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Everything posted by tasmaniandevil

  1. 1.Is that a roll of half dollars in your pocket or are you just happy to see me? 2. Can you take my picture? 3. hey...wanna dance?
  2. Comeon everybody......lets SING!!!: ...........It's-beginning-to-look-a-lot-like Christmas!!---------Ev--reeewhare I gooooooooo.......
  3. wasn't the grand opening two weeks ago 11-22 with the burning man event??? What happened:confused:
  4. the best advice I can give is" Come see for yourself how you like it".....Whatever advice someone gives you, it's their opinion from their personal experience...which is limited to that persons personal interests, etc..... And you--being your own person, may have a totally different experience...as times change, people change, places change too, for better or worse.:-)
  5. what experience does crobar basically require? as far as age, profession, etc?
  6. tony humphries is da man:-) Heard him at the union Sq ballroom 4 the 1st time in person, last month:D
  7. what do u mean by unconventional...stripper? porn star? or similar:confused:
  8. Some people buy into this notion, this propaganda that school-a college degree is the only thng that would make you be successful in life....Society including parents, teachers, school officials, etc. help to promote this idea....and it ties into institutional competition prestige, financial gain, etc.... This could be a reason why students feel trapped because they limit their options because of this sort of brainwashed mentality... It's tragic!!! Having and open mind, being more knowledgeable about your options in life, and reading books like "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff" could be helpful.... and yes, NYU is too expensive!!! I took classes there b4:rolleyes:
  9. Dude...u ain't no lawyer...so I suggest that u make Like the Ghost u r and disappear:idea:
  10. Hey dude...I am a relative of that family....that's pretty fucked up what u did!!! I am copying this story to send it to them so they can give it to their lawyer to file another lawsuit against you for the maximum allowable by law!!!! I can't believe what a fucked up thing u did!!! We're gonna make sure the throw the book at you real hard, esp. for lying to 5-0...and I got your unedited confession right here...Start shitting bricks!!!!
  11. I'm unimpressed by your tasteless disgusting drivel that u try to credit me for, which only demonstrates what a sexless geeky fat hopeless fuck with no life u really are!!! to smithereens:D
  12. why don't u roll youself back to it, flip it the bird 4 me, and tell it,"ya can't have it back, it is OWNED by 2003!!@!":idea:
  13. maybe me if the Benjamins allow me:cool:
  14. STUPID IS AS STUPID DOES!!!! thank you.:-) Forrest Forrest GUMP
  15. I go a free turkey from the supermarket for spending a a certain amt....But I got no clue on how to cook it.....need advice, instructions, recipes, etc......cause I wanna cook it reaaal goood...like something gourmet......
  16. Sounds like a nice party.....HHMMMMM....I'd like to come, but I have to see what my Parole Officer says:confused:
  17. IF in fact this happened as you said it did....After rotten service like that I would challenge the entire charge!!
  18. that really!!!!SSUCKS!!!!
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