main room. Around 1 oscar and roland were playing together in the main room and it's not often I will be going crazy over one song and thinking to myself no way they can top this off and then get blown away by the next. Highlight of that night was when they played insomnia and then music sounds better with you right after it and then another classic which I can't remember the name of. Oh and heard the p diddy song about 3 times there. Place was just amazing last night, we need classic night at least once every quarter, that way we don't get tired of those songs all over again. Last night prooved though classic music nights are the bomb. Oh and biz thanks for the hookup at the door again, you always come through.
  11. loving the lineup, you guys look like you about to put friday nights back into my lineup for clubbing. Usually its space on sats and tantra on mondays and sometimes crobar when they bring somebody in, but fridays or almost always dead until now. Good job and hope you guys hook cp up.
  12. music sounds better with you-stardust fired up-funky green dogs silence-delerium cafe del mar-energy 52 rapture-deep dish rmx they gotta play dark beat Ah I ain't gotta give a list of classics for them to play, OG and Roland know what to play to get us going crazy and if Edgar plays so does he. Whatever happens I know will be a fitting close to the old space.
  13. With wmc over and all the big dj's having just played here it's not a surprise that this month is really just the month for us to enjoy our locals who are great, but still wondering if anybody coming to play here anytime soon and when. Noticed a few, but if anybody knows any others coming to play here post it up. 4/18- Cattaneo at Opium 5/10- Lawler at Space 5/16-Layo & Bushwacka at nerve 5/30- Tiesto at Space
  14. I've had many great nights at the old space, but it's time to move on to the new place. By the way where edgar v in all this? Oh well as long as og and roland there it's all good.
  15. once again biz hooking us up, although tonight won't be able to make it, been a long time since I spent a weekend without clubbing and doing that this weekend. Will be there next week though I think. By the way biz, u need to give james zabiela a residency at space, the guy is amazing, him,m gabriel and dresden, and sander k need a residency somewhere here. Great stuff at conference from space, congratz biz.
  16. march 4, 2000 im guessing since u guys had 3 years ann. on 1st weekend of march this year
  17. Finally feeling a bit recovered from the past week and i'll post my review of the week, although I've got to say there are already 2 many damn threads about wmc reviews, I think all of them should just be placed together in one but thats just me. First off I gotta say my wmc week really started sunday night at jazid, though not really a party was a great atmosphere, good music, good chillout, watched my ex who came with me lose really bad to demi in pool. All in all was a cool lil party and a great start to wmc. Next up was the hooj party, all I gotta say about that is that was my party of the conference mainly cause of jz's set there. Man that guy will be in the top 10 next year, he played in a small room and played songs he normally leaves for sasha to play such as enjoy the gravy and that mix of clocks. Unbelievable set and great guy, talked to him after his set for a while which was cool, good set by ross cale 2 i gotta say. Tuesday got to see the new space and I already reviewed that already, great venue with only two complaints from me control those guys who keep taking their shirts off, i know u go to the gym and think u buff and gotta show your body but do that at the beach not at the club. Anyways loved the place and og's set but danny t was not for me. Wednesday oakie and tiesto killed, amazing set by the guys and how are people gonna complain about power going out, this is for your safety here, made me feel like the guys were doing their work to prevent a tragedy from happening again although I do think if something messed up happens nothing can stop the people from hurting each other in their panic. Thursday sasha and digweed played great but I left around 7 cause I can't do this much partying everynight, I don't do any drugs at all and my body just ain't built for that much partying. All i can say about that night is to me jz stole the show again from these guys but maybe thats cause i missed most of s&d's set. Forgot to mention b4 heading to space went to dance valley and was amazed with misja helsloot although only caught only about 40 minutes of his set and was great to see and talk to tiesto there he was really cool although obviously was drunk. Friday afternoon woke up for playboy party and I enjoyed myself there, good lil pool party and nice place to chill which was a relief from all the clubbing, checked opium also and that was a cool party 2. THen was back to clubbing and pvd, man the guy just killed massive set by him although i missed a lot of it as around 5 went to listen to gabriel and dresden in the other room for an hour then went home. Let me say those guys rocked it even though not much people in that room except for those that were trashed. SAt was ultra and I gotta say I preferred the way it was organized last year, I went this year thinking I would see s&d and picotto on the real main stage and nope didn't happen instead underworld was there and i understand lots of fans, but one stage should have been for live performances like that and rabbit in the moon who i gotta say was amazing and the other for the top dj acts. All in all I gotta say one great week. FAv tune: Clocks remix that james zabiela played and enjoy the gravy Fav club: space 34, that place is just mad crazy and provided you with practically every dj you could ever want to see for extended sets so the passport was worth the price, I wish some of these guys would be back headlining soon such as g&d or jz. Top set: James zabiela at hooj party which was also the night of my conference Thanks:dade at og for setting up the hooj party and other great parties there, dave for the hookup to playboy party and wish i made it out to lotus party for the hotel costes dj as I like those mixes although different style, and to biz and the space crew for their massive lineup and for giving any dance fan the oppurtunity to experience all their fav dj's in 5 days.
  18. man i need an og cd 2, lol. Seriously can't wait to see him playing again just about every saturday at this new space.
  19. saleen thats the track. thanx a lot bro but what is it and where do i get that?
  20. There is one song I need to find out what it was, og played it towards the end of his set. Had kind of pardon my ignorance a salsa or merengue or I don't know the difference between any of those types of music but the melody sounded like an old spanish song. I'm guessing og made it since it sounds like its a record from miami, but doesn;t sound like his style. Anyways if anyone knows what im talking about, let me know. Btw, one concern I have with space is once I go to check out picotto while tiesto is spinning is if i will be able to go back to tiesto, kinda worried about that but I'm sure space knows what its doing, as they seem to always be on top of their game. Oh one thing I forgot to mention about the new space that I liked a lot was they had in the main room those elevated dance floor type of things like crobar has in front of the dj booth, they got 2 of them so if u one of them people that dance for everybody you got a spot right up there.
  21. Not really tired but I'm about to go pass out right now just to have energy for later tonight, but before I do that thought I'd say a little about space tonight. First off let me say, never was really interested in danny t. Now tonight I go to space to pick up my passport and to check out the new place and maybe get surprised and really love the way danny plays. When I get there I see a huge line in front of the new space and yes lots of cops and security there, but hey in that area I feel safer with them there. ANyways had to wait a while to get my passport, but not 2 long although a lot of people told me they had been waiting a long time already tonight to get theirs. Well got my passport went in the place and wow the place is really amazing. Huge place and it looks great. I used to think the original club space was big, but this place blows it away. And to those who were saying the main room is smaller, hell no. There is no way I can understand someone saying that especially with a part of upstairs being part of that main room. The lighting, the sound, the fog machines, and pretty much everything else about the place is tops. YEs kinda does look like spin in the main room, but that's all cool always loved that design so no problem there. As for the music, well oscar g had everybody in the place dancing and going nuts. He played amazing as always and then danny t came on. FOr the first twenty minutes of his set, everybody was just looking at danny but nobody really moving, but slowly things started to pick up and after an hour or so the whole place was dancing around. Unfortunately for me though, danny still doesn't do it for me and I got bored with it and left. Anyways for the space venue I gave it a top score, but for danny ah can't rate it's just not my cup of tea. Btw place was superpacked, main room was closed after a while cause so much people in there, upstairs full also, and the terrace when I left and pretty much early for this event was getting crowded too. Oh well good night overall, but I had more fun at the hooj party last night. Tonight though is a different story, between oakie tiesto and picotto I'm gonna be dancing like crazy all night.
  22. livin42nite

    hooj party

    Gonna keep this short as I'm tired from last night and need to just be really lazy till tonight. Anyways last night great music all over opium. By far the man that put on the show was james zabiela for me. That guy is just amazing. I don't think anybody got better technical skills then him, scratches really good. FC Kahuna was great as well, and so was ross cale. Good to see sasha in the place as well. Anyways like I said short review, but nice women, new faces for wmc, great music, great start to wmc. One thing though when did sander play? Cause I got there around 12:30 in the room with zabiela and I never saw sander playing. Oh well will see him some other time this wmc.
  23. well if u've seen there new fliers with the wmc lineup where oscar g is added to tuesday night and all their other nights are updated, it has space 34 and that adress written on it, not the old space so looks like tuesday is the night.
  24. Oh man what a long night out yesterday, I think I may have just overdone it a bit, but hey preparing for wmc is no small feat but it's one that has to be done. I'm not used to clubbing from early into the night and still be clubbing till 8:30 in the morning but that's all about to change for a week and last night got a taste of it. First off, went to tantra where there was a huge line in front of the door again, but this time as soon as I got there went up to the front and dave and steve hooked me up and I was in. Surprising really since steve usually has us wait quite a while, but last night was actually cool and told the other bouncer to let us in knew us. So after that went in tantra and though there are not as many pretty faces as on a monday night, the place is still full of gorgeous women. Last night though women were a bit younger and looked like early 20's so good stuff for me, not saying anything about older women, cause I love you girls 2 if u looking good but it's nice to have more people around my age then the late 20's early 30's. Before I go off to talk about my next spot, just want to say that dj i think it's louis everytime I see this guy at tantra I'm more impressed with him. Also dave what was going on last night with all the chris rock stuff and his new movie, was yesterday one of them release parties u guys usually throw on monday nights? Ok after tantra for a bit went off 2 space, where Biz hooked me up big time 2 with some vip bands and couple of free drinks. Biz thanks really appreciate it and was nice meeting you. Man Roland tore that place apart, but as soon as it turned 3 everybody was trying to check out the patio but was closed for some reason till later in the night. Oh well roland kept the party going on in the main room dropping some classics as well as some great new stuff. Love that when i say go song. Anyways beautiful women at space 2 last night. And biz my bad, I saw this one girl looking really really amazing and went to compliment her next thing I see is biz bringing her a drink. Biz did not know she was with you, my bad. And if she wasn't with you and is just a friend hook me up, lol. No all I can say is great taste in music and women for this guy and a real cool guy. This review is getting too long, so will just say that the patio was packed last night around 6:00 till 8:30 when I left and some great music there and lots of familiar faces including the hottest bouncer in miami, that chick with the short hair in front of crobar, man that girl got something about her but anyways great women, great music, great vibe at both places. Farewell to the old space and welcome to the new.
  25. og once u get the set times let me know for botht the hooj party, but most improtantly the dance valley party. Looking for what time misja helsloot gets on the decks
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