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Posts posted by lotusblosm

  1. Have fun......

    This is a dumb ass name for a club...yeah, so I am a hater.

    "Hey, let's go to Life......Get a life....choose life.....check out my life line....high on life...."

    Yeah....so have fun and stuff..... :P

  2. I see Rachel got my posts deleted yesterday.....as well as fx's and random's.....Can't hang with the big boys eh?

    I saw the mindless utterings from Rachel once again.....spewing lies that come from the void within her.

    Can't take the heat?

    You're existence is comical........

  3. Disease from Vietnam?

    I didn't know you were racist too? Will you be heading the next KKK meeting......Are you the Grand Dragon of Sobe?

    Is all to bring up that pathetic self esteem eh? Still feel all empty and souless inside......plastic surgery won't make that feeling go away.....

    I wonder what it must be like to be so hateful.....you let it consume you.....

    Felipe and I met on Halloween.....and it has been pure bliss since then....... and it's that simple.....nice try with the BS....Maybe your lithium prescription ran out eh?

    Does it ever make you wonder how at one point or another....People don't like you....in fact can't stand you....

    Your comments are comical at best.....

    You spew lies.......dumb ones at that......it's really like you just pull 'em out of your ass.....

    I see the attention whore has reared her ugly head....

    Watch out Miami.....she fucking NUTS!

  4. Let me clear it up oh grand sultan of stupidity...

    I am sneaky and devious? How so? eh? Oh I know.....you're talking out of your ass again....silly me. Me thinks the lady doth protest too much.....

    Ya see, here we have another fine example of Chaz and Rachel talking about other ppl, when they are only really talking about themselves.

    I bring up FX's experiences in life in reference to Rachel's comment.....that he hasn't succeeded at "being a man"......whatever that means....no bragging...stating fact.....

    Wrath comes from me? Uh.....you don't know me; so what are you talking about?....

    Must be those delusions of grandeur again....or another drug induced frenzy perhaps.....

    And I am sure you would like to think I registered as Rachel.....

    But alas poor lost soul....you are wrong again....I dont know who it is.....as much as you would like to think so.

    Stay out of your way? Is that a threat? Or what....you'll make up more bullshit? Or are ya gonna "bring it?"

    You want to close the threed now too? YOU STARTED IT DIPSHIT!!

    Oh yeah....no I don't want to date you.....You pysycho's best stick together! ;)

  5. No.....Chaz is just stuck with his dick in his hand while you take advantage of his pity for you.....

    You the one who can't succeed as a person Rachel....32 yrs old and you have to thorw you man in jail just so he doesn't kick you out of HIS apartment?

    FX has a college degree and successfully made a living for himself...he made sacrifices that allowed him to travel Europe....he is a happy secure beautiful person....which is why I love him.

    Most of all....he has integrity....something you know nothing about......

    Me and Felipe are a very happy couple.....and that should be the end of the subject.

    So on that note.....shut your pie hole she bitch....

  6. I feel I have kept my mouth shut long enough....

    You want to know a "pussy" comment Chaz.....??

    Look at your girl saying I am sleeping with half of Orlando.....I dont know who the hell is posting under Rachels name....and that is the truth...but you know what....SHE DESERVES IT!

    I am in a healthy, loving relationship where there is a mutual respect.....and that's all I need to say about me and FX....I am secure in my relationship....are you?

    Want another insipid BS comment from Rachel? That I am sleeping with Mirage...or how about the pics from Kook's party......nice try....

    Let me see.... you don't know anything about me, so you make shit up? HA! And fx and Meng are childish? The only childish person is Rachel....and now you Chaz.....You can see what she is doing to you?

    You can't see the forest through the trees? Look what she has done to you....you're being sucked dry...Who are you two fooling with this charade you put on?

    Rachel is full of viscious lies......

    When she speaks of others, she only speaks of herself.....

    Rachel is a sad, weak, pathetic individual.....so empty inside...

    She is devoid of any real substance as a human being....superficial, ignorant......PITIFUL!

    Her actions toward others are toxic.

    Her existence is inconsequential.

    Her petty words fall upon deaf ears.

    Just bring it? Bring what? WTF are you talking about exactly?

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