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Everything posted by funks0ul

  1. lol definitely know the feeling.... you've been coming up with some very dgmodel-ish threads lately...
  2. African American 10% American Indian <1% Asian 23% Hispanic 10% White 58% my high school
  3. African American 13% American Indian 0% Asian 5% Hispanic 28% White 54% my first elementary school
  4. % of students receiving free or reduced-price lunch 1% for my school
  5. at first i was like damnnnn barely any white ppl.. then i looked at where the school was.. nuff said!
  6. i remember in either kindergarten or first grade there was this kid in my class named jack, I kept calling him jackass cause i had heard the word recently or something... at my first elementary school in the cafeteria, we had this stop light... where when the light was green, we could talk, but if it got too noisy, they'd turn it to yellow to make ppl quiet down and you'd have to whisper, but if it was red, we couldn't talk, and if you were caught talking, you had to go sit at a table by yourself...
  7. There was a Richard Head when my sister was at high school..
  8. i remember in 7th grade, the health teacher (she was also the gym teacher) had to teach us about sex ed and that stuff... so here she is telling us to practice abstinence and all that ... while she's unmarried and pregnant.. that caused a bit of a stir...
  9. my gym teacher got fired.. too many complaints about him touching too many girls the wrong way.. mr gordon i think his name was...
  10. http://www.fcps.k12.va.us/VirginiaRunES/ I went here... African American 2% American Indian 0% Asian 8% Hispanic 2% White 89%
  11. http://members.rogers.com/dscrimshaw/images/Hallowe'en%202002/Steve%20the%20sentimental%20pirate.jpg
  12. Thank You! wtf is up with captainbooty and all the 's he's using...
  13. lol but it's funny... it's like this confused quick hello...
  14. some ppl are just stupid.. like when ppl say my last name.. they'll add letters to it, or rearrange it.. it's like do you know how to read? it's not that hard... i had one teacher in high school... he was a moron, the first day, he totally fucked up my name, called me premier.. where he got that from? I don't know, apparently he said he couldn't read his writing... but after that... when it came to me when he was doing attendance, he'd just look up to see if i was there, and go on to the next name...
  15. most ppl, on their vms, i hang up right when it comes on, for yours, i wait for you to say your name! oh, and we never had to sing from mary poppins, even though I sweated that movie when I was little... I always wanted a bag like hers...
  16. http://www.moono.com/celebz7953lol5464/profilepics/790_p.jpg
  17. i figured you'd try that either way the night went...
  18. just for that, i'd probably try to make sure you'd have a miserable time
  19. but say you went based on what someone else said, and b/c they said it was good, you assume it's good too.. say you end up going and then think it sucks... would you still base your opinion on what others said? i mean hell, i watch movies b/c ppl say it's good, so i'm like aright, this should be good, i watch it and then think it sucks... i'm glad i was able to come to that conclusion by myself...
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