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Posts posted by ummedunno

  1. If you go to places like Space, i would either get there early (by midnight) or just get a space pass if you're planning on going later. But you're a girl, I've never in the 4 years going have had a problem getting in places or really ever waiting in line too long anyways... :)

    this will be my frist time going to WMC...so i don't know anything. where can i get the space pass? and any other things that i shoudl know will be helpful too thanks

  2. yeah i wish i could say that... but i get these letters in the mail from these companies that tell me i have to pay them or i will freeze to death and will not be able to call anyone as i sit on the bowl that does not flush and not be able to turn the lights on to see it all....some people call them bills.


  3. I've been noticing for a long time (mostly in the Draper/Exit days) that Asians seem to roll WAY harder than anyone else. It kind of scares me b/c half of them look like they are seizuring or something. I think there might actually be something to it, b/c I know for a fact that alcohol affects some Asians differently (I learned this in "Alcohol Use and Abuse" class)...anyway, that's my 2 cents on the headshaking craze

    I think they get angry and violent when they're drunk. There's ALWAYS a fight at asian parties....it never fails.

  4. i HAD Nextel for about three yrs. My plan was so ancient they didn't even have it in their system anymore. I wanted to change it to the free incoming plan but then I would have to extend my contract for another two years. HELL NO!

    I live in a deadzone...I don't get any reception except from ATT/Cingular and Sprint. I went with Sprint. (this was before I knew they were merging with Nextel) Their phone service is excellent and I have no complaints. Besides you get a credit for dropped calls. The only thing I have a problem with right now is I'm not receiving text msgs from other Sprint customers. Maybe there's something wrong w/ my phone and not the serivce because they seem to get my text msgs w/o a problem. I have the Sanyo VM4500 video phone and I'm really happy with it. Battery life is EXCELLENT! It has the 'Ready Link' feature which is their version of Nextel's 'Direct Connect'. The only thing is it takes about 10 seconds or so for the other person to get the 'doot doot'. I don't even use it. What's the point...calling would be faster. So I hope they merge ASAP!

  5. My sister is a RDA and she recommends that you first try the Crest White Strips, see how your teeth take to sensitivity and if they can handle it, b4 you dish out $500. If your teeth are super sensitive like mine, try the strips first. My sis, who had has been bleechin for quite some time, decided to do the Brite Smile (since her office didnt charge her) was in SEVER PAIN. I would have died.

    BTW, she also says that if you smoke or drink alot of coffee, then dont even bother.

    I use Colgate Simply White; it's cheap and you can control how much you use. It's not the best but I found myself taking the Crest strips off cause I couldnt take the pain...bleechin just kills me...I am such a wuss :(

    Yeh, I'm like that too. I used Crest White White Strips and I couldn't keep it on for two weeks straight. I took breaks in between. The peroxide was just too strong for my teeth.

  6. I'm already booked from 3/22-3/28. We're staying at the Hampton Inn by the airport and yes, i know it's not in the heart of SoBe. We tried booking with my bf's timeshare but they said nothing's available because of Easter weekend. My friend works for the Hilton and she said everything in SoBe is booked also. The only thing she can offer is the Hamtpon Inn by the airport and it came out to $200 for the entire stay. Can't go wrong with that.

    Thank gawd I have six days off because of Easter weekend. My spring break's ALWAYS in April so I never get to go to WMC!!! I can finally get to go this yr!

    Is it worth it to get the registration? I don't know what the exact details are with partying. Do you pay as you go? Any info would help. Thanks.

    Oh yeh, I definitely want to see Tiesto!!!

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