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Posts posted by vizualbyte

  1. I've heard him spin twice when he was spinning at disco and he is so so in my book... he will consistantly play tight tracks that gets me moving, then mixes in fillers that remind me of jp on bad nights that sound like pots and pans. This dj never took me on a journey. More like 2 bus stops...

    anyone else???

  2. lol

    I've probably been doing this A Lot longer than you, and I will use logical deduction and guess that I am probably 5, maybe 10 years older than you.

    Why is EDM the only form of music that people do this retarted shit to????????

    When Bruce Springstein comes to town, do his fans put on Gucci Loafers and stupid DKNY button down shirts and try to get girls at his concerts? No.

    My problem with people that dress up is that Music is not their priority, It is not the most important thing to them, so I cant understand why they are there. Just go to a bar, and take the stupid girls with you.

    Yes, people should wear sweats and sneakers and baseball caps. You're there to have fun and enjoy the music.

    Would you pay $50 for tickets to a sports game, and then just go there to pick up girls and do drugs? I dont understand why people do it for clubs.

    I tend to disagree. As a club goer that has been clubbing on and off for a while now, (started early 90's w/limelight, paladium...) there is clearly a reason why good music starts at later time. Clubs like Crobar is in the business of making money. I and probably a lot of people on this board make up a VERY SMALL PERECENTAGE of pple that go to these big venues. We represent dare i say less than 30% of all pple that walk through Crobar. Our agenda is to go to the club and take the musical journey along with the dj. And I know that is ruined in a place like Crobar at times because of the make up of the crowd. Crowd plays a BIG factor in me having a great night out. I used to love going out to vinyl/arc until the last yr it was open due to the crowd becoming really sucky(no musical knowledge). Come to think of it, it must have changed the time that SF closed down for a while and they had no where eles to go and started ruining Danny's parties. hah ha no offense to any regular jp(<-- crazy hit or miss dj. sometimes awesome, sometimes pots and pans) fan. But everybody likes to party, and most of the people that go there go without the knowledge of who the DJ is that night. I personally think dressing up to go to a club is fine. I dress up when entertaining friends that arent really in the scen and is just looking to party once in a while.

    Human race, like any other race is about attracting the opposite sex(usually). Good looking people want to show off their good looks and dress up and see other good looking people. Whats wrong with trying to look good? Clubland is def one of those places where people want to hook up and sometimes escape reality. Whether its through music, dancing, drugs, pple watching, whatever.

    My main point is that Crobar is a nice venue for its PURPOSE. Music for the masses. We represent a very small portion of people that attend the bigger clubs. Goto smaller joints like cielo, sully, le souk, loft parties and you will see the majority of the patrons are there for the music. Damn this was long. my 2 cents :)

  3. crobar is a nice superclub that is usually bringing in the best talent(house) these days. Sound system is by far the worst due to high ceilings. Twilo, vinyl and other clubs like shelter had/have these low ceilings that 1) create the intimate vibes and 2)sounds so much better due to sound bouncing off ceilings and walls imo. Discotheque has a nice layout but i like to be surrounded by normal people with normal jobs when i party. whenever you have 30% or more of the club doing :clap2::clap2::clap2: , you have a good party. Its hard to get that at Crobar unless its someone like PvD. boy do i miss vinyl

  4. sirius has robbie rivera, judge jules, tsettos, george acosta and i have heard johnny vicious spinning on there also...add stern in 2006 and ur set. 12.95 a month, and alot of up front monthy deals too.

    even though I am not getting satellite... this lineup would steer me away from gettin sirius.... don't they have any new and up coming dj's?

  5. ah who the hell knows what the problem is...why a show like Pete Tongs Radio 1 show or Roger Sanchez's show, or John Digweeds show would never succeed is beyond me...if u look at Miami, theyre radio station party 93 is very successful...problem is ur fighting a losing battle here...u have too many MTV retards who like the bling bling of jiggaman videos...pisses me off...KTU appeals more to NJ than NY anyways...if u listen to all the club promotions and the callers that call in, theyre all from that sewer of NJ..hate that shit more than anything...get ur own fuckin state identity other than some gay governor

    so we can call ktu the beat of new jersey then

  6. i predict that within 5-10 yrs all major dj's worldwide will use cds instead of vinyl. theres sooo many pluses and very lil negatives(maybe u feel like cheating cus its easier with cd?) with using cd vs vinyl. people should learn to adapt and change and grow musically, and everything else in life.

    im an artist that studied art in college and did everything traditionally until like the third year when i started fooling around with some paint programs. now, almost all of the the artwork i create professionally is on the computer. its through technological changes that makes us better artists whether in art or music... VINYLS, CD'S ARE JUST TOOLS that the artist has at his disposal to create art, music, whatever... just dont hate on cd's, youll just end up being a sucka that got left behind.. haha no offense :)

  7. once you have been to almost every club and almost every lounge..it all becomes the same, it gets boring after a few years. Same ppl, same life style, same alcoholics and druggies, guidos, bimbo wannabe pamela andersons, etc at the same clubs.... After a while, it takes a toll on u, and u begin to see signs of wear and tear on ppl's faces, it becomes a "been there, done that" thing

    Career is more important than clubbing. I ran into so many clowns who put partying b4 career and they're 35 now and have crummy jobs. You can always have fun in life, but a career is harder especially now w/ high unemployment and competition.

    I used to go out almost every week, now it's only for dj's I can't resist & occasional weekends. You should enjoy life while u'r young but not at the expense of a career. You can always go to a club, but great job opportunities are harder to come by.

    i agree 100%

    its only a matter of time after you'v been in the club scene, you realize that its the same thing over and over again with the same peeps.

    I choose special events to go out these days...

  8. That was one party not to be missed. got in around midnight with a couple of friends and stayed till 4ish. Music was relentless, making you dance. havent danced that long in awhile. humphries definately should get a spot other than thursdays.

    i myself is asian and for once i totally agree with silverbull about certain asian elements that ruin the experience for me. first some are like in their mid40s, totally obvious that they are on something and act like no one is watching. well, i watch, and get disgusted by the way they act. i will go far as to say that it is the chinese and not the japanese pple that piss me off by their behaviors. one, you get these real low life losers that just walk around the club trying to hump anything that moves. than you get the lets get together all 5 of us and do the group fucked up swaying shit. they ruined many experiences for me at arc and now is starting to irritate me in disco. i am not saying that all or even most chinese people ruin my experience at the clubs, but the ones that did all happen to be chinese and i have other chinese friends that get upset by this behavior too.

    again tho... had a blast yesterday night.. good times indeed. :pint:

  9. i had a blast that night. i guess it all depends on who you were with. me and a cple of friends were by the front booth from 4-5. music was just my style at that time. other times it was so so. too many watchers over there and not enough dancers. although i like crobar, i dont think it is a real nyc type of club. its more like a bigass lounge. i agree with many pple on board here about the pple that go there. I am old school that is used to vinyl, limelight, paladium, tunnel, twilo, and such so...

  10. if it aint your style of music, no need to hate. and i remember the time when certain someone would be raving about webster hall until pple told him to go check out other djs like dt and timmy...

    i just needed to deflate your head alittle bit.. its gotten too big

  11. went there to hear dj vibe this past sat. the music was great. DJ vibe was great, but the overall vivbe of the place just wasnt there. the place is very nice in itself but at times i was freezing my ass off. if it was more packed, the ac would have been a welcome relief but blasting those when the club was half empty was alittle to much.

    I guess i am one of those old schools who had memories of walking into twilo and seeing/hearing mayhem unleashed.

    anyone elso go this saturday? i would like to hear some thoughts on that night? maybe i was mistaken, but there seemed to be a lot more dudes than chicks which made my company i was with uncomfortable cus the girls i was with got hit on like 50X that night. thats a problem when u get too big of a guy2girl ratio.

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