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Everything posted by lafemcaliente

  1. you know what? imma go kick it with alice in her friggin wonderful land and imma steal some of those cookies that make you huge, and then imma come kick ur ass and make you cry like a sissy girl.
  2. aww.. are you lost little boy?
  3. thought my post went through but it didnt.. i said sumthin along the lines of telling my sidekick nick jr to pipe down or else blondiebebe - gobble has no credibility, he's easy to ignore.. kinda fun too spragga - you love frodo
  4. - you wont win... i rule. gobble =
  5. this is true, but i like my way better so i win
  6. you a hoe skeeter.... im goinggggggggg
  7. jr? that was my claim to fame way before you kiddo, you can be my sidekick
  8. stoked? lol, whatta you a surfer now? surf's up doooood nah, seriously, pipe down, i toldju the deal...
  9. we could maybe even make the lines swiggly like spagetti, so it looks even more like lady and the tramp lol
  10. i know. that's why i got the callback and you didnt.
  11. i was supposta be in that video, jayz.. but when i was gonna leave to go my stupid boyfriend at the time picked a fight with me and argued how i shouldnt go because i would end up degrading myself looking like a groupie hooker chick. so im not in it, lol
  12. how did this topic turn to me and handjobs?
  13. lmao, yea ok suntan... hold ur breath
  14. that's what they tell me gspot BB- thats so funny, lol. gotta love those random middle aged men who think they can say ridiculous things like that and be taken seriously or not look like a jack ass.
  15. i got hurt on saturday, in the hospital all day sunday getting stitches.. and while i was there and afraid, crying and upset, i still get noticed and asked out by a yummy doctor. so go figure, talk about a silver lining
  16. you're such a baby. do you need a bib for that line?
  17. who am i giving the handjob to? hehe
  18. well then come hump me real quick... sheesh, u need an invite?
  19. you saidddddd (i betcha you even know what color without me telling you....)
  20. i was just sitting here, hackin, whatever.... and then all the power goes out, comp goes off, lights go off, and im sitting here alone in the dark. i am afraid of the dark like badass, i was scared as fuck! stood against a wall for a minute til my little bro came with a flashlight. damn storm.
  21. oh no worries, we are back together... things are great. i heart gabo love lady and the tramp lines and meeting in the middle
  22. does anyone get nervous when you talk to a guy/girl that you've liked for a long time? it sounds so fifth grade but i felt all fluttery and silly when i was talking to this guy before. ive known him about four years and ive crushed on him for so long, so i guess maybe its just the buildup from then to now? havent felt this way in a long long time, its weirding me out but its nice at the same time... anyone else ever get like that?
  23. omgosh like, gee, how did you know that? hehehe, you are so like smart and stuff, that's so totalled crazy. i like, have to go call my friends and tell them that this kid, totally smart guy on the internet figured me out. that was like, all sorta and creepy and junk. you are so good.
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