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Everything posted by patopeaking

  1. patopeaking

    US Open

    Go the crow eating South Australian !!! Aussie Aussie Aussie oi oi oi
  2. I had a weird dream about this last night so you reckon he does ?
  3. Great photos but pitty about the weather
  4. Last edited by urb : Today at 05:49 AM. Reason: Donald Rocks RickV rocks too !! Good stuff guys @ Eden. have a great night @ Sno-drift !!
  5. Happy Birfday Miriam con mucho carinos Pato xx
  6. She fucked up again today http://smh.com.au/photogallery/2004/09/08/1094530690653.html http://smh.com.au/photogallery/2004/09/02/1093939074310.html
  7. Being from Sydney I find it quite amusing that even the littlest unknown clubs in LA have the red carpet treatment and velvet rope at the entrance. Is this because the promotors are expecting that 'A list' celebs might pop in for a drink and a dance? All we have here in sydney are metal barriers adorning the pavement outside our nightclubs! And whats with the paparazzi and Canon 10D cameras with those massive lenses? Are they there to try and snap the celebs and there worst whilst off chops in a dingy nightclub or are they merely there to photograph the weekly punters? Please shed some light as I find it quite interesting
  8. Armin Rocked it when he came down to Sydney http://www.residentadvisor.net/showphotos.asp?ID=3209&PageNum=3
  9. if you guys are bored you can sign up to www.residentadvisor.net and check out the pics
  10. Viva Chile pendejos ya po come esto http://www.schultheiss-web.de/tourbilder/cuy.jpg but i have to say Inca Cola ROCKS
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