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mr mahs

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Posts posted by mr mahs

  1. Not sure what you mean "The Baathists trying to get back Iraq-they would not be in the picture if not for the war"..........not sure what "picture" you are talking about .....but the Baathist picture in Iraq that we know about, and the one too many people tend to diminish/discount because of their anti-Bush blinders, is a picture of ugliness, repulsiveness, and evil.

    Not sure what you mean either by Al Qaeda still operating outside of Iraq.....of course they are, and always will be.....for decades....this is something that is not going away overnight, even if we operated a bullet proof plan flawlessly..........with tens of thousands of militants flowing through Al Qaeda camps in the late 90's, then returning to their home countries to start their own franchises.......and thousands of radical madrassess and religious schools teaching extreme Islamicsm.....and radical clerics preaching intolerance and hate, etc, etc, etc........

    The "power base" of Al Qaeda was established long ago, and the ideology has legs long before Iraq.......whether Iraq has increased the power base is debatable.....short term, quite possibly, but LONG TERM......I repeat, LONG TERM a successful Iraq is EXACTLY what is needed to combat the "power base"......and as I mentioned before, Zarqawi and his kind are backfiring, as increasing amounts of Iraqis, including Sunni's, are disgusted by his antics and his beliefs (this is good news, right???)

    I would tend to disagree with you on the good news-bad news ratio......I believe you have fallen victim to exactly what the media has portrayed...the problem is the good news is always overshadowed by the spectacular, and quite frankly ignored (and that is exactly how those like Zarqawi play it--the useful idiots in the Western media) ......for every 10 good news stories, they are ignored for a bad news story, or a doom and gloom prediction........a bomb kills 5 or 10 new schools were rebuilt----hmmm, I wonder what the NYT will run with.....

    BTW--have you seen the recent polls results in Iraq.....I wonder when the media and the anti-war crowd will ever take notice.....I mean, God forbid if the majority of Iraqi's actually still have faith that life is better now, and still will be 6 months from now......or any other "positive" response.....the media can't report on that, it would go against eveything that they are preaching...oops , I mean "reporting"....

    With respects to Bush's neo-con strategy of "force feeding" democracy, that is an arguement worth making, and both sides certainly have merit.....and "force-feeding" can be defined in many ways......but I can tell you one thing, keeping our head in the sand like we have been is not the way to go....and neither is appeasement or the Euro-approach.....

    I will tell you another thing....if Clinton and his smooth gift of gab was saying the same exact things as Bush (and he actually did in some instances), the media, Hollywood, and the Euro-elitists would have their vagina's dripping because of Clinton's visionary approach to addressing the "root causes"...(i.e democracy, human rights, freedoms, etc).

    Here is a good piece on the whole neo-con thing:


    Now, with respects to if Bush's cronies can pull it off........not sure....let's face facts, Bush has taken on some bold policies and initiatives, and that is going to take time and patience and RESOLVE......there were mistakes made, and there will be more mistakes made....there will be bad days, and there will be worse days..........

    But this is a long term thing, not a Hollwood movie or a quick ending for the instant gratification MTV generation......and the most dangerous thing about that is the "enemy" knows that better than we do....they are strapped in for the long haul, and have been for some time...I suggest we do the same....

    While we jump on every pitfall, or bad news segment, or every valley to conform to our absurd attention spans and 24/7 news cycles, they are laughing at us, using that against us to chip away at our resolve......they very thing they are counting on..........

    And I also suggest that we get out of the mindset that this war is Al Qaeda, or Iraq, or Iran, etc, and realize that this idealogy of intolerance, hate, and destruction of everything that is not them is real, and is not limited by borders, rules, diplomacy, or decency and common sense as we know it......elements of Muslim govts, intelligence services, education instituitions, media outlets, radical clerics, madrasses, terrorists groups, etc interwoven into an enemy that knows us better than we know ourselves.....

    Iraq....just one front in many in a long, long battle..........

    Adda boy Igloo..... :clap:

  2. It has lowered taxes. The corporate tax rate is just 12.5 percent, one of the lowest in the developed world. Income taxes are in line with European averages, with a top rate of 42 percent. Overall, government spending in 2003 was slightly more than 35 percent of GDP, about the same as the U.S. and relatively low by European standards.

    Ahhhh, The power of supply side at it again I jkust wish the idiots in Washington would learn from this...

    Shrink the govt and cut taxes for corporations

  3. Bosnian Serbs admit to Srebrenica Post #

    Bosnian Serbs admit to Srebrenica


    More than 7,000 are thought to have been killed at Srebrenica

    An official Bosnian Serb investigation into the Srebrenica events of July 1995 has found that several thousand Muslims were murdered by local Serb forces.

    It is the first time the Bosnian Serb authorities have admitted the killings which The Hague war crimes tribunal has declared an act of genocide.

    The Bosnian Serb commission reported "grave" violations of human rights and an attempt to conceal evidence.

    It also revealed the discovery of 32 previously unknown mass grave sites.

    Despite the findings, the BBC's Nick Hawton reports, critics argue that real progress will only occur when the Bosnian Serb authorities carry out their first arrest of a suspected war criminal.

    This is something they have failed to do since the end of the civil war eight and a half years ago.

    According to the report:

    Bosnian Serb forces planned a three-stage operation: the attack on the town, the separation of women and children and the execution of the men;

    military and police units, as well as special units of the interior ministry, took part in the murders;

    four new graves are original sites while the other 28 are sites where bodies were reburied to hide traces of the massacre;

    the commission has data on 7,779 people missing in Srebrenica and has so far identified 1,332 of them.

    'Facing up'

    The seven-member commission, which includes one international and one Muslim member, was set up amid pressure from Bosnia's internationally-run human rights chamber, which ordered the Serb authorities to investigate what happened.

    "This report will have a historic character," said Milan Bogdanic, its head.

    "We have reached historic perceptions and we will have to face ourselves."

    Our correspondent says that this is the furthest any Bosnian Serb authorities have gone in admitting their involvement in events around Srebrenica.

    The chief international envoy to Bosnia, Lord Ashdown, has said this could indicate a new willingness on their part to face up to their responsibilities.

    The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia has to date indicted 14 suspects over the massacre but only four have been sentenced.


  4. I have all the respect in the world for Reagan but I can't accept the part about him ending the Cold War. The Soviet Union was going broke before the Afghanistan War even. How can people attribute the victory to Reagan?

    Yeah we found that out when it collapsed, alot of people thought beating the Russians was impossible and communism worked. Alot of liberals writers had egg on their faces when Reagans domestic policies caused inflation and interest rates to drop, causing economic expansion and making it possible to rebuild our military all the while keeping deficts at the same level.

    (hey you can't have it all).

    Ronald Reagen always knew they were weak because it took "a person 10 years to get a car in the former U.S.S.R". He out spent them and husseled them down in to reducing there nuclear arsenal but the most important part was our economic expansion because the US was in bad shape in the late 70's early 80's. Our economy was our greatest weapon and a top 70% tax bracket was like a boot on it's neck...

    It wasn't about nukes, it was about diffrences in ideology-(resemblance)?

    It was against freedom and oppression much like todays struggle with extremism where jihadists share a diffrent ideolgy on how the world and life should be viewed.

    I'm not going to compare presidents, as the future will tell if that comparison would ever be asked but people thought DUTCH was a crazy, conservative, right winger and bitter towards his policies, remember that :bj:

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