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Everything posted by lollie60

  1. are you a dj ? I would like a CD with all the tracks you listed ! lol And is that you in the little sig ?
  2. lollie60

    sizing up girls

    cunt ? who me ? I'm no cunt. skin who alive ??
  3. lollie60

    sizing up girls

    so don't reply
  4. oh shiiit !! Ma you know your tunes !! 1. Underground Solution - Love Dancing 2. Earth People - Dance 3. Strafe - SET IT OFF !!!!! 4. Shawn Chrouistopher !! Another Sleepless Night !! 5. Nomad " I wanna give you devotion 6 . India - Love & Happiness !! 7. Where love lives 8. Break for Love I'll think of more latersss
  5. lollie60

    sizing up girls

    sorry ...the kind of assholes I meet only think about how big their dick is and how big the girl's ass is ...
  6. lollie60

    sizing up girls

    reply to Joeg : no refund loser I see you took my advice and got rid of that piece of shit you call your car in the snow pic. Now you're flame broiling that piece of shit !! :laugh:
  7. lollie60

    sizing up girls

    When a guy looks a girl he would like to potentially fuck does he evaluate the size of the girl's assets ...and size himself up against her too ? EX. - If a girl has a big ass ...which could mean she might have a big pussy ...do you ask yourself " Is my dick big enough to satisfy her ?" And let's say you do fuck a biggie - Are you proud of yourself and feel more like a man if you know you can pleasure a girl with bigger ass than you ?? Becuz men always seem to brag " Oh I fucked this girl the other day and her tits + ass were bigger than my head !
  8. lollie60


    she's not exactly a 10 but she sings like a slut arrrraaasssando !
  9. I didn't know Maddona was in NYC this early .. I wish I knew earlier !! DaMN ! Now it's probably soldout or only the crappy ones left But you don't need to see Maddona becuz HBO puts all her concerts out
  10. lollie60


    Beyonce is very pretty + beautiful But I don't think she has any sex appeal She's just a pretty + prissy girl
  11. I think maybe number 2 is the right choice I don't usually talk about the music industry dude but ...He did ask ..who my last love was . Taste - you said before when a man brags about how he has all these fine girls ..it's to make himself look GOOD in front of the girl ..right ? Not to make the girl feel bad ..it's just all about him ..right ? Oh yea and then he says ..he can call up that "just in case chica" and he can arrange a 3some... Later I talked to him he tells me - I should see other guys.
  12. well you're a prick ..I mean a guy So why don't you tell me ? DO you think he was feelin insecure so he rubbed that chica in my face ? Because that wasn't necessary
  13. NO C'mon . I need real advice .. why do men behave this way ? Donde esta Tastey ?
  14. I told this guy about my last bf - I don't usually talk about him but he is very well known in the music industry Anyways he starts askin me " Where did you meet him ? How do you know him ? and etc... Then he tells me about a girl he's been fucking that he never mentioned before ... like out of nowhere * pop ! And tells me how she has a big ass . Do guys keep a girl - that they can rub in another girl's face just in case things go sour and he doesn't want to look like a chump ? Insecurity is a bitch !
  15. you're a little late pookie I already have 6 little niglets running around and my baby's daddy is going to court cuz he ain't paying child support He's a rapper ..boo.
  16. me guzzle cock ?? what chu talkin bout ? I'm a fat black woman .. boo ...I eat Nathan's hot dogs and guzzle St. Ides 40 oz.
  17. people tell me I look like Randy from American Idol
  18. no ..no..no ..see you got it all wrong I just come on this website and talk like a whore .. ..becuz people can be whatever they want on the internet right ? I'm really an overweight black woman with zero sexual experiences !
  19. okay .. I won't refer to her as a model. But is her butt big like a huge black woman's behind ?
  20. oh okay ..I never seen her but she's a petite girl Is it big like ghetto ass black mama big ? I think peeps confuse plumpness of the ass with size
  21. her butt is not big ...it's just juicy and plump .. like a ripe peach.. Anyways ...she hits the exact same poses in every pic becuz she's model and that's what models are supposed to do.
  22. JP won't change anything. Nobody can tell JP to change anything . JP listens to nobody but himself. Nobody can boss him around and tell him to clean up his act. As long as he knows there are sloppy kids willing to pay and come to his parties ...JP will keep snorting and keep spinning.
  23. wouldn't it be funny if all these G + K loving JP fans rented a compound in Texas with Jp and all oded together listening to ....oh ..I dunno ...Whitey Houston remixes ??? SF FOREVER !!
  24. well babbo preys on women on club messageboards look out !
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