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Everything posted by lollie60

  1. Decent body .. ugly face. There's a pic fo Trishelle floating around some where NOW - Trishelle has the ugliest punany I ever seen ! The girl has NO HIPS.
  2. If you make an indefinite booty call ( I'm not sure if I can make it but I'll call you later to tell you what's up) then you cancel does the other party have the right to get mad ??? Booty calls can be made and cancelled with ease right ? And people aren't supposed to take it personal right ? I cancelled a call last night and HE GOT MAD !! Could this possibly be feelings ?
  3. I like her look too ! SHe's HOT
  4. Ben probably meant she doesn't want J.LO to act ghetto . He probably wants her to act more white not a Puerto Rican from the Bronx. I still think they're an odd pair.
  5. Let's say you have a steady GF/BF for a year now. No major probelms, sex is okay and it's all good. Then one day you meet someone just better, hotter, sexier, funnier + sweeter than your current GF/BF You like this person and you enjoy being with them MORE than your BF/GF. Would you break up a solid one yr. relationship when there are no real problems and absolutely no reason to break it off than the fact that you like this new amazing person better than your GF/BF ????
  6. lollie60

    Gay Bob...

    Ok laugh at this then 2 gay men walk into a dance club and start dancing Gay guy #1 : Hey how come you always have a hard on when we' dance ? Gay guy #2 : Becuz you dance like an asshole !!!!!! :D :D
  7. He tells other women that he does not have a GF. That don't sound like love to me
  8. Ooops. My bad. I misread I just woke up mofo !!
  9. It's easier for guys to pee anywhere becuz all you have to do is whip it out and whiz.
  10. Umm ...she dropped out of Baruch College . THat's not Ivy League - that's a city college for less fortunate city peeps. Where do you get Ivy League from ??? LOL Also - for someone as hot as J.LO - she can do MUCH better than Ben Affleck. Ben Affleck isn't that hot.
  11. :laugh: ha ha ha ha ha !!! Vanessa : Say you didn't do it. Say you didn't do it. Say you didn't do it. Say you didn't do it. Say you didn't do it. Say you didn't do it. Kobe : I did it
  12. He he he ! I drink alot of water - I'm gonna need at least 3 Snapple bottles for one piss ! I had to get off the GSP and ran in the woods and let it rip !! But while peeing - I thought I got bitten by a tic !! so I freaked out and went to the doctor next day . But wheeeewww it was just a mosquito bite. Peeing in the woods is dangerous !
  13. I said I don't read her POSTS. I can go back and forth on REPLIES to my posts. She actually remembers my last post and still talks about that !! STALKER !
  14. Do you have some sord of problem with me or my posts ? You don't like my posts don' read it. I don't waste my time reading yours.
  15. When you drive down to the shore on the Garden State Pkwy and you missed the rest stop - Did any of you just pull over to the side and pee in the woods ?
  16. What a dumb thing to say. YOu know gay organizations send lobbyists to Washington D.C - so they can get breaks in civil, healthcare,employment, housing, marriage laws work in favor to their side ? EX. SOme tranny in San Francisco sued her employer becuz they didn't want to pay for her sex change operation. GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS. This ain't just about sodomy.
  17. SO guys it's ok if your GF said " I fucked that guy from work last night but since I love you and we're in a relationship -it's cool right ?"
  18. I just fianlly realized that she's a piece of shit human being. She's suing her former manager - The man who introduced her to Puffy, get her on Sony and break into the music biz. She wants him to cough up the rest of her money and they were friends for like 5 years !! Money before friends .
  19. No the real question you should be asking is : WHY DO GAY PEOPLE THINK THEY'RE SO SPECIAL ??? They expect special treatment, special laws made just for them, they got their seperate party scenes, own cruises + etc.... Gay people are predujice against straight people too ! I used to have gay friends - they used to laugh at how straight people can't dance have no style ! lol
  20. I don't know his GF too well . Maybe she does okay it. He thinks either girls put up with his shit or leave. And I guess his GF decided to put up and shut up.
  21. I don't think he does this becuz he's into "alternative lifestyle" I think he's just being an ass. And he tells his GF so he doesn't want to feel like the bad guy. ANd his GF says " Oh okay !" Maybe he got attachment issues or something - he says he must have sex everyday and that what his girlfriend is for. NOTICE : He did not say he's has a GF becuz he loves her he said it's becuz he needs a girl to fuck on a daily basis.
  22. Yea that's what I meant. Just caring about and fucking one person
  23. I don't know why his GF puts up with his shit. SHe must have low self esteem. I thought the point of being in a relationship is so that you don't fuck other people .. If my man did that - then he's not my man.
  24. Dirty old men stare at my sister and me ( But I just usually get the dirty kind) I think it's soo fuckin rude. I wanna go up to them and say " What the fuck you staring at ?" It's usually the ugly losers that can't get any pussy.
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