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Everything posted by lollie60

  1. WEll he told he's been with 80 girls ! - is that high or just average for a good looking player in NYC ? I used be close to a well known dj and 80 girls I bet is just his monthly average - is that high ? or just normal for big name dj ? C'mon now ! I know many guys who go well over 40 ! SO if that' an average for a guy - why should it be high for a girl ?? Not that I care - I didn't fuck them but it seems 80, 40 or even 100 is no big deal to men - and they expect girls to say somethin like 5 -8. DOUBLE STANDARD !!
  2. it depends on how old you are if you're in your late 20's or 30's and you count everyone including your teenage sex sex partners - it adds up over the years. let's say you fuck 4 diiferent girls or guys a year - and you started doing that since 15 and now you're 25. 4 times 10 = 40 ! 40 seems high but not if you divide that by 10 ...lol Oh and why would a guy get intimidated by high number of more than 10 ? Most guys have been with more than 10 women
  3. 40 is high ? What is the appropritate number a girl should have anyways ? I think men wanna hear that girls have been with less than 10 .
  4. Strange - this one guy I've been hangin out with keeps stressin me about that .. I dunno what his probelm is. How are you gonna get mad at someone for their past sex partners that you don't even know ? silly I tell ya
  5. When you ask a girl " How many guys have u been with ?" Are you trying to figure out if she's a scank ? And if the number is high - are you gonna judge her ? Me - I don't ask guys that nor do I care how many girls they fucked becuz what they did before they met me don't matter.
  6. yea we are !! Just that some girls are better at covering that fact up then others ..LOL !!
  7. even if you do the same move - it comes out diffferent when you try to do other's moves You shouldn't copy others. You should just watch advanced dancers for their technique + etc..
  8. let's say you have a gf,bf,wife or husband - instead of hanging out with them - you go out with your "new friend of the oppsosite sex" - and u expect the significant other not to get mad because that person is just hanging out with their "friend". Does that sound fishy ?
  9. If you have a gf , bf, wife or husband - is it cool to make new friends of the opposite sex and start haniging out with them like you're single ? Ex. - That married girl + NJDio - why did she think it was cool to be friends with a guy when she's married ??
  10. types like me ?? yea I bet you know all the male strip joints thanx faggot Oh okay - it's a nice nite - I'll squash it Sorry - you have a nice nite too and Good bye.
  11. What's the matter sweetheart ? Did Fabrizio not let you in the club ? Don't be hatin just becuz no girls sweat you.
  12. how long does it take for men to get it up for the second round ? That last guy I was with - right after he came - he popped right back up for round 2 . DOes that mean he really liked me ?
  13. Fabrizio is not gay right ? He's yummmmmmmy ! Damn - men in NYC don't loook like that ! How about Massimo ? He sord of looks like the man of my dreams ...sord of
  14. lollie60

    sexxy doorman

    Breakfast & Neil !! HA HA HA ! LOL Did you see their shirts ? not even funny !! There these 2 dorks with internet.com money If they came to NYC - they 'd get sucker punched in tha face then robbed ! LOL Breakfast ...LOL Oh and it's funny how all you Miami peeps say - SoBe is dead becuz New Yorkers say the samething about NYC ! Hopefully Crobar will liven things up ...but to us in NYC - it's played out over here too ! Maybe we should switch places !
  15. she's beautiful and all but her face looks like a face of a 12 yr.old I don't find that sexy. She does have nice eyes though.
  16. are u still girl hiring bartenders ? Can I come apply end of next month ? I gotta grow out my Rod Stewart haircut first .
  17. lollie60

    sexxy doorman

    SoBe has some sexxxy ass doormen !! I saw Massimo Rizzo (Level + Pearl ) on the travel channel last nite and - MMmmmmmmmmmmmm Yummmmmmmm ! The doormen in NYC don't look that good ! We got trolls over here ! And Fabrizio Brienza is something too ! Hopefully he'll be coming up for Crobar NYC !
  18. Stupidest song ! The sad part is girls in NJ call up KTU and request it and tell Gumba Johnny - how they think this song is soooo funny !
  19. I'm not trying to attract men with padded bras ..lol but - you know T&A are typical baits . Golly - I wish more guys thought like you.
  20. I lie - I wear the Victoria Secret padded bra - which gives me a beautiful cleavage that guys notice and make them come over and talk to me. But once the bra comes off ......... the cleavage illusion disappears that's a lie too right ?
  21. whoa - I never thought of that ! since you said it like that - my insecurities have disappeared ! Whooooooooooooosh !
  22. Look at Playboy - most of them are blond w/ implants. Then How come Hugh Hefner only dates blonds and put them on covers ?
  23. oh yea ! Mirror is definitely Good !
  24. In U.S - you gotta be blond and have DD implants to be considered to be beautiful. If you go down to Brazil or rest of S. America- men don't even look at the tits - it's all about the ass !!
  25. I like to peep down between my legs to get a glimpse that meat going in and out of me. And then maybe I'll up look at his face/eyes ...sometimes. But I really enjoy watching the cock go in and out in and out. Damn sometimes I wish I had a rearview mirror down there
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