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Everything posted by funks0ul

  1. so if we start getting the server is too busy messages, we know who's fault it is ?
  2. i just came into the thread to see if you'd say football instead of soccer...
  3. whens irina coming back to the chat? or jenny....
  4. yeah, both were blonde...
  5. how long have you two been together?
  6. http://www.weddinghair.com/
  7. graduations suck.. i wish i skipped out on mine.. instead had to wait for like 800 names to be called before I got up and walked across a stage only to sit back down again...
  8. seriously.. i was waiting for christopher to die the whole episode...
  9. did you get my ims over the weekend?
  10. uh oh, is haze in trouble?
  11. just don't go quitting like smokesum/gotmilk/headpusher b/c you don't have mod stat anymore..
  12. awww there there!
  13. i was going to go for summer classes... but after 2 semesters of working fulltime and school fulltime, I needed the break...
  14. i saw the last hour of the show, but was pretty good.. the judges were kind of annoying though..
  15. http://search.barnesandnoble.com/booksearch/isbnInquiry.asp?z=y&isbn=1592402038&itm=1 FROM OUR EDITORS The Barnes & Noble Review An unexpected bestseller on both sides of the pond, Eats, Shoots & Leaves is British journalist Lynn Truss's entertaining anecdotal history of English punctuation. A former literary editor who must have wielded a formidable blue pencil in her day, Truss is one of a handful of admitted sticklers who actually care about the proper use of commas, apostrophes, semicolons, and dashes. (Yes, even in emails!) Yet she writes so beguilingly, it's easy to forget she has an ax to grind. A publisher's note and an author's preface address the subtle differences between Anglo and American punctuation, but (happily) the book retains its distinctly British accent. Yanks will love the references to chemists, shopkeepers, queues, Brit pop culture, and both houses of Parliament. Anne Markowski
  16. I'd have to agree. This thread reminds me of a book I'm currently reading, it's called Eats, Shoots, & Leaves - The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation
  17. i don't like that bump's up at the top now, b/c i keep scrolling down still, and then i end up in drama..
  18. The cans were recycled for 800 dollars, an estimated 70,000 cans: 24 beers a day for 8 years.
  19. but doesn't sugarnspice use your name sometimes too, b/c one of you always forgets to log out, and you guys share.. that's like 2 new mods then...
  20. don't you need the poll to vote? or are you going to count all the yes's and no's yourself?
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